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1900 - 1949
149 1900-1909




Dublin, Republic of Ireland


Dublin, Dublin, Republic of Ireland

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Advertisements & Notices

... 1Ir MacD - nell, Surgeon Dentist, l oi |onstncts Artificial Teech by auction, without pawn which are perh:t for eating and speaking; Iasingie tooth, 5s; set £2. 36 Henry street, Dublin. AM ji .K~f; 14 ' MacDoonell, Surgeon Dentist, having 2;'i years' experience ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MDqonntli, Surgeon Dentist, 30 A `conetracta :4ruihol Teeth by enction, without .r- pam. which are pe-f: tfor easing and speaking 1, ainglo tooth, S5; set gL 36 Henry street Dublin. r A1 ,, M: r., MzcDVmell, Surgeon Dentit 'S g having 2j'vear experience ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 3 ?? MacDouneli, Surgeon Dentist, A COrnstrUCsO Artificial Teeth by suction, without pa n, which are per::t for eating and speak:rea: singio tooth, 6s; set 12. S6 Henry street, Dublin. j , A Mr MacDonnell, Surgeon Denies:, o n having 25 vears' experience ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Car- 1riae Works. Lti, 101 Great Brunsewick stre t' I _cpboe iS'. -fazl L 'I 'r:C ?? Ut'. FORl E SAL/' 'EjEETS, Cenarics, Speaking Parrots, Cocr-y !i tess, Cochatits, Budgrigars, Love'birds, Gold- finches, Linnets, Laths, 'Th-rusuee, et; Pigeons, Rehbit ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Mr MlcDonnell. Surgeon Dentist, a £lconstrubts Artificial Teeth by suction. without pAiP, whjeh are per: -5 for eating rad speaking: i single tooth, Os; set £2, 36 Henry street, Dubiin. AM; Mr MacDonnell, Surgeon Dentist, .f having 25 years' experience ...

Advertisements & Notices

... j M [; ?? llseDounnrU, urugon DentAt A contracte Art ofYI Teetlh by uction. witoZ t pam, which ire peztcst for eating and speaking esngle tooth, Sa; set £2. 36 Henry street, Duobin. J * Yr MoaDounnl.1 Surgeou Deatiat, havnag 25 yre exrince ae a D etit ...

Advertisements & Notices

... LM - Mr- Mac1oor.ei!. Surgesn D2ntist, ! i ?? Artaisii!l Teeth by suation. witbpuis ipain which are per: t for eatinL and Speaking ; oingle iqoth, 5s; set £C2. 36 Henry street, Duoiino ik AM ; r ftMsacDonznell, Surgeon Dental, -,*A hvg 2S v ema' experience ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IM Mr * afDlonsol, Surgiwn DenList, .Aoonltrurs a titioial Teeth by suction. Withbont pam, which 0s per'-:t for e etinig ad; single tooth, ;; set £2. 36 Henry street, Lubiim Mr 'Me#oS1nua, 8urgeoo Den-wt, AA:-hua 3 Wteu ' experiace a DeDentist ...

Advertisements & Notices

... E7'C. FOR SALE ra Sfi UPRINGEB for Sale;good milker. Cas. be seen 3 ,ot Rr-cbuck Hall, Dundrum. ps4 : ERRETS, Canaries, Speaking Parrots, Cocks- ;F toos, Cockatits, Bud ggals, Lovebirds, Gold- finches, Linnets, Larks, 'hrushes, etc; Pigeons, J IRabbits ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Mr MacDonnell, Sargeon Dentist, A constructs Artificial Teeth by suc'ion, without piDi, -hiok sio perfect for eating and speaking . aibfiS- toeth, S; S e £2. 86 :enry street, - AM ; Mr Maclounell, Surgeon Dentist, L having 25 years' experience as a Dentist ...

Advertisements & Notices

... AhI; Mr MacDonnell, Surgeon Dentist, aons tnets Arti'cial Teeth by suction, without pain, which arc perfect for eatnug and speaking: single tooth, 6s; set 2. 36 Henry street, Dub- lin. -p915sx A A * Mr MacDfonell, Surgeon Dentist, -i having 25 years' experience ...