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... FENIAN MOVEMENTS LONDON. There being tome reason to believe that the Kelly and Deasey, for whose apprehension so large has l>een offered, might venture to enter the metropolis by the way of the North-Western Railway, at the Boston- juartl Terminns, a body of rough Irishmenbumbnrißgasmany as2OC on Sunday night last, audabout half that number on Monday* were seen loitering aboot tbo ...


... Castle MORAVIAN LADIES’ SCHOOL, 34, ST. PETER S. BOARPING AND DAY SCHOOL. THE Promisos, which comprise Large Garden and open and covered Playgrounds, have been further improved a new Gymnasium (with appliances for Swedish Drill), a Sanatorium, and Asphalte Tennis Ground. A Class for SWEDISH DRILL (taught Miss Stansffld) is held on Tuesday afternoons, 2.30-3.30. For Terms and all particulars ...

Friday's Express

... I.OXDOX, THURSDAY, AUGUSTS. German and Brussels Papers arrived last nipht, but their contents are very unimportant. In Belgium every other subject appeals to be eclipsed in interest ...


... [PRESS ASSOCIATION TELEGRAMS.] REUTERS TELEGRAMS. -• — THE CROWN PRINCE OF GERMANY. (Rectee's Telegram.) Sax Remo, Nov. 22.— Prince Henry of Prussia intends to remain here all through the winter season with his father, the Crown Prince. The general health of his Imperial Highness continues satisfac- tory. THE CRISIS IN FRANCE. (Reuters Telegkam.) Paris, Nov. 22, 1.5 p.m.— M. Grevy conferred ...

BUSINESS NOTICES. ANGUS AND PERTHSHIRE COUNTY BALLS For these and similar occasions, we present a very ..

... EVENING DRESSES of great charm and distinction. Ladies interested are very cordially invited to view these gowns and are recommended to do so without delay so that any alterations necessary may be completed in good time. DRAFFENS POWER TRANSMISSION DRIVES. MIRACLO BELTS. The New Miraclo Belts are made Nylon Plastic Chrome Leather. Like TV, Miraclo Belts are now accepted after seven years of ...


... OUR REPRESENTATIVE.” On Monday evening last Coningham appeared before bis constituents to give an account of bis stewardship for the last year, but, since the day the unprofitable servant restored to his master, on his return from far country, the identical talent which he received from him on his departure, a more meagre account was never rendered. We Lave looked through it to find what have ...


... M. TISZA'S SPEECH. THE HUNGARIAN MINISTER'S EXPLANATION. [from our own correspondent. I Paris, Saturday. ■Lord Lytton called on Jtf. Goblet yesterday and congratulated on bis stat ...

gtiftian* Cfeiflßau, ttf. T„V.he 6ih >t twel*» o’clock, »

... Co. P* how LAND ROSCOW, Broker. ----T.! ii,7(ilh instant, l« else o’clock, at .'my. Co. ’s office, Eichanpc-bulltlings, BLACK Prr StMDOI/. (crtbtt paAicultt* apply Sir Jon* Toarn and Co. H LITTLEDALE and Co. Broken. „ of the VmUrmtm. , the Sill insuni, at twel.e o’clock, , ' U'i. and samples seen, apply- So 2* ? , . Merchant, to lt Md ci LAUafONE. Brokers. ,—iheSih instant, at twelve o'clock ...


... LATEST SATURDAY MORNING, FEBRUARY THE WAR IN THE TRANSVAAL. Newoastie, THurspAy.—General Sir Evelyn Wood’s column arrived here unattacked, but it was watched for a long distance by a strong force of Boers. Sir is now here with Sir E. Ww The enem. have carried off numbers of cattle apd wagons In the neigh Fripay. — The Free State Volksraaed was formally opened to-day. ent Brand made a fic ...