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Northern Ireland, Northern Ireland

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Advertisements & Notices

... OLYMP~IA. -. .1 do: oo-f (ui1NIMiAL CLOTH CO.17 THlE WINDSOR (V ?? r C r I 9t AND FAMILY TEMPERANCE J11 UT EL. . DO\NCALI. PLACE, EELFAr T ?? (.ieinrcii. (ee, moke an Stook M ,CAj5IAND. PRtOP'I3TOR. COAL. ~IJT'lAL OPIREL AMi) KXGLTSH HOUSE COAL. sH :lI'D NUTS. fr ev Cloie Rarges. ii4. QUEENS,, QUAY. U)A-'L .. COAL. COA-L. TM' AN 'i'.IM ?? :.E CO., LIMITED, ?? ii'iportiliil Best Orrell, Larice ...

Advertisements & Notices

... il/EDIP 1(,VT L E' DRIIIVIN( I I]L ' p.'; I .1 ?? N ( 11 AIO US ORDE,'RS ( r ,,its IrC e (iI'pvs Alp ex (1/y, ,:,o ?? V,, T t101 M0dl ,1t r 1 ('d11'qd'1 ,u'd I,@ 'pa, i I 'l't ?? Ie/n elwe).'. 2 1y', i'no ., ?? ?? I J/l., 1'LXNCiIS (1tURL1IEY, 13 H[LIGH STRELT. 264 T ERPROOF (G AIDMENTS. AMw. O13T1 LADIES' AND GENTLE- zL tII.MEN'S, OFrETDl AT NEARLY HALF LTST P1R ICES. THORN'TON &t CO-, ?, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE LET OR ,SOLD. T AREHOUSE IN WARING STREET, 1V wit ao, Goods Entralnce and Hois in M-are. house Lane; very desirable Premises, and moderate xent. XIV. HARTLEY & Co., 1917 16, JNarhing ret ?? Plains; two 8, rectption, four bed roonsi encaustiotiled }iall; Venrian blinds; very niQeO o1se; reut, 41 ?? Gabbey. 34 S TO L1ET, on Autrim Road, coilfortablo HOUSf, II 1T eighlt rooms, ke,; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'THRE13E G UINT EAS. A rawe of llae'dome Spring Su iti;ng, _ jC ?? rt this price by the CoreiMill Clotu Cinpeanly. 67C9 T';iL ULSTER ARCADE. CARPETS, &c. 1TE BrQ1 TO INTIMATE THAT WE HAVE v now received our NEW STOCK of WILTON, 310QUETTE. BRUSSELS, TAPESTRY nid KIDDER CARPETS, whioh embrace the finet P7atterns and best Goods obtainable. The New AFGHAN CARPETS can be supplied in any sie.; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TEfEPHONE. T':C Corni11i cloth Cornpnny beg to ijtimite At ! thiair utjwberon the Telophto]e)Exhiuge is S93. Thiey will be pleasod, upon rce~lpt tf c re- ftllert to (i, so, tI Oemt a lteowrsentctivo with Stock o: SauilOe, to noy Atdress in Molta-t or The North of Irdland. S7G9 ?? 1, I) I N G. ?? R. BRO, WNLIE1, VICTORIA STREET, *.flEGIIDS OLD FRAMIES WITH BEST Al , l~nghoiL GooRI nt very ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SIMALL PREPAID ADVERTISEMIENTS 01I 9,ITUATIONS WANTEID or VACANT. - HousgS to LETr or WANTESD to R;ET, LODGINGS %VANTFD or to LET,, BOARWD WANT TI.) or OEERICED, BUSINESS;ES \VANT r.D or for SALE, G Alt-riomLs LosTV or FOUND, th SPECIFIC A WtTICLES WAN' TED or for SALE, ee PArTNEIISJiIPS WANTED or O'FERElD, P Are inscrted at the follo1vwig rates, but unly to when Preliait i- o0 WVords, 6d; or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TO BE LET OR SOLD. SYDENHAM, BUNKER'S HILL. TO BE LET, GROUND suitable for Villas vTerraces, and WVorkers' Houses; convenient to train, 'bus, and tram ; rent moderate. Apply to THOMAS FISHER, House and Land Agent, 9043 28, Arthur Street. EGLANTINE HILL HOUSE AND GARDEN. 0T BE LET, with immediate possession, this T Detaohed HOUSE, with Gardiv Noe., beauti- fully situated at Win Isor. For ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SMALL PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS OF SITUATIONS IVW1ANTED or VACANT, HOUSES to LET or WANTED to RST, N LODGINGS WANTED or to Lier, TR BOARD WANTED or OFFERED £4 BUSINESSES WANTE'D or for SALE, AaTICLtS LOST or FOUND, Al. SPECiFiC ARTICLES WANTED or for SALE, A3 PAirTNERSHIPS WANTED or OrFlI,,ED. .;re insened at the following ratea, but only Bl when Prepaid_ CA 20 lWords, 6d; or Four insertions for ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'IN l l.:; -. i'ii 0 CtUwJSRS, 13/6. J I.,Ar iv' r SElz 1 V7 ERedALa I; ?? i/ fl.l. '('I1lt ( l t!s ' .diate a~t F'9.TS NC1S CUJRLEY', 7/3. ill:RH STI'EET. 264 . WI NTE'' I?. COM0FORTtS.. IU~ORN;ToN & (O. S HOT-WATER BOTTL1ES. lIIOlINTO(N & CO.S OVERJIOOTS.. tHORNTlONM & CO.'S OVERSHOES.. T HOR\T IN C;(OS PATESTr DRAU'GHT EY. ( .LU DEkI .iijORiNo &; ('YS WA TERPRIOOF GABl- '1 LNTh AN]) ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SMALL PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS OF SITUATIONS WANTrD or VACANT, hoUSmS to LF.T or WANTED to RlENT, LODGNS'Gs AVNTED or to L]Tr, BOARD WANTED or OFEIIEID, BUsINL'ssrs MV.NTI-D Or for SALE, ARTICLES LOST Or FOUND, SPECIFIC ARMICLBS WANTED or for SALE, PARTNERSHIPS WANTE)D Or OFELMED, Are inscrted at the follow1ig rates, but only whenl Prepaidl - 20 Words, G(1; or Four Inrsertions for Is 6d. 25 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SMALL PREPAID ADVERTISEHNIfS GP SITUATIONS WVAS El;) or VACAN7, ;50 HO'USES to LET or WANT ToD t ft2RST, t LOD tIN'lG NVANT1) Ur to t lor, , BOAIWD IVANTI;DTorD or OFI;Fi:FO B~uSINESSE' VANTErs) or for SALE, A AlTICLLEs LosT or FOUNII, I &. SPECIjIC ARTICEI, .S NVAN MD or for SU.X, C PAILTSPHS1IIC'~m NVAN-TEI) or iFED Cb Are i userted a t ?? 1ollow;ij g rats, br. yu r 'whenlPcyi: 1 1i 23 Gdr;, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'THR E E GU INEAS,' A raongc of 1.ndsome Spring Snitings . hswowa at tlis priceby ?? C10o0 Compally. 67CY AUTISTIC LEADED WINDOWS. I fEMDORIAL AND OTHER WINDOWS i£l EXECUTED in the lmost artistic and high- vtks styles. Speeial attention paid to DOMESTIC WVORR, WIVNDOW SCREENS, &c. GLASS STAINING and EMBOSSINGT done for the Trade. Silverel Plate Glass. for Mirrors ; and Polishled Plate Glass. ...