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1900 - 1949
69 1900-1909




Yorkshire, England


Leeds, Yorkshire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... APpley Miss A. 2lolsoan 6, lnr4T~torac. Sunderiand. JADY 'SHF.1,P or C031PdNION.-INrorweegin Youngr Lady, 23. L ;e Stltiosii. Speaks a, lialte English. Foad of children. Adireas Y lilt. Manrory-ollice. ?? I~AlY HIDtUittElE.PER, lRe-enggeognaet: domeseticated ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Apply ?? A. Nelseci. 6, l56th terrate. t,1 aitastrIaoeL -~AllYS HE3lJ' or TuriIN-oreie ong Lady., 22. JL 'waehr S~tnst~om Speaks a Ntile itoliti as of childrein Address 'I 509.Orrayll TADYV RIUE2}1Ele-engagsment, domestirated, ex- ?? nret with children ...

Advertisements & Notices

... H I.R EL Princeem Mlarie of Gree, the Princesses Bleatrice VkctorL%, 7IMrcd, and Hohenlohe use Komoo for the lHair, and speak verv higbly of it, The letters may be seen et the odttes of the Koka- Maricopa G Company Ltimted. 16, PSris Moarks, London ...

Advertisements & Notices

... If men would only take it in business hours instead of meats, they would soon find that what I say is the truth. In fact it speaks for itself. If you think it worth your while to use this letter you can do so. U NDUUBETED PURITY AND STRENGTH. Me~dica2 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ,, A. Nelson. 6, Park-t rracce. Sunderland. T ADY'S BEEP er C031 P-(CIN.-N-orwegian Young Lady. 23, -uJ wisbhe Situation. Speaks a little Englioh. Fond of children. Address Y SC3. 59 ersury-ofice. ADY HOMIU;i!ERPEi., Re-engagementt; domesticated. -m. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... on Riviera. TMisa Peebles, 2, rerk- terrace, Ayr, NNB3. 'UADY's HEMP? Or COMP&l ?? Young Lady,, 22. LA.d iobesa Situation. Speaks a lt~tle Euglish. Fond of children. Address Y 582, Mlercnry-office. Domestle ServantsJ, AS Coachman (roacrieeil; ride and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Embcletonn 48, Saudrineram rood, West Hartispool. ]LADYS HEP ~rCOMPAN10N.-Neneeegiax Voong Mady,. 20, LeishesS ituatiaon- Speaks, a little Bitolsie. Food of ebhLdre. Address YT 502, Mezocrey-sl~ee, AS Conehms-an (marrised);- ride and drive welt, single ...

Advertisements & Notices

... copings, thresholdsto. The Survreyor to the Vestry of the parishi of Chelsea, in a report issued by him on f~oonway pgavements, speaking of Yerbohbire 1hard stone, saysa that Thrae probably a large number of York stones in Clcelsm which have. formed part ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 446 SUSTAIMN-G A-ND INI-GORATNG. 13 k S . ?? Nurse ROBERT-S. 33, Cotage-grove, Bedford Park, MClapham. S&W.: I cannot. speak too highly of Dr. Tibbles Vai-Coca. My ynungesr son. -who has been feeling vent sadly, assures me that he feels mui hsbet'or ...

Advertisements & Notices

... at for the votes of all wehoa feet the need at relorm en sany of these vital questzions. IIhope to hove lbs privilege, of speaking on th e t ml ituation on ray visits to differncat portions of the cetestittineoy. £ have been engaged for many ?? in remerillife ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Congress at Newcastle-A Great -Free Churcb Mission, Pcn. TEA-TABLE TALK: Nonsensirl Frenehmn-Golden flair end Rteddish-Brown--On Speaking Ill of One's Neighbours-The Election Excitesrent-A Story of the Prince of Wale-Pibtre fists, &ac A JACEDDAW'S FLIG}Tt : In ...

Advertisements & Notices

... EiotopM Reginald House, 4, sarlborough Terrame Queens Road, Buckland, Porumou3t, Eebruary 183li, 1899. Dear Sirs,-WAe cannot speak too highly of your Scott's Eraultc:n. my ehildren having whooping cough very bad indeed the beginning oft sst year, I was advised' ...