... .LTrLRATUt U Rev. JosenphS. qEe!], Edibg T. & T. ki,. r MA. Tre iee fulerprete-r this moath con T. ofr wich arQ excellent, each after 1=wd kind. PRebenldai -u blhsaeA~ I a',- - om 'm siThl Brentl' he of our LFnSA MNvin aiusitons to them in writers posterior to those in New Testamnentl for two or three centuries. ' j ustifcation of the workA,- h& says ?- rhe inquizy is by no means one op e i±5 ...


... |. M1 L NOTES. I I IFirst ?? esiae ofth week wkd the of the RosaCom y a the Court Theatre, which so, ar he i- ~.cwd.4 Camm,` rtana and fl TO- Dvatore? To-night 'Mignon to-omorow Ma¢wn, and on Sstmday w-ln Bohemian Our and 1 Somnambiuta Wi complete -the itie se of operais The tedency is. o eommon i the caseofa particular opera b> ffi eo a Epartictar singger, anto igote,. services of the ...


... inL - - Tm.EA TkJEs TirE failure of Nadletza at the HAYMIAIZKET happily affords no ground for the conclusion that audiences in these days object to a bold and unconventional treatment of a serious theme. After all, evil passions are the great sources of tragic interest. To exclude these fromn the domain of the dramatist is simply to limit the stage to the pretty commonplaces of Berquin and ...

Published: Saturday 09 January 1886
Newspaper: Graphic
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 973 | Page: Page 12 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... -I-- - - - ?? ?? .. HARPER'S presents us with a very effective number for the first month of the new year. Mr. Bodenstedt's engravings from Mr. Abbey's drawings for She Stoops to Conq'uer are admirable in their reproduction to the eye of the roystering country life Goldsmith has here so admirably.depicted.-Mr. S. G. WV. Benjamin continues his attractive and instructive paper, Domestic and ...

Published: Saturday 02 January 1886
Newspaper: Graphic
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1405 | Page: Page 8 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 

New Novels

... III- ?-,IL Ntur AMC , A NE\w novel by Miss Thackerayis a pleasure that does not come every day. She, at any rate, is not one of those who fritter away their power by obedience to some supposed necessity for turning out some nine hundred pages of fiction every year. As the natural result, the finished style of Mrs. Dymond (t vol.: Smith, Elder, and Co.) would suffice to give her latest work ...

Published: Saturday 02 January 1886
Newspaper: Graphic
County: London, England
Type: Article | Words: 1093 | Page: Page 21 | Tags: Arts & Popular Culture 


... MUSICAL GOSSIP, (FRoM TtRUTH-] DR. FuAiSm LISzT has now fixed April 1 as the date of his arrival in Engtland, and be will re. main here about a fortnight. As this will be Liszt's first visit to London for upwards of forty years, he will be lioised to the utmost of his heart's desire. But although he will be present among the audience at concerts or his eomapesi. tious to be given at St. ...


... L I T E R A T U R E. O Soxos oY TA'Ie HEsGUT8s Ae7N Dzcrs. By the loen. itoden Noel. London: Elliot Stock. TEic 1t2test work of the lIon. Roden Noel forms au excellent example of the most distinctive school of modern poetry. It would have been impos- sible in the earlier hittory of poetics art in this country. It is an eseential outcome of modern life and latter thought; it finds itsroot ...


... A BOOKSELLER OF THE LAST CE.,'1TTUR T. PUBLISTIERS, like other mortals, illustrate the scientifi lawv of progress. In; the middle of the eighteenth century John Newbery wrote, published, and sold books, had a haid in thne production of sevcrai 2suapers, and was the sole aent ?? the sale of Dr. fames's 1evecder By the selparato-n of iu!CtiouS which maiks the course of evolution his successors ...


... S YL VAH AT WiTiER. EVERY department of nature, however small, is practically i,?tP The more a man works at it the more does he find how m1uch1- still left to work at. Mr. Heath's own chosen department is very narrow one; and yet what a wealth of varied interest he ' extract from it and to impress upon his readers HI is PlarLictI1at 1-i consists just of our dozen or so of English forest trees ...


... THE ROCHD'ALE DOG, POULTRy, AND PIGEON EXHIBITION. Yesterday was ?? in the Cedtral Mills, Rochdale, the third annual exhibition promoted by the memsibers of the Rochdale Dog, Poultry, and Pigeon Societv, and it will not close until this evening. The entries number over 1,000, and the competitors were from all parts of Lancashire, Yorkshire, Cheshire, aud other counties. ?? of the anim.ale and ...


... MUSIC AND THE D.RAMIA. (FROX OU 3WI, CO.RRESPONDENST. ) London, Sunday Night. The Duke of Edinburgh, at the concert of the il Royal Amateur Orchestra last night, took hlis farewell of the London public as a solo violinist, i c at anyrate until after his return from the com- mnand of the ?? Squadron. It has been stated that HisRoyaliEighness^.vill appear t o more in public as a soloist, but ...


... THE COURT. Osborne, Monday. The Queen drove out yesterday afternoon with her Rtoyal Highness Princess Beatrice, attended by the Hon Horatia Stopford, and went out this morning actora- panied by the Princess. The Earl of Longford has left Kingstown for England. Dr Dean, R N, arrived at Kingstown yes-. day from England. Captain Croole arrived at Kingstown yes- terday from England. Captain ...