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From Field and Hedgerow: Mushrooms and Other Fungi

... From Field and Hedgerow Mushrooms and Other Fungi-- HOW many kinds of edible fungi grow wild in England? No precise answer can be ventured, but there must be many more than one hundred edible species. How many kinds of fungi are commonly eaten in England? The answer is exactly one, the field mushroom. (Eaten with eggs and bacon, we understand, together with grilled kidneys and a sausage or two ...

America's No. I Begonia Grower

... ni foloU ThlS sHttPc ^cver 1 05 sv {r;^>s- *Sfc£> A lovely flower produced by Mr. Reinelt, America's No. 1 begonia grower at his great Santa Cruz nursery. Mr. Reinelt's begonias are sent all over the States for table decoration, conservatories and for those who wear flowers. From the small imperfectly-shaped flower which was found in the Andes the horticulturist has developed innumerable ...

The Young Farmers of Mayfield

... AS far back as the summer of 1938 the East Sussex Education Com mittee decided that, in order to provide a better understanding of country life, modern schools in country areas should give a rural bias to their curriculum. To encourage the teachers, a preliminary course was given at the Plumpton School of Agriculture on Rural Activities and Livestock Keeping for Schools, from which many went ...

Midhurst Stays Put

... Midhurst St ays Put 1\ /TIDHURST is one of those English country towns which seem so rooted in time that nothing can change them. It is barely se.enty miles from London yet for all the effect that the Metropolitan li e has had upon it, it might be as far removed as Stornoway. Nor ha this revolutionary war wrought great changes in Midhurst it is do btful if any war could. Naturally, many of the ...

A Blow for the Irish

... By A. Croxton Smith THIS was to have been an Irish Kennel Club show number, with illustrations taken specially for The Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News, but fate, in the shape of the dread foot and mouth disease, intervened, so that the old fixture had to be abandoned. My sympathies are with the executive in their mis fortune, coming as it did when entries had closed and all was ...

Adding Purple to Gold: Keyham College, the Place that Turns Out the Naval Engineers

... Adding Purple to Gold I Key ham College, the Place that Turns Out the Naval Engineers I I a 8 I MANADON HOUSE and the 100 acres of land that surround it, were acquired by the Admiralty as the site for a new College just before the war. the establishment having outgrown its present quarters. The outbreak of hostilities held up building, but the house itself, with temporary extensions, is now in ...

Rapier on Racing

... THERE is a famous and very enterprising journal which, some months ago, came out with a sort of an England in Ruins number. It told a sombre story of destruction and, no doubt, impressed its readers with the ugliness of war, the bad shooting of the enemy and such like. But it was definitely depressing. I hope that some of the pictures we are pub lishing this week of the brilliant National ...

Making the Most of the Cold Frame

... Making the Most of :he Cold Frame By Our Horticultural Correspondei t THE other day I called on a keen amateur gardener who proudly showed me a very nice garden frame bought a few months ago. It is an unheated double lean-to pattern with two lights, each 6 ft. by 4 ft. The space covered by one light is occupied entirely by a dwarf-growing type of broad bean and the rest is devoted to early ...

Big-Scale Farming: Grown and Made on the Estate

... Big Scale Farming Grown and Made on the Estate FELLING After the axe comes the saiv. Note how the bark has been stripped from the base to facilitate sawing. TRIMMING When the tree is down the men set to work on trimming off the branches. When this is done it will be taken to the saw-mill. TYING FAGGOTS This is very skilled work. The average faggot should weigh about 40 lb. when tied and is ...

Rime and Rhythm

... IN CANADA the ski-patrol of the 17th Duke of Yorkts Hussars have been on manoeuvres. The men were flown from Montreal to St. Jovite, where they patrolled for six hours in a temperature 10 degrees below zero. The eight ski- soldiers in the picture are almost invisible as they approach their objective. AT AROSA there was an atmosphere of carnival when a game of ice chess was played before a ...

Aprils are Becoming Colder and Wetter

... These monthly articles on the weather are specially prepared for The Illustrated Sporting and Dramatic News by Mr. E. L. Hawke, M.A., F.R.A.S., Secretary of the Royal Meteorological Society, to help the gardener and farmer. IN April, old boy, when you're a bit doubtful about what's going to happen always say 'showery,' and whenever you can't get a line on it at all say local rain at times'; ...

West Surrey and Horsell Beagles

... HELP FOR TIIE A T.S. On the right V o I u n tee r M. D. Iladden, of the A.T.S., is being helped to negotiate a wire fence. MRS. SARAH PA KE N U AM a n d M r. I. Carpenter two regular followers. MOVING OFF Hounds and officials leaving the meet of the West Surrey and Horsell beagles at the Talbot Hotel, Ripley. Jn the leading group are (I. to r.) Mr. W. Mawson, the kennel huntsman, Mr. P. de F. ...