... THE ADVANCE ON TAMAL OSMAN DIGNA'S LOSSES. (LXCIIANG'OE 'It' L :RAVII COMPANY S TElEGRAM.) So\xiN, Saturday (Noon).-General Graham's whole force intended to take in the advance are now at M'Neill's zereba. A detachment of fifty bellugrg to each regiment ...


... After a heavy bombardment by our guns the West Riding men under Major King-King and Captain Wallace stormed several hills in succession, driving the enemy before them in the most gallant manner. The Inniskillings meanwhile drove them off other positions by ...


... BULLER ADVANCES TO ERMELO. - - BOE3RS STILL RETREATING. ERMELO, Sunday.-Lord Dundonald's Brigade reached here last night, and the main body of General Buller's force marched in to-day. The past two days- have been' uneventful except for desultory sniping ...


... Miles'-hill. The Boyal Artillery then advanced in direction Buslimoor, and the 3rd Infantry Brigade, covered by skirmishers, advanced through Cocl^-idhat Wood into the Long Valley, where they formed a junction with the Ist Brigade and advanced line. This ...

Advertisements & Notices

... DUNCA& CO. Brokers. Leith5, 1th August 1826. -;7 XNOTICE TO THE CREDnIORS OF - tt&k/C. C. GRAHAM, Esq. of Gartmore and Finlaystor e. TUHE said Wms. C. C. GRAHAM having executed .L a Trust Disposition in favour of Edward M'Millan, writer inEdinburgh, of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... sSUCCESS , My Col. sarsaparilla has never been equalled by fo, of 11 p r'ation. It bas steadity advanced Art anY upre3utij it is naowone of tbe most I'll' er ?? i r edici, e InGreat Britain. This suecess the P0ei Wolr, by ita positive merit and by thee ...


... Boers made a determined attempt to recapture the hill, and drove back our advanced line; the latter, however, was reinforced by the whole of I Lytteltou's Brigade, and completely repulsed the enemy, driving them off at the point of the bayonet. It was here ...


... was issued th yesterday, and states that an enemy has landed troops at Newhaven intending di to advance on Brighton. A corps of observation at Red Hill is ordered forward P to endeavour to protect Brighton.' The special ideal is as follows :-On the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... rai T yd ,Slrsap~rilla has never been equalled byv 1i °I t r preporatiOO. It has steadily advanced I a 0bad 0ores until it is nowf oae of the most an ?? In Creat Brialis. Thi suczess rai i i~e , o y its positive merit and by the fact r 5b~tit is re] f ...


... ledge and the low rocky hills which rise on tlse river bank. This position was i,5oo yards in advance of cumr zer e. THE ADVANCE. The advance appears to have begun at seven in the morning, when our troops formed up and advanced towards the ...


... Monte Cristo Hill. The General had tboud a chink ill the enemy's armour, and decided to strike without delay. The Scottish Pusiliers commenced advancing up the slopes of the little kopje which inter- renbed between Monte Cristo Hill and Green Hill. They were ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -LEx; IV. Fu0st5;E; W. F, aEEs, Hill Top; J. H. hOLE, Bought Hill.. One fifth of a score, Enlarge we to seven; What part of thrice four Are three-fourths of eleven? of 11 8. 33 11 7 x 3 21 84 28 -J. H. MOLE, Bought Hill. A B jard C run for a stake of 210 ...