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1900 - 1949
251 1900-1909




Grampian, Scotland

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... I I APPOINTMENT Or PROCURATOR- FISCAL. A meeting of the Justices of the Peace for the county of Aberdeen was held in. tihe Sheriff 1Courthouse, Aberdeen, yesterday forenoon for the purpose of appointing a procurator-fiscal as euc- ce.sor to the lstae Mr George Cadenhead. There f wa, a large attendance, and, on th motion ofi Uar James Murray of North Inveramsay, Mr I i Gordon of Newton was ...

The Court

... I lebe Z23ft Court. Osborne, Fridy. IF Her Royal Highness Princess- Henry of| Battenberg, Governor of the Isle of Wigh>. j| accompanied by Princess Victoria Eugenie and Princes Leopold and Maurice, and at- teuded by 3Minnie Coehrane and Major i the Hon. F. Colborne, inspected and took leave at Osborne yesterdav of the detach- I ment of the 56h (Isle of 'Wiglht Princess Beatrice's) ...

The Court

... I Zbe court. I s )Osborne, Saturday. I The Queen drove out yesterday afternoon, t, 'accompanied by Princess Henry of Batten- ,' berg. I Field-Marshal the Riglht Hon. Viscount; e Wolseley, Commander-in-Chief, arrived at k Osborne, and had the honour of dining with it the Queen and Royal Family. Colonel Lord William Cecil, groom-in- .3 waiting to the Queen, commanding the 4th e Battalion ...


... THE TURRIFF BREACH OF PROMISE OASE. In Aberdeen Sheriff Court yesterday, the breach of promise of marriage case at the instance of largar et M~acpherson, dgomestic .servqg. rprk B , gift~lJaes Moir,. crofter and cattle dealer. Netherton, Greeness, near Turriff, oon- c.ding for £100 dairaages, wass down-for proof. but it. wa inti.xated khat the case. had. ba ;' seled 1 defeider allowing a ...


... CULTS FREE OHURCH, A pleasant gathering took place *n a s h of Cut3 Free Church on Thursday nii'.b ciDi all the ladies and gentLemeri eaa cc -i. vattous departments of c'husuah work S d- School teachers, members of the choir, &izzn:'p iion Fund collectors, and members of tiw YO-e; Women's Guild-were inletted to ^a br liortosa' court. The haall, w.-oIUsely deccrs o' wi;:.h evergreen;s'and ...


... I OUR LONDON LETTER I BY JOURNAL SPECIAL WIRE. (FROM OuRJ OWN CORPRESPONIDE NT .) 5 NEW BRaius STPEET. Tuesday night.. No news has been published to-day which 1 bears upon (kneral Buller's reported advance t racross the Tugelki, but the absence of it iS generally construed to confirm the intelli- gence from Durban, that he is making a fresh a.ttenipt to reach Ladysmith. A similar s silente ...

Births, Deaths, Marriages and Obituaries

... DEATH OF MIR J. LEDINGHAM, FINTRY. By the death of Mr John Ledingbam, Fintry, Turriff district hls lost one of its oldest and best known public men. His death took place very suddenly on Saturday evening. Mir Ledingham the previous day attended a meeting in. Aberdeen of Justices of the Peace in connection with the election of a procurator-fiscal. He seemed in his usual health on Saturday ...


... IM MAKET INTELLIGENCE CORN. Lvarpoot, Tueseday.-Wheat steady. and moderite business at about Friday's pricee. Cali- fornian. 6s 4f to bS Sd. Flour, cats, and snes.- Small trade, without change. r..e firm. Old mixed Amerioan, 33 32d to Ss 9d-, new, 3s 7id to is 3d: River Plate, Se 9d to 3b 9d; Cicq um- tins. 4s 9d to 4s 9d. Peas. 5s 7d. SaDidi beans, 28s 3d ;o 23s od per or. Later-A quiet con- ...


... ABERDEEN CITY CONCEPTS, A large audrence aaiun as-embed ? t - deen city concert held in the \ius> HLi Saturdny night. Counneillor Booe. -cid s chair -aid, in hi5 cpeuilng renjarhs e-; -a 1 indebtedness of the Concert Coi-ror-ee to mernbers of bite Aberdeen Msfarnal Coie i had given their services w-ithont rect pes? any kind. The appearance of -he choirwz5.r h course, the feature of the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... T Tbep3y I@ h rel I'll dheL Small Small Small X X ITTUE' i g VER i |PILLSA bA I' ABSOLUTELY CURE SICK EADAC~k BILIOUSNESS, TORP90 UVER, INDIGESTION, I'Pill CON TI1PAT c, L Pre. SALLOW SKIN, rDose. FURRED TONGUE. ONE AT NIGHT. Apos go fgne thay are A R F UXe Th-e phyzician's Cu lor otPh!'ni ~~~ ~~Gout amld Gr3-ve1:tz safest and. DosOvt ergl. / ~ ~ ~ ~ m~~edicine fco n The Universal Remedy for ...


... NOET'S CORNER. THE SNOW )DROP, Prerty little ;nowdrop. Fairest flower thxt grows: s5-Wilsg fairy uptalil 'N\eiih the wilitel soTws. trj ,P:e. gratrefol iowudrip, N.,ddilzg ii the still; 'redling all who, pis you VrIte!-' raue is Itin. ptai yx. pore, wihite snowdrop, Sc ,nitig il the breeze; S:I :lhow that budrs atnd leaves iiZ[ll Wil iIilhe the trees. $.ani 0zd gt~litle s.nowdrop. ,Si; .rc: ...


... ALLEGED }¶EBAUDS ri ABERDEEN. f '- jLONDON DOCTORS VISIT. What appears to have been an impudent fraud on an Aberdeen lodging-house keeper has just been brought to light. and is being investigated f by the police. The ocher week, it is stated, a man of gentlemanly appearance presented him- Eef at a house En a fashionable part of the town in which room. were to let, and stated that he wished to ...