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... calcren of The mrct | 4 great o around Nevers on the Ardenaes frontier ef | eS aud also im the industrial centres ef the Cher MUSIC HALL PANIC AT DOUGLJ in the Palace Pavilion, Douglas. Just before midmgbt om Monday 2 serious panic 6,000 English, Scottish, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MUSIC HALL, LEEDS. EXTRAORDINARY NEW MIES)IERIC PHENOMENA, ILLUS- TRATIVE OF THE NATURE OF DIAN! To the devoted Mesmerist every day developee something novel, startling, and important.- Pk'hreno Magn'et. 1tr U. SPENCER T. HALL, Editor of the Phreno- ...


... and new the three galleries. .. from my tor new Empire Palace Com 3 by Mr. Frank Matcham, Dates of which Mr. E. Moss, of Music Hall fam managing y Although in possess ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MUSIC HALL, LEEDS. EXTRAORDINARY NEW MESMERIC PHENOMENA, ILLUS- TRATIVE OF TEE NATURE OF MAN! To the devoted Mesmerist every day developes something novel, startling, and important.- P/hreno MVagnet. 11,fR. SPENCER T. HALL, Editor of the Phreno- M Magnet ...

Advertisements & Notices

... intense desire to benedit his ?? could have inauced the author to a deitaeethe expense oS publishing ?? work for gratuitous e MUSIC HALL )r ~~ON WEDNESDAY rNEXT. )d GENTEEL HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS, comprising Mahogany and Rosewood Fnrniture for Dining, Drawing, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DEPOSITS, CONSIGNM5ENTS, and EFFECTS in the F Corrnercial Sale Roomns, Sterne's Buildings. Leeds, will take Place at the MUSIC HALL, Leedst, as heretofore. _ Date of Sale (which will be as early as poesible) and descrip- W tive Particulara wil be given ...

Advertisements & Notices

... wi31 Be heldon. MONnAY. next., the 16th Inst. at Eleven ?? in the Forenoon, precisely,- in St. -PAE L's 'Cuaci, (as the Music Hall isatpresenm .Thfe tendance of all the Friends ofthe Insfitution, s earnestly and respectfully requested. .- . Pablic Brealkfast ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MUSIC HALL, HULL. THE Rev J. C. M. BELLEW, ?? will give READINGS FROM THE POETS, on the Even- ings of WEDNESDAY. THUMSDAY, and FRIDAY, the 5tb, 6ch, nod 7th of February next. GRAND CHABRITY BALL. T HE ANNUAL DRESS BALL in aid of the funds Tof the Hull ...

Advertisements & Notices

... the Exhibition will not expect a personal Application. Offers of Cnncributions may be made at the Office of the Committee, Music Hall, Alhion Street; to the General Secretaries; or to the Secretaries of the Sub- Committees, viz.- FINE ARTS.-Mr. W,.tRNsaON ...

Advertisements & Notices

... N O TI CE. I , cilzaalnd for Tiekets of Admission (Reserved and t _*'aieired, pi-ce 5s.) to the Perfornzances in the Music- Hall on the 3rd, 4th, and 5th March, being already ?? greal, you arC respectf ully informed that PLANSN ,jf thc JRoln swill be ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TESI1PEANCE.-The usual Christmas Festival of so - the Leeds Temperance Society is to be celebrated next la Friday, in the Music Hall, particulars of which will be th ascertained from the advertisement. in : CARBIRIDGE UNIVERSITY, Dec. 15.--CnoSSE nc ScHsoL ...

Advertisements & Notices

... to have something to do with religion. If you demand complete religious equality, why prevent the Jew-proprietor of a music- hall from giving Sond ty night entertainments ? POLITICIAN, Hull.-Tlbe first contested county election that took place under ...