... LLAVDUDIM POLICE OOUJRT. This court was held on Monday, before Mr HE K Kneeshaw (chairm.), Mr T. Barker, Mr Wood, all, Mr W. Jones, Mr D. Phillips, and Mr John Owenm THE STREET HAWKING QU1STION. 3 The Chairmian said that at the last court Hugh Hughes, Llangwstenin, was sumnonedl under the Inew bye-laws of the Llandudno Urban Councid 1 for selling victuals otherwise than in. a market I The ...


... LIVEKPOOL AND DISTRIMi POLICE COURTS. SATURDAY, SEPTEMBER 16. LIVERPOOL Before Mr. W. J. Stewart, Stipendiary NMagistrate. A Sneak Thief. Convicted.-Annie Jane Robb, a woman of disreputable appearance, was brought up in custody charged with being in un- lawful possession of a watch and chain, valued at £5, on the 9th inst., and also with having in her keeping, illegally, a clock on the 2nd ...

Bristol Police Court

... Bristol Pol04ce Courts e SATURDAY. t Before Sir Robert Symee (in the chair) and M r a Edward Parsons, I BECOMING PREVIALENT. r William Stroud, 60, was charged with being drunk 9 and breaking a window at Trinity road police station. e P.C. 153 A said that at midnight the prisoner pre- r sented himself at the station in a drunken state, asking for lodgings. Witness would not accommo- date him, ...

Bristol Police Court

... YESTERDAY. Before Sir Robert H. Symes and Mr Edward Parsons. TIIE WORST DAY OF THE YEAR FORl HIM. John Leslie Simmons, 41, is unlucky. He had been spending 14 days at HorfielU, and was dis- charged on Wednesday. Had he been let out on any other day all would have been well. But, as he told the Miagistrates, it was the worst day of the whole year, in fact he said, It could not have boen a ...


... THE MURDER OF COL. KLOBB.| FURTHER DETAILS. Paries Tueeday.-Further details of the murder of Lieutenant-Colontsl Eobb and his compaunons have been received at the Colonial Ministry. They are contained in a report by Lieutenant Cornu, the officer commanding the French post at DoEo, to the east of Ski. Lieutenant Cornu states that while making a journey in territory under his jurisdiction he met ...

Bristol Police Court

... Br'istol Police Court. I 0 YESTERDA1, Before Mr W r E. George and Mrr E. A. Latham, M STEALING P'EARS AT ST. GEORGE. DC gil 'Ailliam Rogers, 15, pleaded guilty to stealing pears froe the orchard of Samuel Phippe, Of Sum- fu merhill road, and doing damage to the amount of Is. I\Ir l, I'. Clifton prosecuted on behalf of the Pro- t pcrty Defence Association, and said that t he th complainant felt ...


... THE' CLAN 1rNDSAY. GATHERING AT HDZELLg. The picturesque village of Edzell was, on Satur- day, the scene of a gathering such as has not been seen in it for nearly 200 yearsj when a, great gathering of the clan-convened by the Lindsay Society-took place. The society, which was Iformed two years ago, has initiated this annual gathering with the object of bringing the mem- bers of the clan ...


... This court was held on Thursday, before his Hon- our Sir Horatio Lloyd (judge). A OIROUS MAN. Thomas Hutchings, Bryn Eiriox, Colwyn Bay, farmer, sued David Taylor, proprietor of a travelling circus, for L5, due for the hire of a field, the pro- perty of the plaintiff. Mr Porter appeared for plaintiff. A question of service of summons was raised by a letter from George Devey, who wrote that ...


... 'T'NIGNMOUTH QUARREL. Tue BOATMAN FINED. bay l\t Teignmouth Petty Sessions on Mon. Kat day-before a full Bench of Mcgistrates- at n Alfrod Pittaway, boatman, of Forester's. droi trilaCe, was summoned for assaulting and bealirg Albert Hookin, of Northumberland- place, on the 2nd inst-Mdr. Beal (Messrs. Friend, Beal, and Tarbet, Exeter) appeared for 'locltin,and Mr Carte-r(Toreuay) appeared fom ...


... ALLEGED BICY CLE TFHEFTS. Several further ch itirgos wer e preferredt at lilarylebone Police Court on NWedile.eda1y ?? the young man Fratlnk leLwio, alias JaiTes Jlore (lordon, described as la waitler, of Nevw Qxfsrd-strect, WV., who was brooght beforre Mr. Yenwick, tin reimnuld, charged with stealing a bicycle of the value of £5 belonging to H-. Trevor ilnd Si cycle ishers, of :Il, Elgsore ...


... At 2Nrowington (London) Sessions on Saturday- before Mr Loveland Loveland and a jury-the case arising out of the seizure of fruit at Liptons' Factory concluded. Mr William Shaw Car- michael, secretary to Liptons Limited, appeared to answer the indictment for possession of two tons of fruit, comprising Dutch strawberries, French black currants, and English raspberries, which were seized by ...


... London, Satrday. B I At. Newingtor. Sessions on Saturday, before Mr Loveland Loveland and a jury, the case si arising out of the seizure of fruit at Lipton's a factory concluded. 9 Mr Wm Shaw 0armichael, sertaF to Lip- b ton, Ltd, appeared to answed the indictment F for possession of two tons, comprising Dutch T strawberries, French black currants, and Bog- . lish raspberries, which were ...