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Leicester Daily Mercury


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Leicester Daily Mercury


... thought even charges of against the prisoner.—le- Rev. T. H. Carryver seconded the reselution.— panded till Friday week. 7 William Baker, the youth, charged on| y he Chairman, iv putting the motion, remarked that Mr. emand with forging a cheque the property ...

Published: Thursday 27 May 1875
Newspaper: Leicester Daily Mercury
County: Leicestershire, England
Type: Article | Words: 4778 | Page: 3 | Tags: none


... would swallow so nsuseous a mixture. Detective Watson said he found the bottle produced. The case was again remandod. William Baker, the young man in custody for killing a cabman, named Langan, by shooting Lim, in Liverpvol, about a fortnight ago, was ...

Published: Monday 19 July 1875
Newspaper: Leicester Daily Mercury
County: Leicestershire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2101 | Page: 2 | Tags: none


... Tuesday morn- ing.. The damage is estimuted at £50,000, and is only partially covered by insurance. At Liverpool aseizes, William Baker, aged 84, was convicted of the murder of Charles Langan, by shooting him with a revolver, and seutenced to death. Both ...

Published: Wednesday 18 August 1875
Newspaper: Leicester Daily Mercury
County: Leicestershire, England
Type: Article | Words: 1020 | Page: 2 | Tags: none


... best Shropsbire shearling ram, £5, William Baker, Moor Barns, Atherstone, Class 32,--By the Countess Cow r.—For the best Shropshire ram, of any age, £2, S Pilgrim, The Out- woods, Hinckley; commended, William Baker, Moor Atherstone, Class 33.—By A Pell ...

Published: Tuesday 24 August 1875
Newspaper: Leicester Daily Mercury
County: Leicestershire, England
Type: Article | Words: 315 | Page: 3 | Tags: none

6.35 .. 5.30 ..

... LETTER FROM A CONDEMNED CONVI AT LIVERPOOL. been received by the father The following letter has under sentence of death of William Baker, now 1 in Kirkdal le Gaol for the murder of Charles Langan, shooting, in Liv —*My dearest Father,— It ie with the gre atest ...

Published: Thursday 26 August 1875
Newspaper: Leicester Daily Mercury
County: Leicestershire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2493 | Page: 4 | Tags: none


... at the Sessions. MARKET DAYS IN LEICESTER ' THIRD EDITION. “Daily Mereury” office 7.0 p.m (By TELEGRAPH. ) DOURB B IG William: Baker and Edward Cooper were irg. Death iw both cases was instantaneous. executed at Kirkdale Gaol, Liverpool, this morn- MONEY ...

Published: Monday 06 September 1875
Newspaper: Leicester Daily Mercury
County: Leicestershire, England
Type: Article | Words: 878 | Page: 3 | Tags: none


... DOUBLE EXECUTION AT KIRKDALE On Monday morning the extreme sentence of the law was carried out upon William Baker, publican, and Edward Cooper, sailor, who were convicted at the Liverpool Assizes, before Mr. Justice Archibald, of murder. Both men rose ...

Published: Wednesday 08 September 1875
Newspaper: Leicester Daily Mercury
County: Leicestershire, England
Type: Article | Words: 421 | Page: 4 | Tags: none


... charged with stealing from the person of Mary Baker a certain purse and the sum of £1 4s. in money, the mouies and goods of William Baker, Hinckley, the 23rd October, 1875. George Ratworth, bail, ia charged with feloniously attempting steal one leg of mutton ...

Published: Monday 03 January 1876
Newspaper: Leicester Daily Mercury
County: Leicestershire, England
Type: | Words: 1452 | Page: 4 | Tags: none


... charged with stealing from the person of Mary Baker a certain purse and the sum of £1 4s. in money, the monies and goods of William Baker, Hinckley, on the 23rd October, 1875. —Mr. Lloyd prosecuted, and Mr. Sills defended. —Mary Baker said her husband kept ...

Published: Tuesday 04 January 1876
Newspaper: Leicester Daily Mercury
County: Leicestershire, England
Type: | Words: 1827 | Page: 3 | Tags: none

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... one month’s tained that inasmuch as his child was 16} months going up Silver-street.— imprisonment. ALLEGED GamBLiInc.— William Baker was charged old, and that-12 monthe had expired before he received any complaint, his case did not come within the juris- ...

Published: Monday 24 April 1876
Newspaper: Leicester Daily Mercury
County: Leicestershire, England
Type: Article | Words: 6354 | Page: 2, 3 | Tags: none

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... Coz was char, with discharging stones from a on the 2th June,’but was di om pay- say ge with stealing = quantity of of. William Baker, Curzon: value 4s ea, en ibe Sib: pleaded guilty, and was sentenced to six weeks’ hard Iabour. was charged with usingobscene ...

Published: Friday 14 July 1876
Newspaper: Leicester Daily Mercury
County: Leicestershire, England
Type: Article | Words: 5218 | Page: 2, 3 | Tags: none


... this . year than Class'40.—Prize by Sir J. W. Bart., for the ition were more no less than 155 best Shropshire ram, £5, William Baker, Moor Barns, at last y ear’s exhibition, there being the different classes as against 143 in © horses shown in tal number ...

Published: Wednesday 26 July 1876
Newspaper: Leicester Daily Mercury
County: Leicestershire, England
Type: Article | Words: 3023 | Page: 3 | Tags: none