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Advertisements & Notices

... P'LC'NOTICES. A I E T Y T TE ATRE. The World-Renowned G '_ilL ROSA OPEilA COMPANY. TD7 S EVENIN'- (Friday), Auntst 26th, at 8, ThO5VATLO1'1E.3P ~eonardt. Madi M~arie Doze; Count di Luna, m,\r a SIedieurotyv, Heir, MlrSomrns; Ferrands, Mr Camp- ( bull: Ascena, Mfiss Marlin Burton: et, lmiss Kate Brew;, and Mlanrice. Mlr Franicesro Rmondo . Conductor. Mdr S i enessens. C To-morrow (Saturday), ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE LET OR SOLD. O BE LE'1', O-N l EASE FOR E',BR Tl BUIIIDENG CGROUIND.,.n Newtownarus Road at.d Bryson Street; aiso at :orner of Albert Bridge Road and Newvtownards Road. Apply at the Xers-LEetter Office: to D. FtEDE. SPILLEE, Jr., Solicitor, 29. High Street; or, J. FRAl ER. Civil Engineer and Architect. 11a; Y etoria Street, Belfast. :908 UILDING GROUND. TO BE LET, esltuated near Donegall ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WATERPROOFS. ,JyA'TEle1fiFtrGAIPLVENTS .4iRE INA 1fi.)r dleo2,ril just nm/0. 1 bace it orood 6Sto(,k at re'iy .nodrefle Prices. farrnaiss andi Kegulotuti CoastS (ii stil! eiskd to.-. Ladiis an!rli.s tr7 z Sruit: Or Jlade ,o t)r~lcr. 11.78 FRANCIS CIUJRLEY. TZ H -- -'LADI E 'S F-I'l7 1D0-RIUT1£ AUTUM r-N NOVELTIES ?? DOL.MANS, TISITTEI, ANT) JA'CKT.ETS, IT T-rJ 0TC-TANS, FRISE DO1A-NSe C_ t ( ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SMALL P1REPAID ADVERTISEMIENTS OF S1Tr.rIOrSS Ts. ?? or VACANT. HeistsrI tO STN-T OD orTE o Hut US o to J, or FANTED to , EXT L-COtINGS TL.ANTED or to LET, Bo.ArV WAr}.D ror Or7 staso. Uii INs-i IP ANTED or for SbLa. ART1ICLES 110270: FO1 CN:o SP EecIL Au-Lxri5 Wrinr or for SALE, PA::rrr.t>E~nir 'dANTIE) or OEero, Are inserted a; the lohoilouug rates, but only wben Prepeid:- £' 1 oris Od. or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WATERPROOFS. f7ATFRP.ROOF GA4RMLENT'S E -IN Y tzr deinzand just wtOLt. I have a good jt.,e at tery Stoderale Prices. Inverness and 17gulation Caos- are slill aekedA Jbr. Lads LCLoas frotn Stool: or M1[ade to Order. ' 11Y7S FP.AN'CIS CURLEY. UMBRhEBLLkS. OR A GOOD UTMBRELLA TRY THE F 31MAKiER, MORTIME R Who will gaarantee his SILK UMBRELLAS- Ladies, Ss 6dc Gent.'s, 10s Gd-to wear botter thuz ...

Advertisements & Notices

... APPOINTAIEXTS WANTED. . s iE'ERAI, Servant; steady, settoed Wotnan wishes vlrTi~uacio_ as General Servant in busi)ness house; un-er- sian-s nmanagement of young men,; no objection to small washing; good cook. Address B V, 143 Great Britain Mtreet. p5902b Cl ENEERAT, Servant; young Woman wants situation; is G)gooJ p i cook: wrould undertake small washing; lonlg and saui'.li tory iiseeharges; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 2 jPPOINTlENATS VACAVT- I A ^C o;o wanted a Junior Hand,whounderstandst Sac facygodscsid;he must write a good hand, a nd be capable to keep accounts. State reference to 6707. Free- aan Office. eg G Eial, Dranery, Ready Mades, and Boots; wanted Gan Assistant for a countryv town in the south; muist he ushisg anid a careful stockkeeper, and strictlytemperate. ad dres s 6 87i, Freeman Office. lb r ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AUCTIONS. TI'iS DAY (Saturdaty). :SALE LI AUCMION OF SUPERIOR HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE Astd other Valuable Effects. T.#IES HILL will SELL BY AUCTION, In the ROy ?? CIRCUS AUCTION 1OOS. On THIS DAY (Satuiday), Agnust 27,18S7, At 12 o'clock 'ltuo, sharp, A very Large aud Extensive Assemblage of re:dlv Superior FURNITURE And other et-iradlle Effects, %nd chiefly composed of the follo ing, rviz- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE LET OR SOLD. OBE LET, ON DB'`ASE FOR EVER JI BUILDING GROUIND un Newtownards Roa and Bryson Strect; also at :orner of Albert ME Bridge Road and ?? Road. fla Apply at the N~ews-LeItter Offiee to D.FtEDK. am SPILLER, Jr., Solicitor, 29, High Street; or, p1e J. FRPASER, Civil Engineer and Architect, 1l5j-, 'Victoria Street, Belfast. 5303 DILDING GROUND TO LET, near Done- gall Square, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WATERPROOFB J7A TERPROOF GARMENT''S ARBE IN zfir denzahrdjust now,. 1 have a good Stocr/ at very M5ktoderate Priees. Inverness and R'gunlatiorn Caves are stilZ aske(d for. Ladies Cloaks from Stool; or MJade to Order. ll- FRANCIS CURLEY. UMBRELLAS. FOR A GOOD UMBRELLA TRY THE MORTIME R, Who will guarantee his SILK UMJ3IBRELLAS- Ladies, Ss 6d; Gent-'s, 1Cs Cd-to wear better than the College Silk ...

Advertisements & Notices

... THE HOLIDAYS. The-CORNEILL CLOTH COMPANY offer | fdecided inldueements at present. Some ine ; Snitines, formier price 4 guicas, are now being cleared onat at 3 guineas. Surge and Tweed . 5nitings, 45s. i 8, CASTLE PLACE. UOL 9COAL V 900 Vk . TEE ANTRIMI IRON ORE CO., LIMITED, Are now regularly importing BEST ORRELL, LANCASHIRE, AND CUMBERLAND HIOU=SE COATS. Which they offer at pr2ices, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 8XIALL PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS OF' SITLATrONS W.ANETD or VACANT, 3p, to TrET or VWANTED to REXT. I flO\l(. tNVAN TitD or to Lizr, 16IAUilD WiA-'l'1:1) Ol' OFFTIRE:).1 PriSINl:SSES '.;NTI a or for S. b Au;TrOLJs LrSror F=OzaD. be S -soC1ir0 A-r.rclcs WLE5 V, c or for SALE, Soj PAPT-0i -eaip' WdANTi' oD Orrc: s i0to Are inserted at the toliowing rates, but only ?? Mle Exapaid: - I1 tD Wor1-s 6cl, ...