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Advertisements & Notices

... AUCTIONS. SALES THIS DAY (Tnesday 1 SO THOMHAS STREET. Desirable Business Premnises, best position in the street. Immediate Possession. SALE On THIS DAT (Tuesday), 15th October, 1S87, AT One o'clock in the Afternoon, - IN, T AM E S H. S 0 B T H'S U ESTATE AUCTION ROOMS,. 110 GRAFTON STREET. The Most Dtsirable Business Prelises known aS No. SO THlOMAS sTREET, Held for 37 years unexpired, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SCHOO L, LESSONS, ElTO LtoRTIIAND; Sloan-Duployan ; JIU11Sloan willstend, i~ reeperparelPost, complete course of lessions, con l0 Wlaing, full ittstt'tittioies, beautifully lithographsed. for, Bs 9d. 16 SouthamPton Nqw, London. ?? oINOXNO Lessons; WViiheiu's Shortest Method of Reading SVocal liusic taught at Own cc Pupil's residence ; terms J moderate; Evenings, 7,to 10. V J. Son,,thwecil, 4 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CTL EICAL FROCK SU-IT, - 1 ? OATINJGIS Jr JiI p8 ,1'mtjaI)p'/d r ji Suit. erpin7r (teta t :&o-,i ,Zii quazraterd infl 11973 FRA}N(CIS CURLEY., 73. Tigi Street. EN GLISH HOTU'SE COAL DE.LTVERED. JOHNN 'MILLIGEN, Steamship Owner and Coal Imparter. 55. DONEC .AiLL PLACE. Tf 7hnrf.-4Ai1rrf Qua~r cad rt puf7 l7?~t'f. Brt;sf7' ii'qnu7 aS- - f Thr ?? ' f' .iQ.t Talent PflC 5Th9. U-1 17.150 . . , F ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - TO BE LET OR SOLD. 74 YDENRAM. convenient to Sration.-Superior ctt-stone Semi-detached VILLA, -ith gar- -:in, good spring water. rent moderate, to Let on 'st Novetnbor.-pplv to M. M1iGonigal. 1 . Donegall Street. 18945 ?? 1F house, newly done up; rear overlooking Antrim Road; bath, close range.-A. Crawford. 10. Arthur Street. SBORNE VILLA. Osborne Park.-To Let., 0 large, semi-detached Villa, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLIC NOTICES A AIETY THEATRE. G For Twelve Nights Only, ITALIAN OPERA, Under the direction of Mr J H Mapleson THIS EVENING (Mkonday), Out 10th (at 8), CARMEN. Don Jose, Signor Petrovich, Escamillo (Toreador), .4co'ir Del Psssnte; Zuniga, Signor De Vaschetti; II Drco.irO, Signor Caracciolo; II Remendado, Signor In: Jldini: Morales, Signor Bieletto; Michaela, Madl~e Rltaiti Bult; Pasouita, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MISCELLANEEOUS TORBE GIVEN AWAY TO THE READERS OF THIS PAPER, 7,iOOO MIAGNIFICEN-T SCRAP ALBUMIS._ XiTE have made special arrangements to present, i' entirely free of cha ige, a maczijilcett Scrap Ilbinr to r verv reader of this paper app: ting for our ,and BonUs Prize Parcel eittiti fourteen dcays. Every red w ill conain a chartming 'Scrt13t Albumt, having a r-rv elaborate cover, bratifbully ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WINTER AM-AN! A TrctTl IS i DIRECTED BY TniE CORNHILL CLOTH COMPAXN Y to a11 oSl-rw; 7 thi-s SFAS', OV ERaCOOTINo.S 1 al C rraraoLse:neC1t1 being 111k or inead ui ifc ?? 1 3.ltlloalca-.s ll ,.GtChE1tHflCP1e1;1S. COAL. COAL. COAL. THE A-NTNJIMI IPON ORE CO.. LTIMITED. Ar'e now regalarly imnporting Best Orrell. Lanea- shure. cumberland. and Scotch HOUSE COA LS, _Which they offer at 7wt'..t pjr ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SALL PRE3P AID3 A DVERTISEMENTS OF SITUATIONS WASNTED or V,;ACANET. HOUSES to LjET or 'f¶AN:ED to RZENT- LMonor~wS My;ASTZr or to LE,Z PO RED WVANTED or OFFERED. £ BUSIN ESSES WAN-TE.D or for S ALE, A A1RTICLES LosT or FouxnD.- SPECIF1IC ARTICLES WANTED or for SALE, PrxtiTmuZcS ,IIPS WANNTED or GibEaRED, 1 arc inset-uS Zat rho faflewiuri rates, but only al-hen n Prepalad-, 20 W\ord s, 6d: or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... puBLIC' NOTIC2E AIE T Y TH EAT ATRE. For Six Nights only. MRS. BERNARD-BEE RE. supported by the Entire Company from the S Opera Comique, London. THIS EVENIlNG (Monday), Oct 24th (at 8b First time in Dublin of The Great London Success, AS IN A LOOKING GLASS. obi ?? by P C Grove from the famous novel by C F C Philips. C Lbs Deavard ?? ?? nrs Bernsrd.Beerc agi TEH SAY NEXT- Masks and Faces ...

Advertisements & Notices

... to Bt LET oR SoLD. YDENHA3I. convenient to Station.-Snperior c eut-stone Semi-detached VILLA, with gar- den, good spring water. rent moderate, to Let on 1st November-Apply to 3. M'Gonigal, 16. Doaegall Street. 18945 0 LET. for 1st -Novernber, 46. GLOUCESTER '_STRET'ET: central. commodious house, with st able. hayFloft, and machine stand attached- Aplyat 49. 19432 FFICES. STORES. and STABLLNG. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... app OLVTMEA1VI' VAC LY T. ClROCZsjtss aiatat; wanted a 3 oung Ma ftrsse &t, time or part of it. Adidress 33.46, Freesn ;IR~Ea'S.Assistant; wanted a steady. 35ou117Man foe GUehiA p,;Itcounterl; none but vwhose ch aracter wivi neat tict ?? need apply, Address 3446, Freemaftfl1 Meetc. jI I flfiCEWS Assistarxt; anl actirn, steady Man wanted: LQjve rre.4tcce. Address 3440, Freemlan fiter. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AUCTIONS. CULLE-NSWOOD, RANELAGH t qost Important to Members of the Licensed Trade, Wholesale and Retsil Grocers, Parties requiring choicely situated 7-day Licensed Concerns, and Others. AN D R E W J . K E O G H, Lk Successor to the late MICHAEL CROOKE. Has roceived instructions from Mrs Zlizabeth Nowlan, - vwho is retiring frin business, TO SELL BY PUBLIC AUCTION. On FRIDAY. the 4th ?? of No. ...