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Advertisements & Notices

... £ ' WOR T AXD -v ,.itioN - ?? -e1: e- A, -i - m,. - s C. Ligt., 1B J H ?? * 1 t tier Agati:Na.t 32:;3iy . . .. .. 1 1C r3 ps Attf Ain4 Ge, qiyof Irelae. d g P D W Jovee. L Dt. M mioimaip , 3 6 Cab IaesXte Boofor lgU .. .. 10 GI A ltiRepedtane. . ZY-Mrs dwar4tes 6 t 14ev~en Y-s Etes. By J a y cla . S 0 AVu~t LV Ron eddlt 4 AXmwso, LL D 5 C ?? ftnm Vie W s of 3 B Posey ?? C6 The Hool; ofall EfI ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? M emoriam Cards at Eaton's; only suitable patterns kep in stock. 200 ?? ihs and Trench patterns, toseleo from. The largest assortment to select from is at Erton't Urgent orders printed at shortest notice. E3tone' Photo-Mor- tuary Card6, a sTeciality. Patterns post free on application. hi aud S E&toD. Statiouers, &c. 49 Dame street. Dublin Mdenor;ani Card&: att Flynn's Stationery Warehouse, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... JUBIAN WATERPROOF BLUCKING. NUBIANC WTERPROOF BLACKING. NBT rN- WVATERPROOF BLACMING. ; MAN~ihb >WATEPPROOF BLACKImN. : !Vc original Selt Slhning P3elackn gires in ?? with rotbring. Oneap icati a will last a msek ti rnyrli, mud, oitsnow. Does not ill- |jre the leather and is free from id. Is a laicusel hi re1 nisit, atd lhas a WIndrea uses for renovating 3il r.e-th'e -codl;s also resommeneder ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1M5 Wtjon n Card a* E aton's; only stitable patterns Rep Iir. r ltth arietiests English an d Freuch patterus, to selec ?? 'fre largst awssortmeut to select from is at ?? t :7ts:rders 1r ted at shortest notice 3Fiaton's Photo-Mor- istWsrdi. 1stls-lality. Patterns post fee onaliplieaniwe. .3t d S E*ro'. Satiouer S&c. 49 Darn e street. De Ulis 'T W,'ALLt.El: klireral Requisites of every ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC NOTICES. A I E' TY T H E A T R E, W Plr If C JARR'FETT'S Conpaiy of Anieran Sl iusoical aton I); anatit Artistes. Yr JOTIN F SH RP IDAN. T~llS EVE:N INc (Wednesda;y) M.lay 23, (at 8), Thc ; a.rmnoury .successful .tlsieial-ComeZey-Oddity, i FUN ON TIlE BRISTOL; ( Or, A NIHrT AT sEA. ArS pe rfoied by this (Compariv over l,.01 eonspcutiva of Press in 1c0 I 'reted Sate., the Caluir's. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC NOTICES. ~~~GA I F T Y ?? -G 'itl~i .VR1:qG (Ash Wednelday) I There will be no P.ctfiinlce., TV-1MOgJ:WOW ('Tibriday), Feb 8'h (at 7.PA LASW X,'E zaHlT:4 of thb 111aa Sucesdfl Pantomlie, LITTLE REPL RIMING HOOD, .,1'rrLTME 1 lPERP. AND BARiLEQUIX BOY EL.M. One of the most ?? Pantomimes ever pro- r: fiin D:4olrz ' El.a -Alr DAlY NEXT. Feb ltb, Benefit of MNi W PEMSIIVA' NI (Clown). ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LITTE R9 A TIN HOOD, Z LI ?? ANDhi)ILZQJI OYd at 7 UL iisO ,n sSie, lt C-.ip Free'!l '; I u½ Wonderful Chddirct ; Superb (ot.. Ca. 1r')gistisdle11t-s; flAUtiful. Scenery; Charms- it-ry Drakgon; Dein'ous ; e Bs anvce: ?? 'aq &r. OCowiled Hoissoq. Deli,'slted At'- Bist thr.d Clt s o li~e t Iraed-' Ot- OIAN Cl-lsSH r-sPNTOiMI Lii DICK 'WHITTINGION - Ansl hiii4 DIMMOSTATl VTIO\IAS' S-s- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ij OPBITTERS ARE the PUREST, CHEAP&tST, and BEST BITTERS 11Op BITTERS E-VElt MADE. 1 Qll~~~Tey are compoundod Sroru ?? rIT-ERS HOPS, E UCH U, .MANDKA KE, JjOP BiTTERS PO)DOPHYLL!N, and jJOP BITTERS D.ANDELION, ?? olslest, best, and most val-n F OP BITTERS able medicines in the world, and . ucontain ?? the beet antl most cars. OP BITTERS tive propertieq of all other Bitters, 1 Mb neing the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... BLUE RIBBON MISSION AT DREW MEMORIAL. l/lEETINGS Everv Evening This Week, at IY.LHalf -ast Seven o'clock, for Adults only. 'On Saturdtay a Children's mestiug at same hour. This (Tuesday) Eveninu, brief Addresses will be delivered by Mr. Mackenzie, CE.; Rev. Wmn. 3M['KeauRev. Mr. Kershawv, Mir. Fisher, and Rev. ,A. M'Kinlay. The Choir will be under tle leader- 'ship of Mr. B.T. Herring, and Mr. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LODGING S. APART 1ENTS. ,ziit ?? for agitri or A tN~o.- lntjtiie at I t1w, sc-uicv, Antrinl,' ~1oad. 1, A5ztut0 13AllNEG-1ROONI itod iSED [lOOM to Let, U]nfurnishoed, Antrino [lo-ad~c-veuielittto tram, no fiitioil, butii; very houilthly- \ XN .11 and BEDR100311 TOI) LET; wvohtl sot-. I tO cc-; goerl c-iit lion; no cri ldroti.-Apply, Iv t, Vu j IlO 1I' , ctifrtb iriwi -.el IEDIIOOMt 'I i zr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LjOST. rViEN SIIILLINTGS REWIBNARDV-LOST, ou .I *20th iust., a sinaI] Green PARlROT finder w.ill receeive above rewvard on returnin snme to awnuer, Mr. D. Alleu, , l'rincess (;ardens, Univer' tity Street. 17514l S TOsEiN Ol' WASH3ED AWA.Y, from the Pel rt of KCILLX'LEAGH on Saturday Yight, ?? Septemnber, a buiell PUNT, 12Ct. longl by *lft. hi.n beam, aud abouit 211. deep; varnlishedl yellow, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I LOST. T osr, on Wednesday Evening, 5th inst., a L ROLL OF MUSIC betwee'n Jordaustown Station and Great Victoria Street, by way of Shore Road. Finder wvill be Rewarded abt 14, College Gardens, 15040 LODGINGS._ , N E:Li)LrLY LADY residing in a pleasanlt A locaity ncrr Botanic Clardens, would share a. comfortable HOMiE w~ith It l sdy or twvo sisters. Please apply to ?? 14982,Offce of thlis ...