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Newcastle Courant



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Newcastle Courant

Advertisements & Notices

... forth' against William Tarn, of Bishop7 W earmnouth, in the County of Durham, Painter and Gla- zier, and he being declared a Bankrupt, is hereby required to-surrender himself td the Commissioners in the said Com- mission nadied, or the major Part of them ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Day before t'ae SQ' Day of Febrisary next, will be duly attended to. HE Crediorls who have proved ?? under a Conlmissinn of Bankrupt awarded and issued- fornh against JOHN BONNEL;, .t1'thc Town and County of Newecs-le uponTyne, Hatter and Hosiei, Dealer ...

Advertisements & Notices

... agaoust Wlilliam Tarn, of 1iThy-P- Wearne l anu h in the County of, Durham, l'ainter and t.!a- Iler, and hli heing deciared a Bankrupt, hs evcreby required to siirrcnd-r ?? to the Cniniaissioners in the ?? Comn- raission named, or the major Part ofthcm, on ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Keels ( i Coals, or thcrmabouts, nowv Iying in Suimder- IL ?? Parkirsoln is atprceinit Mster. Tid also, all that rhe saud Bankrupt's Pa;t or dbare, a a :1.-tor,(of tk cunnderaihd New StUBsFCRIPTlIo Ll- J 'ltm5 ren inty be vicwcd, and furthtr Particulals ...

Advertisements & Notices

... futuire; and where their Commnands bom~r Puncadhiay and Diip'~t~h nprteu~di the n. .'m1T~omriss~rle a a-.. C Im16SIo) Of Bankrupt, JL awarded'and issucad4)rth against;~ johm' Bonrial, of 2lwateupon Tyn'e, liatter and--ofr nc~ t et 'ntle ?? of' February ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Hofsns oif liseen. wad T-wetve o'C/os. in 11.w Fiwen;oon, (By Order of the Assignee of Johln Bonneul, a Bankrupt,) The ?? DEBTS of the said Bankrupt, of which a .Schedule wvill be produced at the ITime and P'lace of Sale, and may be seen two Daiys previous ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Oee ot' V -ssrs Gregory ard l-'s ford, or ?? otilliam Ruhei-ai3 ni the Close: AIl 1'ersorpswho starld inecbted to the said Bankrupt's Estat, .are .sitsig te x ischirge the sarseittmedratcl to Mrr P`%. Crawford. or Mr Wsidiarn 'Rotiersun, otherwise Pro- ...

Advertisements & Notices

... March, i8a3. I WEREAS a Commis'sion of Bankrupt is awarded W and issued forth against EDMUND REAl), of the Towvn and County of Newcastle upon T''ne. Mwiller- Deale- and Chapman, and lhe M~ing declared a Bankrupt, is herehy required to surrender himself ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ofStokcsley, Sii ?? York, Bamkers, and Co-. partners, are desired'to meet thb Asdignecs of the Estate and! rkffetts of the~said Bankrupts, ou the fifth Day of April next, at Tcn ?? in the Forenoon, at tlie House of John 'eve- ral., the Sign of the Black Lion ...

Advertisements & Notices

... on Monday, the atst Day of March inst. at Eleven ?? in the Vorenoon, ho order ?? the separate Estate and EMAed Sf the said Bankrupt James King, pursuant to the above Order, when and 6Thcre the separate Creditors of the said James King, who have not alrca(dy ...

Advertisements & Notices

... y, in the County of York, Bankers, and Co- PFttvers, arc desired to meet the Assignees of the Estate and ?? of the said Bankrupts, on the fifth Day of April next, jE 'eo 'en loctk in the Fofenoon, at the housc of Jlhn Peve- t bt tiign of the BlacF Lion ...

Advertisements & Notices

... March 2styo3 Shmpson, 7*7yLtrron, and Co's Ci editr', S. T IE Creditozs who have proved their DeTts usnder 1 a Commission of Bankrupt awarded and issued forth againstTHOMAS SIMPSONWILLIAM WFAYIERSON, J5IHN SANDERSON, and JOSEPH GRANC3ER, now or late of Seoheesley ...