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Lothian, Scotland


Midlothian, Scotland

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Advertisements & Notices

... Fovlosilng day. rTHE FtRNITURE in said House, consisting of IL Dining and Drawing Room, Library, Bedl-chamnter. Cupboard, a,,d Kitchen .Articles, amongst which nre Dining T'ables and Chairs, Sideboard, Drawing Rtoomt Chairs, Couches, Window Curtains, anti Tables ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Forest and Carton Grates, an excellent mp Kitchen Grate, snith Oven attached, Brass and Green Fen- ?? ders, Fire Irons, several excellent Smoke and Wind-up 10 Jacks, a great variety of Goblets and other Kitchen Ar- ticles, together -sits a variety of every ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rs, Bed-chamber, and Kitchen Articles; amongst which 56, are Dinin~ Tables, Chairs, and Sideboard; SrsFas, Window id Curtains, and Carpets, Four-posted and Tent Beds, with hg excellent -Bedding, Eight-day Clock, Cupboard and Kitchen Articles, &c. ty - ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ten Rooms and a Kitchen. Also the Lodgi ig or Dwelling-house presently pos- sessed by Mr Tait, en'eriing by the samc stair, being the uppermost Stone of the adjoining Tenement, and containing four Rooms, a large Bed Closet, Kitchen, and other conveniencies ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Dining-room, Parlour, Bed. chamber, and Kitchen Articles; amongst which. are Mahogany, Dining, Tea, and Breakfast fables, Chairs and Sofas; several Tent Beds and Bcdding, Chests of Drawers, Carpets, Grates, and Kitchen Articles, Sale to begin at Eleven o'Clock ...

Advertisements & Notices

... the Sqoare. It censits of a dining-room, ao by I6 fect, and dlrawing-roomn', z6 by iS feet, and three bed-chambers ,nod a kitchen upon the principal flat, and ?? small ehanlbers upon the upper flar. Upset price 7001. sterling. A L S 0, That other LODGING ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Carpets, Tea and Card Tables, Chests of Drawers, Four-posted and Tent Bed- steads, with Curtains; Feather Beds and Bedding; a Kitchen v RaLnge, Jack and Tackle; assortmnent of Crystal, China, Stone. ware, dc. i. Sale to begin at 11 o'clock. DALGLEISH & FORREST ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Street), Tats DAY, Monday, the 15th Mav, at Twelve o'clock, con- sisting of DINING-ROOM, DRAWING-ROOCM, LOBBY, BED-ROOM, and KITCHEN FURNITURE, China, Crystal, Crockery, &e. &c. TO TIIE LADIES. SALE OF SPLENDID DUNSTABLE STRAW BONNETS, M1ILLINERY, HABERDASHERY ...

Advertisements & Notices

... drawing-raoon, parlour, three bed.rooms, closets, kitchen, scullery, cellars. &c. 2. HOUSE, No. 10, BLENHEIM PLACE, con- sisting of dining-room, drawing-room, paloeur, four bed- rooms, two bed-closets, kitchen, Bcullery. cellars, &c. 3. TWELVE SMALL HOUSES ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Bedding, Wardrobes, Chests of Drawers, Toilets, Glasses, Wash Stands, and other Bed-room Requisites; China, Crystal, and Kitchen Requisites. Sale to begin at Eleven o'clock. / SUPERIOR HOUSEHOLD FURNITURE, I 47cCg ...

Advertisements & Notices

... small back room, s. possessed by Mr Forbes, two rooms and kitchen pos- o sessed by John Richardson and Co. two rooms and R o 'kitchen possessed by Mrs Forbes and John Henry, and o tero rooms and kitchen, being the top storey occupied 10 by Scott Marshall. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Curtains, Feather Beds, Mattresses and Blankets, an Eight Day Clock, Crystal and Stoneware, an excellent Kitchen is Grate, with oven attacSed, and other Kitchen Furniture, &c. The Sale to begin at Eleven ?? forenoon. 0 204, HIGe STrREEr. n VALUABLE HOUSEHOLD ...