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What They are Used To

... By A. Croxton Smith DOGS will accommodate them selves to almost anything it they are taught to do it by constant repetition. I am told that some belonging to West End residents have already become accustomed to the air raid shelter specially provided for them near the public shelters in Kensington Gardens. There, each has a small cubicle or pen under a concrete roof. Readers may see on this ...

Scrub Land to Yield Corn

... THE determination of the British farmer not to waste any land that might yield corn is exemplified by the action of Mr. Roadnight of Britwell, a village near Watlington, in the Chilterns. He has cleared twenty acres of derelict hill top of thick under growth and scrub, and made it possible for the plough to prepare the recovered land for a spring sowing. Mr. Roadnight's land is in the vicinity ...

Fine Work by the Bombers

... By Our Flying Correspondent IT is true, and it always has been true, that the officers and men of the Fighter Com mand tend to receive more attention than the officers and men of the other Commands and that those of the Bomber Command get the least attention of all. The Coastal Command, I think, gets a little more recognition for its work than the Bomber Command. The reason is partly that the ...

All the Tomatoes You Can Grow

... By our Horticultural Correspondent ONE of the most valuable food crops which can be grown by the amateur gardener, either in the greenhouse or out of doors, is the tomato. It contains so many of the different vitamins and mineral salts which are necessary to good health that its nutritional properties are, broadly speaking, equal to those of any other fruit or vegetable. I will endeavour to ...

Good Play and No Gate at Aldershot

... EQUIPPED for all eventualities battle-bowler hockey stick, respirator and all came Com pany-Assistant A. Kenchington. THE F.A.N. r:S get out of the circle in fine style. Play was of high standard in the final of the Inter-Company Compe tition, played at Aldershot between the A.T.S. (London Clerical Co.) and the F.A.N.Y.s, who had in their team N- Cooper, the Irish international centre-half. ...

The Call of the Land

... By Gordon Saunders A MARVELLOUS sunny December morn ing-- a tang of frost in the air. The war just did not occur to us as we cruised over the rolling Hertfordshire uplands on our way to speed up the ploughing up of 400 acres of derelict Fen, uncultivated for twenty years. 1 tie lights at Baldock stopped our progress, and brought the war close at hand in the shape of a khaki-clad figure with ...

Rapier on Racing: How Good are the Classic Horses?-- Merits of the Rosetta filly-- New N.H. Fixtures

... D How Good are the Classic Horses Merits Kapier on Racing of the Rosetta filly New N.H. Fixtures THE carry-forward of two-year-olds to next season is not at all impressive, if the Free Handicap is taken as a guide. Two-thirds of the youngsters whom Mr. Fawcett has selected certainly appear to be very poor stuff, and the remainder seem hardly up to standard. On paper, the outlook for this ...

Look to Your Grassland: Three Year Planning that Pays

... Look to Your Grassland Three Year Planning that Pays. It Is an apparent reversal of policy on the part of the authorities to have ordered the ploughing up of two million acres of grassland in 1940 and then to have pressed for the development of grassland in 1941. The answer to it all is that, because pasture land is diminishing, it is all the more important to develop it to its fullest ...

Up and Down the Land

... THERE seems to have been some mis- apprehension, not only among consumers but among suppliers, about the machinery for distributing feeding stuffs. Some firms, for example, are circularising their customers, advising them to register with them. The Food Ministry says this is out of order. The procedure will be on similar lines to that used for domestic rationing, but there will be some system ...

Japan Has Its Women's and Army

... Japan Has Its Women's id Army IN Japan, girls of school- leaving age are now obliged to join units of the newly-formed Land Army, which, to farming duties, adds instruction in do mestic work, including cooking and sewing. Considerable cloth ing supplies are sent regularly to the hospitals. One task entrusted to the girls is the cleaning of the shrines and the care of the cemeteries an ...

Strenuous Relaxation: Scaling the Derbyshire Peaks

... Strenuous Relaxation Scaling the Derbyshire Peaks Although the Christmas holiday was curtailed, it was still not too brief for those climbing enthusiasts determined to make the most of their day off. In the Midlands many scaled the peaks of Derbyshire, and in this article L. Vernon Bates describes one of the best of these climbs the Cratdiff. WE discovered all about Cratcliff in the tattered ...

Home Counties Beat The Rest

... THE Public Schools holiday rugby arranged by Rosslyn Park opened on Boxing Day with a match at the Old Deer Park between the Home Counties and the Rest, in which thirteen school captains took part and twenty-five schools were represented. A large crowd thoroughly enjoyed some fast and open football and the Home Counties, exploiting to the full their big advantage at half-back, won by a goal ...