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... SHOCKING MURDER OF A WOMAN AT STRATFORD, THE ASSAILANT CAUGHT RED- HANDED IN HIS CRIME. [SUBJECT 00 . ILLUSTRATION.] SHORTLY after eightf o'clock on Thursday night a man named Edgar Smith, thirty-two years of age, a labourer, living in Vernon Road, Stratford, attacked a woman named Martha Clay, the wife of a bargeman, re- siding in Preston Road, on the Carpenters' Estate, at Stratford, with a ...


... WSTMI-STER CHAPEL FRENCH PASTEUR ON THE DREYFUS CA SE RESULTS OF CATIHOLICISM. A TERRIBLE INTICMTMENT. Pastr C mrnes, of Paris, a member of thre Socizta EVangeEane de France, and tho Rex-. Dr. Alexander, of New York, stave acdrosses in ?? Congregadional cbapcl, James- street, ~Victorra-strcet, yesterdav. Th. former occ-pied the place of ,;he rgelrahr ?? the jev. Richardl Westrope, at present m ...


... I A DEFINITE STATEAMENT AT LAST. Tn the course of a lottcr addressed to the editor of thie Monitor,' thc Rev. Sydney F. Smith, S.J., of 31, Flario-streeit, W., says It ix said that if anvyollne miglht spcak on the Drityftls east' Nitli arillority it isillt' Ithot is. I ?? Th'i ifl illteorret. 0 j'he cxtent of my know ledgi iart 'followvs I Iraleo i iqtirii ie to asmit'tail wihether' it. ?? ...


... ICILLED BY ROUGHs. AN ARREST AT BARNET FAIR. Lerkenwell police-court, on Thurs- ?? Jolh oroee, 23, a carman, of no h abede, was charged with being con- ed with three men not in oustody in '-'eltinr and rob'bing Henry Benbow ?? Id watch and chain, value 101., and go3ld en Aug. 30, at ~Albion-street, C~ld~nau rcd. heprisoner was further charged withbeing concerned flitis smemeninthe manslaughter ...


... JESTERDAY'S INQUESTS. I DEATH IN A. CAB. Mr. Walter Schroder hold an inouiry. yesterday, at St. Pancras-gardenr on the body of Thomas H. Watling, 22, of 6, Clerkenwell-green. From the evidence it appeared that on Wednesday the de- eeased went to the Sir Hugh -Myddeltoa sclools to remove some heavy boxes. He afterwards Complained of abdominal pains, and Dr. F. Maria advised his removal to the ...


... BARMATI SUICIDES. IETTrER TO A SWEETHEART. MARRI~ED MAN'S IMMORALITY. ~it-. Wynn Weetcott held anl inquest at the Hackney Coroner'a Court on Thursidsy, concerning the death of Emaily Miary Attn lirItee, about twenty-three years, a barmaid, lately employed at the Merniasid Tavern, Mare- strePet, Heck-nay, who commiitted rsuicids, en Awlttlay by taking carbolic Cciii while in a lirot-elnan ...


... WIFE DEF'ENI)S THE CASE. AMUSING CONVERSATION. ?? - - J-iniel ?? Sitnpsioinf Colark 's-bltilidrt-, ?? wils s1i ?? et Ilsl'-tit-Ot Pollhe l'ui-t oil WVeOirt'?'ly for firitimi to have his Illill velecilinetot. M r. IL. C, Jonies sulipuirt ed the stlillimons on behalf of the Gunrdians. of St. (tiles. 'I'li ?? did liit appear, hillt wsas represetited Iby his wifle. W'rrntrt-oilieor (lhonvil i, 0 ...


... M. GUIERIN ARRESTED. A COMICAL MILITARY DISPLAY. The F'ort Chabrol farce is at an end. At four o'clock this morning the garrison quietly surrendered, anid that brave patriot, il. Gu(rin, submitted to arrest. There was not, states Reuter's account, even a show of forcible resistance. A1. Cochefert merely intimated that force would be employed, whereupon the door was opened, and Al. Guerin ...


... I ?? I 1), ii ll l ei Y I L ?? I lel--.t 'l nIL i* *lt I *'ilt U un Ltt L4 I PL ti-h tII I . r I PI 'It P iIL- I IIt l t' I I 1I 1 ' ItO l itiit I IVI v, I I In LtII lit 'I ' ''i1 I!t i-iLIV; ' ti' lI LiII lL IV t'tt 'i I ' A I iiit II v ul - -i It' Px' I i 4I t T - Vl l I It tL i it I ii t I tr I t Iv:, l .t .i i il. ?? ' Ti, ?? itui. I'lli t illit'l 'Oi ?? Iii1 ii tt t ' Ii- Pii t tilt I ?? ...


... P O LICRAY OLICE. -4---AYS threeP.' -i_ - T 1k. Budcd, draper, to be s b- 1.0 Tottepham. He was withaittsniaptilg to obtain ofeste- Cook, Son, and Co., 22, St. I, hrchyard, 17o yards of silk Paul'5 ottu chy ~with intent to cheat by false Pre eoetecttve-serieant Thomas ehdd~u~ tha onAug,. 30 he saw the end stte d that M sB radhury's, and told hrimlie ats rmaking inqurie§ roepectin I theoser e ...


... NAVAL CHAPLAIN'S TERRIBLE DEATH On Wednesday Dr. Danford Thomas held an inquest at St. Pancas on the body of Arthur Walter Horne, aged 22, lately residing at 69, Holloway-road, Islington, who died in the Royal Free hospital from the effects of insuries received in a bicycle ?? father said the deceased was third mate on board a steam- ship, and at the end of August was home on leave. On Aug.30 ...


... INQUEST ON A CORONETS I OFFICER. Yesterday, at Lambeth, Xr. Braxton Hicks held an inquest on the body of William Hall, aged 65, parish constable for Lamuetb and coroner's officer for St. George's, Southwark, in the jurisdiction of the City of London, who died on Tbnrsd'ay.-Miss Emily Hall said the deceased was her fathur, and resided at 24, Pratt-screst, Lambeth. A oat six weeks since he saw a ...