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The Protective Instinct

... By A. Croxton Smith THOUGH puppies are often provoking in their playfulness, it is unusual for older dogs to resent any roughness or teasing. The most they do is to move away or give a pat with the paw, as if saying to themselves, Children will be children. In the same way dogs will put up with a good deal of hard usage from children, such as would not be tolerated from adults. Thev teem to ...

To Keep the Tractors Moving

... T T MEIGH (St Edmund Hall) and Mary Blake (St. Hugh's) are two of the 192 undergraduates V M JY nLi Sr. irirls from Oxford and other Universities) who took a two weeks course in J. (112 ,m.e 1 8 Hampden Field Station of the Oxford Agricultural Research Institute. The undergraduates arc now scattered over the country, imparting what they have learned to as many The undergraciu Oundle Winchester ...

How to Bud Your Own Roses

... By Our Horticultural Correspondent THE Englishman's love of the rose is proverbial; and his interest becomes a fascination when he decides to try his hand at rose budding. This is the most usual method of propagation and need not interfere with other gardening activities for the best time to carry it out--July to Septem ber--is when there is comparatively little to be done in the garden. w ith ...

Timely and Practical Hints

... MANY people have gathered the first dishes of green peas; when a good quantity of pods have formed on the lower part of the haulm it is a good plan to pinch out the tops of the plants. The energy is thus diverted to filling out the remaining pods which mature quickly and are therefore improved in quality and flavour. Those who made an early start will now have early potatoes ready. Their ...

Aerodromes and Agriculture

... By Our Flying Correspondent AT many Royal Air Force aerodromes an attempt is being made to use some of the ground that is available for small scale agricultural purposes, and the Air Ministry has taken the wise course of doing everything it can to encourage the enterprise of the stations in this respect. It seems that there is still scope for a larger and more co-ordinated scheme than anything ...


... Good husbandry Sf v -'m- V, Since the dawn of agriculture, man's struggle has ever Been to make two ears of corn grow where one grew before. To thi#%nd Caterpillar Tractors were invented. To increase farming efficiency tajWiake easigr the keeping of land in good heart to do quicker, cheaper and better.all those jobs which abound on a farm to enable one man to do the work of nupy Stort is ...

Remarkable School Cricket: Dulwich and Merchant Taylors

... Remarkable School Cricket Uulwich and Merchant Taylors DULWICH College, who had already dismissed St. Paul's for 33, U.C.S. for 16, K.C.S. Wimbledon for 10 and Epsom for 101, blitzed Merchant Taylors, who like themselves had been unbeaten in school matches this season, in a remarkable game at Dulwich. Dulwich lost five wickets for 15, but, thanks to a captain's innings by T. E. Bailey, who ...

COUPONS INFLUENCE FASHIONS: Coat Frocks Return--Rouleau Tie Fastenings--Short Wedding Trains

... COUPONS t INFLUENCE I FASHIONS Coat Frocks Return Rouleau Tie Fastenings- Short Wedding Trains. THE subject of coupons for clothes is still being discussed its influence is very far- reaching. As a matter of fact, bridal trains will be shorter and more often than not con spicuous by their absence. Coat frocks have returned both with and without neat, detachable basques, as they can be worn ...

Next Week's Work in the Garden

... Vegetables A REMINDER that the follow ing seeds may now be sown under glass as stated in my article of December 27: Carrots and brussels sprouts in a cold frame; peas in boxes or pots in a heated green house, where they may be grown to maturity or, alternatively trans planted outdoors later. Cabbage and cauliflower for sum mer use, and onions may also be put in where heat is available. All the ...

Supremacy In the Air: A Generation Learning To Fly

... Supremacy In the Air A Generation Learning To Fly THE Government's new air training scheme gives 700,000 schoolboys aged between sixteen and eighteen, a chance to join the R.A.F. whether they are at elementary, public or secondary schools. The scheme comes into operation on February 1 with the establishment of an Air Training Corps which will include university air squadrons, squadrons and ...

A Touch of Colour

... Although most of the garden space will be turned over willingly to vegetable growing, there will be many who will draw courage and hope from the cultivation of a few flowers, and this they can do without injury to the national effort. By our Horticultural Correspondent ELABORATE summer bedding schemes this year will have to go by the board, but those with facilities for raising annuals in the ...