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Advertisements & Notices

... AGONIZING. SKIN DISEASES, A GONIZING SKIN DISEASES, A GON-IZING SKIN DISEASES, Agonizing itching and burning Skin Diseases instantly relieved by a warn, bath with CunLciscA SOAP, an Exquisite beautifier, and a single appli- cation of CULTICLRA, the Great Skin Cure. t'his repeatvd uaily,with twoorthreedosesof CUTICUAi RaSOLc;ghwT. the New Blood Puridier, to keep theI blood cool, the perspilauun ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AUCTIONS. THIS DAY (Tuesdav\ AUCTION Cm' SrPERIOR HOUSEHOLD F=RNITIZR. And other Valuable Effeets. AXES - HILL A ill hold Usl usua. J ACIXTON On TEIS ]DAYF {(Tesday). M ay 11th, 5I86, At 12 o'clock noon s::arp, An immense var'ey t i Valulable Aisttque and glrdernm HOUSEaUL l!R'tI'ltE And other desirable lots. Chiefly consisting Of the fooviwing, viz- Large quantity of caiceolarius, uschias, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SMALLa PREPAID ADVE1{TIihEMBiNT5 OF 1SrthATIo:8 NVANrITY or \'ACANr, to far or WN7a'rt o to RiENT, Looomis Wv.NrvoF or to L r, ]B3OA.) ?? or 0,1 VAN ,o 1iTSI-rISUIS \W.NrIjA) 01i tir SAI.I, Are ?? ait the folloo1l04 ratec, bit only 'aO-loni Prepaid:- 20 M'Orids4 G11, Or SiX for 2s 09. 190 W\ortir Is, ot Sit i.r . :r l)t Words ii; 1A, or Six for 7s Md. Tile atddre.i; comtetlel ?? plrt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... :. `.Cwrraza iards at VEteons;thelaaeestassortment. - ?? .:t ELaon s;alples cent paos tree on aplii- tt. ?? U' 311.'C-L, i':C3aDct, and :Arst rin rqualitv, design, J'r arc 3t ibaton -; lrinh, Engl~sh, azzd Pzr'tcx; patterls; L;S ?? asaspecianty; Cnurca Porch L:ll:o ;,rus iiS grc~at varietvy; h~otice of, J)eaths' n~t j, i a ?? 2Aon') Office Anv ouncernients -ellt ,tr ?? C u p; 'h ann tS aton, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? A COOKE, Auctioneer and Valuator, begs to state that he continues toasakeliberaleashad- nagces on Freehold ?? Interests in Lands and Houses, interests ini Grocery, Wine, and Spirit Estab- I ashmentK, and on all kinds of -Merchandise or Chattel Property that may be transferred or consigned to him for hra fide Sale either by Public Auction or Private Thereareslw2yson hisbooksavariety of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... .^vN.VASSER; wanted by a leading Life AmnSaee Cem- Lbpany an energevic Cauvasser for Dublin and suburbs. ldcmas 3589. Ere Office. vz% ( AbbEild every town and viflage in ire- 4 0Ild for the Dublin University aeview and other pope- lar Irish publications. Address braly, Brvers, and WALker,C Pubisher, Dbln. ' P2680 dA BoyR ird ?? gent qmck at -si* nall progesaive salary to one with ...

Advertisements & Notices

... --PPOTfTJ3NTS WA=D. OUiG IGe f gooda nc aD address,wishes . y ?? ?? r 'on A tat; moderate sty s ed; thre yeas with last emaployer. 696-i fee-an Oce. km yOUJG Sdtr firs0 .Nzeived At class education, k wid l osa tion at somxe ut, Fancy Busi- ee s r out bEdor; salary no object; country pro- !errsd Addms144,Rreema Otffir& aik yOr,, rong, country Girl wants situation as General j &rvant, is good ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE~ LIET O011 SOLi). rrp PR ERT, ONT TU'A*XP FOR YEVrp~, T 111IhN IROUPI.). ~n Ne~vtovwII~krdIi~ :i~. :t'i ?? i;tv l,t ILL tot~ri-!r of Albertv llrid1. ''oten Newlowearik, Road. Aavat the~ N,-lvsTJ,qr t)Iiee; o 1), Fr1DRK. J. FR..;hEIt, Civil Ericinecriklod Aucititeel, 154, II UIt, TO I V2 I' I, ft-, ?? treet;, first- (-lIam1 !!oCT10 `i w iv hiv 'n-A 3iClIL 11our. ,A!lp . 1, Co-II )1Ii ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LN MIenionam Cards at Eaton's; the largest astcrtinenI ILt city is at Baton's; samples sent past lr4e oh appli- tatio;thenewesa, cheapest, and best in quality, design, miii, areat Eaton's; Andh, iinglish, and I trentni patterns; h5toii' hoto lortuasay Carms a speoiality; g aur~g Porch uad Oratory ridsin g -reat vaperi ety otice et Deaths .'rnertl, and (Menueto Mcmi) Office Ansonncepoentas ent ...

Advertisements & Notices

... sunineanmnasiniu INFAN TILE SKIN DISEASES INFANTILE SKIN DISEASES NFAINTILE SKIN DISEASES F,1or clean' trig t~im Sfits trd Scaoll of rirth s ' Vn, 'i ;k ,Iii ' of ?? isis. I 's~i,,ri Milk Ct ltit. hi-,1 *is'i. ro I ii 11 \i t ,,,ti CS,vu.5CII,,ot ?? A ND 1AiERDiiAifl HUUMOURS ANTD 'HEREDIITARY HUMOURS A Tire Rio'. E. UnneRer 1a'rune''cnan I~ssg ri sin Lot 101 ?? 115.1 lAbIL, XVho hs;id Il:iii ...

Advertisements & Notices

... (GiENtlAL.\1. AS EMAl]. (ti YT. i:( t; l : ?? l t'iI A R.l'I .I.ISl ?? ViA[ Cli S . i i .1i'i1. 11 D It m p Ie' t.lfu tio ese. ' . ! a i; l ,1 tiz i l.l llrtll ,, I b1:1ll; i1 AN C I t U R LE Y, .l .:1 , 'A r LUL .\ND I E'D TOC1i 1' () () 1' $ LO'X l.S T l'lil;i.s lll 'SI l.]'IIGIOU ; 1l0.\(A' ANCD O( 'il LtT 18, , A. &ELYFL, & CO. FusD;Czi foi 1F ici Pu eios. ] I.usre~i aed al;I ' i.elle anl ...