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Advertisements & Notices

... W3AILL PREPAID .&DVURTZSEMENTS I SITUATIONsis 4'Yif0Oi o TAOSANT. Hou-es7~ to LET a'1 IVA a'tr to ENT LODGINGS WANTaD t~i to L BOARD WANTED 01O ci ?? Btsi-,nssLs XW A.'.rao''j toe SATLE. ART1CLIL5 Loer~ ?? (:ND. SPECIrIIC AL-tTICLES IVANTED or fuo SALE, P LrN~rtu1S V'NT D Or )FFELREFD, kare inserted at the t a Asate> bat only when 20 Won s ClI fi oi. 2Is Cd. -0 Wrica I 01 ci N Si~x lot 'i d ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MVISC ELLANEOUSJ *4N AS BlOUT)3 jjt4ASi,^ | Si;2S ASD BLOOD pISEASES. C ,_R.A J~l ,ED BLOOD MIXTUIRE . ,rasteed ture for all blood di I 'LS ?? otnt5 searching blood l be, vet dibcoored, anrd it will oree the 05 t Lil known blood peison5 , be to vni al, vegetable, or mineral. It is waited te cure thle hworst forms of Skim Plu es, and Ertuptions, &l5s' o1 cadiiC Swellins, Scrofulous and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SMALL PBEPAID ADVERTISB3ES1-T S SIE -ATTONS Wk IVN 'D or VACWnNT. HocsrEs to L-IT or VI IATED TO R UNT. Lun)Gcyn, WtA-Yl I) : to La>, BOAlcc, WAa TE Do. OH .'TR't1% RUS_T',ISS AN\TL~or fur;SALEt.O bracenoi Ait-rtwa'~ \V'-XTEDa no- for Siatn, Dc Pxr-iaac-ulp. I t. ?? OPIOIHED. are inserted iv~. i rat~-, hut only- when Wo ?? C1; or O~x .01 -SC. ~ ?? flt Six fo 7s Fri. The dL ?? ?? A:m ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SMALL PREPAID .LDTERTZBZ3ESETS OF SIrTL.ATTO1ta \ VA-,n E'D or VACANT. ROUEsF to Lay7 or XX AiED T- Ducty. rsa-iaWAYMil) or to ~ OA R:D: A 2L - I or OFFEa it. Pt--orrfo Wo'Qc-. 1-: or ?? ,- t- -d Tlz rzs zi.rC rettc coz-~n'-tl to A-Ncr-o~~n t'en'a ol thCa-, ntt-: ti and nm-F be, 1'AI ?? Tile toW Po->at 0 dters t a ?? ?? ?? i-rn tt`n~ itta--m- of tlie-c Ad-t-p-.,niis. The, ane: C--ced br iO- o ...

Advertisements & Notices

... C(TERICAL FR0CKS SBUIT, i¶145f PLF-V7)1-DI P NA t EFLVFLLI CON IL. fksi C'0A y'r,-r7,S Jiii /i i.S ?? pined S reetllol:.1d qni/n7;s. 11973 FRANCIS CURLEY. 73. Rioh Street. THE CENTPAL COAL OFFICE, CASTLE MARKET. BF4T ENGLISH HROUSE COAL: 1 4/6 PER TO-N. 7P. H. (CH-ARLEY. YAP RS-A lert Quay. 1889 REAL 01OR1HEL,,L COAL, Best Quality of (caL imported - and SlPEP.IOR fNtiLISH HOUSET COAL. Suitable ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . ?? EGYPT, PALESTMYE. ITALY. SO7UTH OF FRANCE, spATN. ALGIERS, ac. F OR THROUGH TC1KETS FROPM BELFAST at lowest rates. Circular Tickets at reduced rates, and to Reserve Places in Sleeping Cars. Train de Lue, &c., and on Channel, Ocean, and Nile Steamers, app to tre OfEfcial Agents, ,TR 3$- COOK & SON,- 27 ROYAL AvEirua. Belfast *Prograrnmes of Palestine or Nile Tours. 6d each; for Italy, R ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE LET OR SOLD. RfHE FOLLOWVING PREMISES TO LET L BY THOMAS FISHEIR, v HOUSE AN-D LAND AGENT. 28. ARTHUR STREET. O'NEGALL SQUARE WEST;- goad OFFICESI D3 on first and second floors of Nos. 9 and 190; rents very low. I Si G5 o GRE-AT EDWARD STREET: extensive S0SHOP arn WIREHOUSE from 1st H Novem;3er; at present acoupied1 as a Seed and1 ' Farming Implement Warehouse. I, OUBLE HOUSE, MIoun ...

Advertisements & Notices

... I TO BE LET OR SOLD. TH3:E IOLLOWING PRE:UISES TO LET | THOMIAS FISHER, HOUSE A'ND LAND AGENT, J1 2a. A'RTHUR STREET. ONEGALL SQUARE WEST; good OFFICES | I eon first and second foors of Nos. 9 and 10; . rents very low. jj A- GREAT EDWARD STREET; extensive M g9 SHOP and WAREHOUSE from 1st 1 H November; at present occupied as a Seed and ao Farming Implement Warehouse.I OtUBLE EOUSE. Mount Plea ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ApPOInfffr2tYTS ?? S~SATWaiter; Wantad a young Mlan as Assistant! ASalter in a hotel.4 Apply. wi~th cop'ies of testimlonlali and sating agge, to 3978. Freeman Offiet. uwse wantd tan GeeralBusiess House in A~sitan, K. 55secnd and; direct re- fersreto astandforer mplyer; sateage and salary expcte t JaesDelne, ialyilan Aty.p329O5U nAND~ ASTR; wated Bandaste ?? tAry. ATE wasted a completent a~set ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PUBLC NOTICER, E T Y - T HEATRE.! G FOA THREE NIGHTS ONLY, I M~rt5ILBERT ELLIOTT, Supported by his t SpWiallY selected Company. *.*UJIS RVINING (Thursday). Nov 24th, at 8, By arrangement with Wilson Barrett. GEORGE 1H SlIMS'S Great Romantic Drains, TH1'S ROMKN'Y I{YE. Jack Hearne (the Romany Bve ?? Mr Gilbert Elliott Prices as usual, 5^, 4-, 2.s 6a. 2s. Is. and Ad. Box Office at Cramer's, 4 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE LET OR SOLD. ULRNISHED HO-USE. Lincoln .% venue, in F view of Antrim Ro.d. to Let on ve~y reason- able ?? to i1 -Kelvey & M Combe. Bel- fast 197 7 o LET. on Antrim Road. SHOP and DWELL- _ T NG-ROUSE: stables. and stores if required. Apply to E. Allworthy, 14, Donegall Street. _ 0 BE LET, the House. Grounds. &c., of c i BOVAG1. Cut miles from Aghadowey Rail- th -way Station. Countv Derry. ...