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Advertisements & Notices

... llI rqVI, rancie on e ay of applicntlon without bond Mon vote of li IIito farmers, dairymen, ca. oivrr, iouaseboiderf anall reepautalle borrowers; sktirh a~lgtE die4tavie no ob'iecioo. Appy 9iff-titS. l .afF Bruiswictic b% Dublin. ; p8139i ts4 O'i.!Y AdvaNcOd w all classes of' respectable bar- .Lr. cjers atnnoerate chartges by the OlE Established a. ?? ry, Ic, SOiices. SOlRoyal avenue, Belfat, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... X PUBLIC NOTICES. GA I E T Y T H E A T R E. Mr Michael Gums begs to announce the re-opening of the above Theatre on MONDAY NEXT, 1st August, Wh 'will hesresented for the first time ina Dublin the fardical com ety enttlted DANDY DICK, Bv A W PINERO (Author of The kagitrateb,1 and Tne School- mistress.) this most successfnl comedy has been played nearly 200 consecutive times at the COURT ...

Advertisements & Notices

... APP0.MTh7ME2'S WANTRD - VSBDWAP.E od FancyaTrade; youngMan, oover4% j [yar'ears'sperient to abo~ve; wnts t . situation; has a ihorough knowledge of the bulnsnes; highest referene. Addre re ...

Advertisements & Notices

... APPOINTMENTS VACANT 1 ScaParintf erringGasrdiandsar; mustdo bne alelti d Tas Indoor Alppreitice to the l'awrnbrolcing Iiuainess; le~teraltvfflte. _tpplitsfnt must apuply in his otli hasd- ssiin.rlt1913. Freemran Office. In -VAIAN; wanted a Steady, strnatv ~o a i& as av0e; IrI u st ha ve go0 cd d is charges; a t ?? 1e6rwiillI :,et a prcicrence;. stages i7s 6d per week. Apply per-- eorrell? enoi ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TOIJRIST SUJITS. We are nows Sellirtg the BEtFAST Cc-lid tto [s. and ethler Irish rjsreeds. aa 4,s the hsl. 'fhriese (joods are Ihith, Porouis, ana verv Dulrable. CORNHIlLL CLIOTH CIOMPANY,. CAoSTLD PLACIE. B1ZIDGE STRBEET. COAL ! COAL!!v COAL!!!? T3HE ATiSRIM IRON OR:E; CO., LIMiIT:ED, Are nowv regularly importing BE3ST' OP.RELL, LANCASHIRE, AND HOU3 )S E C OA L. W~hich they offer at lesrest ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SMALL PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS 0? S1tr vTa1r;S WAsNTrD or VACkA T, HousTRs to LEr or WA-, TrD to RENT, LoDGIXGS WANTED or to LET, B'M> WANTjTED or OFFFrED, YI-S'F&wFS- VWANTI.D or for SAt. AaEr1CLi:s LoST or E o, cIr§C1IC ArTICLES WV.NTrED or for SALE, Pasv~n-es-snIve WANTED or OFY~nED, Are inserted at the followving rates, but only when Trerpaid:- g '0 Vords 6d, or Six for 2s 6d. 30 TWrans is. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE LET OR SOLD. Ff0 BE LET, ON LEASE FOR EVER T BUILDI-NG GROUND wi Newtownards Road and Brysor. Street; also at orner of Albert Bridge Road and Newtownards Road. Apply at the Xrecs-L stter Office; to D. FREDR. J SPILLER, Jr., Sohicitor, 29. High Street; or, J. FRASER, Civil Engineer and Archicect, .; 7 Victoria Street, Belfast. 59-33 TO BE LET OR SOL33 Tr1O BE LET FOII A TERM Or YEARS _ J; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -- - AUCTIONS. I THIs DA Y (edneSday). flOYAL CIRCUS AUCTION ROOMlS, .iA- 11 mod 12 BACHIELOR'S WALI. SAL ; BY AUCTION, At the above Rooms. THIS DAY (Wednesday), 20th July, 1887. A portion rf the STOCK OF THE IRISH L1NEN AND LACE Who are1COMANZY, W~ho axe relinquishing their business at Belfast, cornprising- Irish linens, haallisonie an-ti laborately designed Swiss wnd oriental parloar, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S N-I-- ?? Vt-Tfrc ?? ?? OF( 01[.Vio¼' TH-AT I A11 .1U1 h. .aj birk.. ,-P outt in I:owfl' ?? 'r ?? i?7a , .L- 't 'I rns .,ndr Coloa?. ,, ,; ti- 6 f e? 4t irtrlaeed. TBhit2e and Fan'y r T ' i' HnA' CUT LEY. d P AE TIL E 0 R J U TL Y 9 SKD, PIN, EPK BRO1DNRED ?? CL AM. AIND WEITE CANVAS CL OIES: :YiRS.CAMBKPICS, GRE'TADINES, AND ?? -.i It. U ..i A D = 0 g ST XA N, NN 3R EIGH STREET, BEELFAST. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'T 3 E LET OR SOLD. rap- LET. 44, GLOUCESTEIR STREET; ILcentral, commodious Rouse, in good order; hayloft, two-borse stable, and machine stand sttsehed.-Aippiv- at 43,. 1.2 752 ?}PRINCESS GARDEN'1S, The Plains Ca-3join- tro-ie reception uan eight bed ?? Gab~bey, Hope Street. 1:> LT.lrare roornv91flOPwit'qrWELL- suitable for any kind of retail business-; asyltndaa etitwation; rent ?? 21'Iirby, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE. LET OR SOLD. THE: ALBERT£ HOTELJ, CAFEi, AN'D 7] RESTAikURsANT,J 92 Asrn 94, HiIGH STR1EET, B:ELFAST. B 0 BE L;ET. THI'S CENTlRAL AN1D COBI- B3 MODIOU;S H[OTEL and RiESTAUtJRANT.- It conta:ins on the ground floor elegantly iittsd-up B~ar, wiith Bar Parloor. Kitchen, with la~rge Ilange arid Grid, P3antries, Cellar, A-c. On tihe first floor spacious Commrercial Room and Coffee in There ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SMALL PREPAID ADVEfTISEMENTS oP Snr ?? WAc-c±?n or V Hlousrsa to LEa or lWAT1ED te OP.¢T, IOsDGIN WGeANTEoD Or cO LrT- IlS)ARD NVASI :D or Orrl:Rr-:D. Jl;STNES4--:S V s-IsiD or for S.ur. Axtin-Ic.Eas L or Fez-nD PenIFai,- s-nrc-iI WesoANT71) or to SA.LE, P2nNZYk'rS TSm, A N~ orOI V lr: Are inse:tea at the following rates, but only when trepaid: W0 Words 6:d, or SiR for 2s 6d. 31i WVords is, or ...