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Manchester Times

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... -DEATF 01 MR. JOHN BROWN. 'Mr. John Brown, who had been for meny ?? a, ~personal attendant of the Queen, died sudden at Windsor Castle just before midnight on Tuesday. The cironmatances of his death are somewhat singular. The last mission he performed on behalf of Her Majesty was an iqnuiry at The 'isabex'y with reference to the reported attack upon Lady Florence Dixie. He drove from the ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... I THE LATE MR. CHARLES LEIG1[ Cl.RE We regret to have to announce the deat~ni,'I Leigh Clare, which took place on Friday wltltj B .. dence, Park Lane, Higher Broughton, aft.n'e6 extending over several niontlhs. Air. Clare Ws e1J of Liverpool, and was born about the vear l85t 6 father was Mr. William Clare, who waL f 2.i h in business in Liverpool as a cotton brok aa'eyn died only about twelve ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... -BIRTHS: I Attain--rOn tehre 28th 'tilt.,' atf New0hans; Whcifle Range,;.the Bxeoc-uthe: 27th tilt.,, th fwfe of John. 'Benslon,2, DenmarkRoad, Moss Side, of a son, 'stillbortfn.B IaRaWN;-On the 6th March, at Maroles, Provinoe 'of Sergipe Brazil, the wife of, Robert Brown, of a daughter' Wu~aas.-Gn. tfhe 2nd inst.,. at 'Aeacia, Stamford Road,; bury, the wife of C. F.. Zno of a daughtlert Prrk ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF THE QUEEN O' MADAGASCAR. d A telegram was ,on Monday received at the London .e Missionary Society's office which stoates that the Queen I of MIadagascar died on July 13th. Order aud quiet r prevailed in the capital and the central provinces. e Qneen Ranavalona Ir. succeeded to the throne of L- Madagascar on the death of Queen ?? on t April lst, 1868. As she was known to be in favour ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... *&tIJ0 : gtaga, ubf 0* -- : 0 - E ; . 7BIRTHSB.- : 5' . ,: BRoe.rXn0a thle 11t 'ilst. at Wardlelh, Balgh, ;*olton the wfe o T aoilS5H. Brown, of adaughter. wife of d . T ahier AW A aon. I inet.atP~thE~a~A !hOO.m~y h, the wife ofW. F. Fishedr; of a daughuter. ej,4)i' ndV -the-10th. ?? 'at Oban, * of3. a~tg.HgS~,.-,Of a son. ?? Othe 9th liist.,at Gllnovr PErs, Boltou, the ?? of - ?? ?? o . . 0 ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... THE-LATE XR-. PETER SPENCE. We regret to hav'e to announce the death of Mr. Peter Spence, which took place on Thuisday, at his residence, Erlington House, Soymour :Grov, Old Trafftid. Mr. Spenog, who was in his 78th yeer, bad been in failing health for several months. The deat'h of Mrs. Spence. inFebruary, was a severe shook to him. From that timo, althouglh not suffering from any specific ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... I|- - 365ttbo, JAl f4 eB, aubn 3Dztat. ?? . | 'BIRTHS., BoTgA..-OOn the 4th inst., at Brookside, Levenshulme, Ma.- chester, the wife of Mr. G. Bobliam, of a son, Bitoww-On the 3rd inst., at Orkney Vill, Parsonage ERad, - Withington, the ,wife of Tbmas W. Brown, of a son (stillborn). ?? 4th, at the resdlence of -his father, Moordleld, Withington, the wife of Edward Melland, of a daughter. RILEY ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... . ,, f, ?? , .~igf, . nb, 3Et j.. BIRTISM LiNes.-.O thc 16th ust ?? at Brookicld, Falloviuneld the vIRI of ~Charles Scott Lings, of ., sonl.. - OiIDLflESE.-On the 12th inst.' at 'Gladvillo, ViotiAOKPerk, the wife of iS. Nordlinger, Esq., of a son. OLTvHR.-70n the '3th inst., the wifeio fra Ohiorof a '-eon (stillborn) . -. ; ?? MARRIAGES. Bjrws-PssPuiac.s.-Febrlary 1st, 1683, t St; Mary's, Moss ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... L-on ~tbe 22nd inst-; the wifeof Thomas ne, Grove ?? .House Rochdale, of a son. -- ; . - rV t su,&i,.On the 27bth inst., at Newrton Cresent, Chapel. tvia:;d, Leeds, the Me o ark. Marshall of S son. MARRiAGES Cail:-BaoThX.--On -the 25th iust.:, at Moseley ,ParSsh . Chuirch, Birmingbain, by the Rev. ?? HL Colmnore, vicar, Alfred'Clark, of. Teresa Road, Camp Hfill, tol Ann Bqrton, Of King's Heath ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... I 3- SjttfiKtagt, anb 3RgS.1 Ani BIRTHS. DEiAISAtx.-Onl the l4thbinst.; at Heathfield, Lansdowne Road, Didesbury, the wife of J. K. Dearden, of a son. . JAcasN' On the 18th April,.at Hill View, Rusholme, the r wvfeof Fred.-.1: Jackson, of a son. La MafliApral 15th, at Garstang,. the vwife of the Rev. E. be '.Le Mare, London Mjission, of a daughter. . Macot-On the 18th'inst., at' Cairullield, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... B -T ,-.n h IRH. Brxtsx~;On the25tbh'.inst, at~ ,Th'e. ?? Avenue, the wife of- Js ,WrayBrewster.o ?? dapghter. 'Damy.-On the- 22nd inst' ' . j , FaUowdeld, the **ie f Oscar D)rey ?? Hearw~g.~, the .25thi ilast :at' Fingarrf, Milton oS Catapsle:. } near Glasgow, the wafa of -.chn Hunt. of i on.- - - the 23rd last,, the wife of . 'ta.-O f a'da'uthter., cf e Kqeow, of, mrra~:on th .20t inst, ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... .'BIRTHS. - ?? B=LOw.-On the lth It., at ThOrnchle, Wilmel W, th wife of Frank Barlow, of son. MARRAGE. ' ?? the 13th inst., at the Parish Church, Walsy, Cheshire, by the Rev. ancellor Espin, D.D., Henry James lfr;ed .Barbre, of Bahia' Blnuc, Buenos 4yrkes, eldest son of Alfred Barber, Eastrop House, Basing, stoke, to Agnes Ashby, eldest daughter of Walter D. Pritt, of Sewhold, Liscard, ...