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Britain Changing Its Face Again: The Pendulums of Social Life and Industrial Development are Swinging Again

... B ritain Changing I/j F ace j\gain The Pendulums of Social L ife and Industrial Development are Swinging Again By Gordon Beckles THE map of Britain is in one of its periodic topsy-turvy states to-day. Quiet towns have become in dustrial cities, neglected ports are ajostle with shipping, forgotten villages are thronged with strange foreign folk, wealthy residential districts are marked as ...

Fighters over France: The Adventures of a Polish Flight in a Daylight Raid

... F ight ers over France The Adventures of a P olish F light in a D ay light R aid By Arkady Fiedler ON January 23 of this year, the official war bulletin gave a report, in laconic and tense words, about a Polish Fighter Flight which had put up a good show the day before. Six fighter pilots belonging to one of the most renowned Polish squadrons had made two attacks, in Hurricanes, on occupied ...

Published: Thursday 01 May 1941
Newspaper: Britannia and Eve
County: London, England
Type: Illustrated | Words: 2063 | Page: Page 8, 58 | Tags: Photographs 

Old Tales Re-told

... R owena beautiful Saxon Temptress who En slaved King V or tiger 71' s Heart Mind and Kingdom Written and Illustrated by F. IVIatania, R.I THE collapse and disintegration of the powerful Roman Empire was not an event that happened all of a sudden. Yet it was not until the huge drama was drawing to its close, the army being prac tically withdrawn from British soil together with the outward ...


... By JEAN IflTRNUP Editor Women's Department In other words, they bought hurriedly, inadvisedly, which was ever foolish, but in times like these, when money is short and clothes must last long, it is high treason. When you are out buying, if you don't know what you want, want what you know. Buy the clothes which you feel in your bones are right, both for your present mood and for merging into ...


... B; Winifred Lewis Just as you can sometimes pep up an old dress with some new trimming, a clever piece of jewellery or with a new hat and shoes, so you can give a shabby room vitality with fresh detail. A new dash of colour, a fresh form, will draw the eye away from the dimness of shabby things and invest the scheme with Life. A chair cover, new curtains, cushions, lampshades, all these things ...

Marzipan: Three colours-maple red, maize, and grey-mix adroitly in a slick jumper

... Marzipan Three colours- maple red, maize, and grey mix adroitly in a slick jumper MATERIALS 2 oz. maize, 2 oz. grey, 2 oz. maple 3-ply La Laine Super wool 1 pair of No. 9 and 1 pair of No. 1 1 needles press studs. MEASUREMENTS Round bust, 34 ins. length, 20 ins. sleeve seam, 4\ ins. TENSION 8 sts. and 10 rows to 1 in. THE FRONT Cast on 24 sts. in grey with No. 11 needles, then join in maple ...

Published: Thursday 01 May 1941
Newspaper: Britannia and Eve
County: London, England
Type: Illustrated | Words: 770 | Page: Page 47, 61 | Tags: Photographs 

You and Your Perm

... You and Your Verm YOU must hand it to women that they submit to practically anything in the name of beauty and no questions asked. Woman, the traditionally inquisitive, is as incurious and as docile as a lamb where the mysterious operations of beauty culture are concerned. Anything can happen so long as the objective is more and more beauty. Take permanent waving for an example. Very few women ...

Published: Thursday 01 May 1941
Newspaper: Britannia and Eve
County: London, England
Type: Illustrated | Words: 930 | Page: Page 56 | Tags: Photographs 



Published: Thursday 01 May 1941
Newspaper: Britannia and Eve
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 5 | Page: Page 65 | Tags: Photographs 


... 4 OUT OF 5 MAY HAVE TROUBLE AHEAD! Tender, bleeding gums are danger signs, which neglected, lead to gum disease (Pyorrhcea). Daily use of Forhans will eradicate these gum affections used in time, prevent them altogether. Thousands of dentists use Forhans Anti- pyorrhcea Astringent. Thousands of them re commend Forhans Brand Special Formula Dentifrice which contains Forhans Anti-pyorrhoea ...

Published: Thursday 01 May 1941
Newspaper: Britannia and Eve
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 106 | Page: Page 70 | Tags: Photographs 


... FHO'S FHO'S 1 roornins I first t^. ...

Published: Thursday 01 May 1941
Newspaper: Britannia and Eve
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 7 | Page: Page 71 | Tags: Photographs 


... Children's Teeth in War-Time Even in war time a child's diet must con tain a proportion of sweet things for nour ishment and energy. But sweet things cause acid-mouth which encourages the germs which attack and decay the teeth. To protect the teeth a child's toothpaste should contain plenty of 'Milk of Magnesia', the most effective neutralizer of mouth acid known. Only in one toothpaste is ...

Published: Thursday 01 May 1941
Newspaper: Britannia and Eve
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 135 | Page: Page 76 | Tags: Photographs 


... [TQcKMlMSa H For clean, safe 1 healing of all f I Baby's skin H troubles, for sure protection against I septic germs 1 I there's nothing A more reliable than I I Cuticura Oint- I I ment. Keep a tin I I handytofreeBaby 1 I from chafing, irri- I tation or any little skin outbreak. I Of all Chemists and JOO Siores- hHHHn nanflJnranlnfll DET TAI I CD T CLIENTS GAIN I DC I MLLCn i i to6 inches ...