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Kingston-Upon-Hull N

... Bankruptcy. Whereas a Commission of Bankrupt is awarded and issued forth against William Clegg, late of Beverley, in the County of York, Linen-Draper, Shopkeeper, Dealer and Chapman, and he being declared a Bankrupt, is hereby required to surrender himself ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Children. Robert Seals, ditto a Widow with Cbjld, and one fmall Child. Hare's Divicd nd. T HE Commizfioners in a Cosamifrion of Bankrupt avwarded and ?? forth againft. )}tARMADUKE HARE, of the Town of Kinglion- -Spon-Hull,. Grocer, Tallow-Chandler, Dealer and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... apply to Mr. Pecit, Priater of he HuUl Packet, iu Scale-Lane, Hull. arkham Nicholfon's Bankruptcy. HXTHEREAS a Commiflion of Bankrupt is t awarded and illued againit MARKHAM NICHOLSON, of Hos-den, in the county of York, Gracer, and he beirig declareda Binkrupt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1Bankrupt is awarded and il'uvd _agaiiftl MARKHAM NICHOLSON, of Howden, in the ousnty of York, Grocer, and hei being declared a Bankrupt, is hereby required to furrender :iimfelf to the Commiffioners in the faid Commnilion nam ed, on the i3rthandr4ith days of ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ? . I THEREAS a Commifllon of Bankrupt is W awarded and iffued forth againt JOHiN YOUNG, of the Parifh of Scalcoates, in the County of York, Surgeon and Apothecary, Dealer and Chap- man; and he being declared a Bankrupt, is hereby re- quired to {iirrender ...

Advertisements & Notices

... \~,THEREAS a Coffili&on of Bankrupt is awarded .aild iffied forth agairsift JOHN YOUNG, of the Parifli of Sculcoates, in' the County of York, Surgeon and Apothecary, Dealer andChap- -man; and. he being declared a Bankrupt, is hereby re- quired to hirrender ...

Advertisements & Notices

... in Parliament-, Itecet or Mr. William .Sm~i, Mdrkeit-place,'Hlli.H - YOUNG3 - BANKR.UI'PTCY. ,W HEREAS a Corminilicon of Bankrupt is awarrded ' nd 'ifiied' frtli agaiinft JOHN YOUNG, of the P'rifli of Setocoate4s inh the Caunty' of York, Surgeon-and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Attorney at Law, in Hull. BREWERY, &c. To be SOLD by AUCTION, (By order of the Comrifflioners and Aftignees of John Young, a Bankrupt,) At the Houfle of Mrs. /lIay Jobifon, lnhsolder, in Whit friargate, in Kingston-upon-Hull, on ionday, ahtb April, 1800, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SPENCER's BANKRUPTCY. THEREAS a Cormmifflion of Bankrupt W' is awarded and ifhed forth agaiuft THOMAS SPENCER, of the Town of KingIon-npon-Hull, Comn;)njBrewer, Dealer and Chapmnan, and he being declared a Bankrupt is hereby required to furrender himfelf to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Attorney at-La, isasl.--W - BREWERY, &c. To be SOLD by AUCTIO, (By order of the -Commiffioners and Afiignees of * John Young, a Bankrupt,) At the Hosfe of Mrs. Mafary _7slnJin, Annholder, in W&,tef ~ir~ere, *in Kingasons-upqn-Huul, on on j, 28tb; Apri, o8oo ...

Advertisements & Notices

... PL.. _~c za,. io 'iBRE WERY, &c. To7 & SJLD by AUC7TIOIN, (BF order of ?? Com-miffioners and Aflgnees of Jolm in g-, a Bankrupt,) .: ,tl Zz of. ?? . i an y oJIfn, 1nzTolr, 7n ZS~tV E in gsivn-upon-Hall,;, on Iaiodnay, 2' A pril baoo, ett'eea . Leurs ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Bankruptcy. 1E X JHEREAS a Commifflon of Bankrupt is VW awarded and iflued forth againftl THOMAS SHORTHOSE, of the pari(h of Sculcoates, in the County of York, Merchant, Dealer and Chapman ; and he being declared a Bankrupt, is hereby required to furrender himfelf ...