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Shows and Sales of Three Famous Breeds of Cattle: Ayrshires at Reading

... 'Ill Shows and Sales of Three Famous Breeds of Cattle II A/rshires at Reading OUR photographers are still being kept busy with the big spring cattle shows and sales, three more of which we illustrate in the present issue. On suc ceeding pages are pictures of Jersey cattle at Reading and Devon bulls at Exeter. The Ayrshires featured (ex clusively) on this page were shown at the Ayrshire Cattle ...

Up and Down the Land

... PARTICULARS of the recent highly successful Show and Sale at Reading, in aid of the Red Cross Agriculture Fund, are given on another page. It is our pleasure here to call attention to the appeal, on behalf of the same great fund, issued by the Small Livestock Committee, of which the chairman is the Rt. Hon. Tom Williams, M.P., Joint Parliamentary Secretary to the Ministry of Agriculture. The ...

Royal Artillery Officers Rugby Club (Malta)

... Rugby-p'.aying R.A. officers in Malta have had a most successful season, and up to the end of February had won 9 and drawn one of their 13 games. The team is drawn from all branches of the R.A. Coast, Field and A.A., and this picture was taken just before a match with Malta War Headquarters, which the R.A. officers won by 27 points to 8. STANDING Capt. E. C. Baker, B.A. (Surrey and Old ...

Defeating the Wireworm

... A NUMBER of growers have experimented with treating the soil with carbon bisulphide by means of a new type of soil injector designed by the Pan-Britannica Industries, of Waltham Abbey, to destroy wireworm and other soil pests. Reports from Sussex, Hampshire, the Lea Valley, Blackpool, Essex, Warwickshire and Berk shire are all excellent. One grower from a northern area reports that he reduced ...

Fleet Air Arm Farmers

... THE Navy's job is to plough the seas, so sailors rarely figure in the agricultural news. And, as far as we know, not even a box of mustard and cress is grown at sea to make sandwiches for the captain's afternoon tea. But, given a chance, the urge to grow things is just as strong in the Navy as it is in the other Services, witness these pictures, taken last year, at a Fleet Air Arm Station. On ...

The Last Meet of the Season

... THE South Oxfordshire Fox hounds, determined to ex terminate the last fox from thei: country, held their last meet of the season at Turners' Court Farn. Training Colony at Wallingford. Our pictures show the join masters Mrs. Fanshawe and Mis: Christie-Miller surrounded bj the boys Mrs. Fanshawe leadini the pack, and Mr. Richard Road- night (well-known to our readers who, later, was thrown and ...

Help the Red Cross Work

... By A. Croxton Smith DOG owners generally have now the opportunity of giving a hand to support the ameliora tive work of the Red Cross and St. John organisation, which is badly in need of every penny that can be supplied by a sympathetic public. The Kennel Club has opened the Dogs of Britain Red Cross Appeal, which is the first co-operative attempt made on behalf of dogs. It is operating in ...

Save those Bones

... TO the diner at home or the diner-out, there is no need to stress the fact that there is not much meat to be had anywhere, and that to-day's small ration may well be smaller before the summer is over. But there is need to stress the fact that every bit of bone, no matter how well chewed by the dog, is still of great value to the country. So after the joint has been skilfully carved (an art ...

Young America

... : tdhil* Lamar Pendleton, Esq., b. 1937, in Atlanta, Georgia. Hobbies: gardening. Clubs: Victory Garden (the other member is called Sugie). With this snapshot for Daddy (Lieut. Winston K. Pendleton), who is at present serving abroad, Mother enclosed a little poem she had written for their small son My Victory Garden, which runs My garden's planted row on row, With all the things I hope to ...

To Keep or to Cull?: How the Poultry Expert Spots the Layers

... U To Keep or to Cull? How the Poultry Expert Spots the Layers We are indebted to Mr. Charles F. Bowden, of Hunterswood Farm, Duns- fold, the well-known, accredited ■breeder of pedigree stock, for this expert advice to those who keep a few or many chickens IT is always good farming practice to make sure that foodstuffs are not wasted, and at the present time it is essential that economy should ...

Round the Country Side

... THE QUEEN'S INTEREST Her Majesty talking to a driver of one of a fleet of Ford-built mobile canteens used to serve soldiers and airmen at isolated posts too small to run a proper NAAFI Canteen. These vans save the village shops from being sold out in the first few days of the rationing period. VOLUNTARY CAMP ORGANISER: Captain A. M. Davis who is organising the Home Counties camp for voluntary ...

Windak Regd. Electro-Thermal

... for flying meri;-; Wdl-fn'KwS3d^K c°^Kortr'.£N3°'5 SS? o, garments tor mjWoors and sportswear. sM .JsSSSj J Clothing I Pa le nt N153735I_-^*|1P^X\ |g '\v rrt>V-:;:y:v-- T1 ff- w jfefc. The suits were designed by Baxter Woodhouse and Taylor Ltd., incorporating amongst others, Irving Patent No. 407445 yyyry,. Baxter Woodhouse and Taylor Ltd., Queen's Buildings, Sto ckbort ...