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Weston-super-Mare Gazette, and General Advertiser



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Somerset, England

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Weston-super-Mare Gazette, and General Advertiser


... pa al It. Lakes. IN NESSOItIAIt. MEW 5z a 1074 .2 k smery el 440. beyband 011111 Imbe di* at Boa 1107. tsar mama by les Whig Mit awl deka 1114111UAGIIII f DRATIIS ead edam ADVIL ems be fonmeded le Os Lain sad NW am. ills Mr el ibis ppm G. OCOILILIY ...


... dolor stead * would ho dig Matt steal and woad aid to the &malaise 04 the pagok. doe It woad, reached the lea of ash : Whigs. it avoid be so Wady to wash the dal IL* ...

CoTTsuaaa' CLaeaaa

... t. A Lewis : A. J Popham. HhaTlots-l. O Creese; 1, *t ; Millard. Manows-I.C Banwsll: t. Helilsr ;A Pumpkin-A Lewie and Hard whig#. Marrow (Urgent) - J Uardwldgs. cooked potatoes-1. H Uoopet; Crssss; A Hardwhlgs; «, Popham. Ntccoutaoßa Wild Ptowgita (C ...


... defendant's =l:r I a to bow of dr and his father 111101 . 61 iff lbw billale m d i Sr out. Subs. :swans mow up batossa the parties Whig to beep }mina to visit her at her aisle. peat's suillifeita !be wrote to him ilitat all Ms Inellsibt. and subsequently a Wiens ...


... Ac. Signed behalf of tbe League, P. H. Dkverkll. President. F. J. kims. Vice-President, AKTllt L. Wills, Treasurer, Lewis Whig, Secretary. A MONTH FOR STEALING A SHAWL. At the VVfHtOD-anpn Mare Police Conrfe yesterday (Friday), Thomas Dixon was charged ...


... recovered from last year’s low record. Sir E. STKtc'HgT proposed The Array, Nary, and Reserre Forces,” saying that, as an old Whig(laughter)—he liked the old style of the toast, and not the Nary first He was proud to know Somerset men had been second to ...

NOTICE. J. H. ORMOND, Late a Newport. begs to Intimate to the Residents. Gamer, and Visitors ot Wawa that be

... sal Tarns fur Scboots, large l'erties, kr. Swimming Taught. Bust always in attendasea FAMILY BATHING HUTS. A large nembee el Whig Huts have ben beat and ran be bared for roe weak or know. at moderate triall. fleas Huts are provided wleb Whelk end eau always ...

- - _ lby 81112 sons is 111. thwabeldret Gnat Orme Tenantry Connury. Ilandodan have engrained tbensehts n fawner at

... oaten I had tees to state my sun of the matter as pr al as ribbp. As to rod onempandent's rte that large facilities for *Whig mar Mud to decrease the coneummtles el disk. J linedll think that the tone .4 atuddeet is es the ether ilk VU.. that the mare ...

Thb Lympmham Bubul Vandal

... have had any mistake about. . Mr. Übvikill—D.d you have to run about for brarers after you arrived at the church Mr. II ano whig B—Yea, I got one, and the Clerk the other. Mr. CHAMKtov— You say you arrived at the rhuri h Hve minutes before the time? How ...


... marching to the support of William. For his courageous conduct he was created a duke and the family has been one of the great Whig houses ever since. Most of the representatives of the bungle have talons an active part is politics. but it was rearmed ler ...


... organ lira. An add firaiotation raautta. with toraatloa tartar, which aooo aaU through tha aaaaal. aad thaa rapidly toUewa WHIG KEY’S TOOTH POWDER 00., STOCK SHARK BROKERS & DEALERS, Roy*l Stuart BuiMian. JuMaMnet, OudiO. Bankera-Landoo City ft Midlud ...