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COME TO HORIZON DISCOUNT RECORDS AND TAPES - at the FULHAM FAYRE 321 Northend Road, Fulham SW6 Where you get

... COME TO HORIZON DISCOUNT RECORDS AND TAPES - at the FULHAM FAYRE 321 Northend Road, Fulham SW6 Where you get real value for money check our prices on the latest hits by: THE EAGLES ELTON JOHN STRANGLERS KRIS KRISTOMMSON mid I MORA STREISAND and many many ...

Published: Friday 22 July 1977
Newspaper: Fulham Chronicle
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 51 | Page: 35 | Tags: none

COME TO HORIZON DISCOUNT RECORDS AND TAPES at the FULHAM FAYRE 321 Northend Road, Fulham SW6 Where you get real

... COME TO HORIZON DISCOUNT RECORDS AND TAPES at the FULHAM FAYRE 321 Northend Road, Fulham SW6 Where you get real value for money check our prices on the latest hits by: ASIA ELTON JOHN STRANGLERS KRESTOEVERSON and %MIRA STRMAND and many many more Remember: ...

Published: Friday 22 July 1977
Newspaper: Marylebone Mercury
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 48 | Page: 35 | Tags: none

COME TO HORIZON DISCOUNT RECORDS AND TAPES at the FULHAM FAYRE 321 Northam! Road, Fulham Where you get real vaiue

... COME TO HORIZON DISCOUNT RECORDS AND TAPES at the FULHAM FAYRE 321 Northam! Road, Fulham Where you get real vaiue tor money check our the latest hits by: ADOA WOK ELTON JOHN lITIIADOLIMRS la MINITOOPIIIOSII A DIM and many mere Remember: 1801111011 MANS ...

Published: Friday 22 July 1977
Newspaper: Westminster & Pimlico News
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 45 | Page: 23 | Tags: none