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Lloyd's Weekly Newspaper


... ICILLED BY ROUGHs. AN ARREST AT BARNET FAIR. Lerkenwell police-court, on Thurs- ?? Jolh oroee, 23, a carman, of no h abede, was charged with being con- ed with three men not in oustody in '-'eltinr and rob'bing Henry Benbow ?? Id watch and chain, value 101., and go3ld en Aug. 30, at ~Albion-street, C~ld~nau rcd. heprisoner was further charged withbeing concerned flitis smemeninthe manslaughter ...


... JESTERDAY'S INQUESTS. I DEATH IN A. CAB. Mr. Walter Schroder hold an inouiry. yesterday, at St. Pancras-gardenr on the body of Thomas H. Watling, 22, of 6, Clerkenwell-green. From the evidence it appeared that on Wednesday the de- eeased went to the Sir Hugh -Myddeltoa sclools to remove some heavy boxes. He afterwards Complained of abdominal pains, and Dr. F. Maria advised his removal to the ...


... P O LICRAY OLICE. -4---AYS threeP.' -i_ - T 1k. Budcd, draper, to be s b- 1.0 Tottepham. He was withaittsniaptilg to obtain ofeste- Cook, Son, and Co., 22, St. I, hrchyard, 17o yards of silk Paul'5 ottu chy ~with intent to cheat by false Pre eoetecttve-serieant Thomas ehdd~u~ tha onAug,. 30 he saw the end stte d that M sB radhury's, and told hrimlie ats rmaking inqurie§ roepectin I theoser e ...


... MURDER X AT STRAWTORD. WOMAN HACKED TO DEATH OTlT- SIDE A POLICE-STATION. A man named Edgar Smith attiacked a woman named Martha Appleyard, resid- ing in Preston-road, on the Carpenters' estate, at Stratford, with a razor on Thursday, inflicting such serious injuries about the throat that she died about half- an hour afterwards in the West Ham hospital. Before her death an operation was ...


... I It tranupired yesterday that a/ - tardly attempt had been made the pre- vious night to wreck a Great Western passenger train, betweet;the Mutley and Laira townships of Plymouth. The Royal lines are used by bothI . . . 1. . . . . . I the South-Westernand Great Western railway. About seven on Friday evening the driver of a South- Western train noticed an obstruction on the Great Western up ...


... MUiRDER AT WOlthSOP. | n Monday at Work6op a iarm la!ourer, named William S. Prowell, noticed a leg and boot protrudiug_ irom a haystack in a field near the town. Es at once reiroved the hay, and carte ?? the body of a woman, w, ho proved to be Mrs. Brett. wife of W.illam Prett, of Worlwop, emnployed by 'l he G-,rcat C(ntral Railway comnpany. The head of the woman was battered to a pull), and ...


... Mfr. Haioeworth, of 2?64, Wfightinan-road, Lornsey, app aiert ?? police-court, on l'ridrva, ior assistance r t, a cing his dau9ghter Bertha. ?? esl'asted that the girl, who RS houms for berhlotit'.ye, left the house after brekliast on Thucsday, sa ying she would be bici in tire min utes, Lrening came, but sha didaot retu rn, and the servant stated that she hid lakes with ber as salpl rel, ...


... NAVAL CHAPLAIN'S TERRIBLE DEATH On Wednesday Dr. Danford Thomas held an inquest at St. Pancas on the body of Arthur Walter Horne, aged 22, lately residing at 69, Holloway-road, Islington, who died in the Royal Free hospital from the effects of insuries received in a bicycle ?? father said the deceased was third mate on board a steam- ship, and at the end of August was home on leave. On Aug.30 ...


... INQUEST ON A CORONETS I OFFICER. Yesterday, at Lambeth, Xr. Braxton Hicks held an inquest on the body of William Hall, aged 65, parish constable for Lamuetb and coroner's officer for St. George's, Southwark, in the jurisdiction of the City of London, who died on Tbnrsd'ay.-Miss Emily Hall said the deceased was her fathur, and resided at 24, Pratt-screst, Lambeth. A oat six weeks since he saw a ...


... Before ZMr Sheil at Westminster police-court, on Friday, the four meu, Wiliiae Clernoots, 72, of Rupert-court, Soho; Richard Scrimnilsv, George Scrm- shaw, and Janes Josephs were again brought up to answer resnanded charges of being concerned togetherin stea)4ug and receiving 60 doge.-Mr. Leslies wv appeared to defend the three prisoners last ?? court wan crowded with persons who had ...


... By order of President Loubet Drey- fus was liberated from his military prison at Rennes on Wednesday morn- ing. Prior to his enlargesnent the unhappy prisoner had been prevailed upon to abandon his appeal against the monstrous sentende of his soldier judges. It must not be supposed, however, that the case, with all its wicked complica- tions and sensational surroundings, is at an end. The ...


... WOBKSOP TRAGEDY. I NO31AN'S BODY EXHUIMED AND PHTOTOGRAPHED. The hearing of the charges azainst W. Brett and Ch arles (Jeorge Firench, .dias Tate, of murdering Jessie Brett, the wife of the first-uanaod, was continued at NWorksop on Vi ?? prose- wation ofloring no evidenca against Brett lle was at opue dischtrged.-Supt. Ha rrop gava evidonce as to the apprehension of pfrench at Liverpool, ...