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Advertisements & Notices

... Order f - the 'Alfignees of the lafte: and E'ffe6a- ge of Tno KU2 R :i1S.La, Aate-bf jP rafo:uti,.pn.-ti he moen Carrier, -a Bankrupt,, at -thelSra and.GAR;s It, Zsia TA'V`SN, on the Point of Pirtfmouth, on - 5? Tiiz SD'S' the 2sth' Day oMarhi, fko- at 'itfev ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ISAAC SLYTHIE, tie Elder, ofColchefter, Stone. Mafon and Bricklayer), Several FREEHOLD ESTATES, And other Property of the Bankrupt, In the following LOTS, Lao, EN new erected Tenements or Rentaries, I 1Gftuate at the bortom of Angel l.ane, in tle parifh ...

Advertisements & Notices

... SPENCER's BANKRUPTCY. THEREAS a Cormmifflion of Bankrupt W' is awarded and ifhed forth agaiuft THOMAS SPENCER, of the Town of KingIon-npon-Hull, Comn;)njBrewer, Dealer and Chapmnan, and he being declared a Bankrupt is hereby required to furrender himfelf to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Attorney at Law, in Hull. BREWERY, &c. To be SOLD by AUCTION, (By order of the Comrifflioners and Aftignees of John Young, a Bankrupt,) At the Houfle of Mrs. /lIay Jobifon, lnhsolder, in Whit friargate, in Kingston-upon-Hull, on ionday, ahtb April, 1800, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... hoglhead, beer ftands and other'cafke, feveral articles of.'plate, houfli'old linen and other effedls, of EDWARD JOHNSON, a bankrupt; con- fiftingpf 7 featherbeds, yfeful beding and bedfteads, with and without furnitufe; kitchen coal range, wind1up jack; ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Dry-ford, 3dZ Aprrl, ISCO. 'THE Credioros of JOHN WILLIAM5S,lamo A.of Bortbrd, Cornfa&roo, Mealrnaan, Dealer, arn Chapman, a Bankrupt, nsy receive rlseir refpeciir Div-.- dendsr on Atpplicatiorn to Mr. Sasneel Pant ,in'so on the Water. B. WATERS, Salicirer ...

Advertisements & Notices

... the Sien ofthe Thorn In, at Miftlev, in the faideounly, in- order to make a dividend of the eftate ant effects of the (. id bankrupt; when anltd where the creditors wvho have not already proved their lebts, are to come prepared to prove the fame, or they ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Attorney at-La, isasl.--W - BREWERY, &c. To be SOLD by AUCTIO, (By order of the -Commiffioners and Afiignees of * John Young, a Bankrupt,) At the Hosfe of Mrs. Mafary _7slnJin, Annholder, in W&,tef ~ir~ere, *in Kingasons-upqn-Huul, on on j, 28tb; Apri, o8oo ...

Advertisements & Notices

... afsr~fard, 3d April, aSuo, THlIE Creditors of JOHN WILLIAMS, late 1.~ of B drford, Cornfa&or, Mealman, Dealer, anid Chapmnan, a Bankrupt, may'reeeive their aefpecaive Dlvi- i dendv..un Application to Mr. Samuel Palmer, Bourton on the Water.'' l ! ~B . W AT E ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'Igoo. . THERK4S a Commiflnon of Bankrupt, is award- yV ed and ifrued forth aainift THOMAS WIL- LIAMS, now o- late oft e oparifih of Brantham, in the county of ISuffolk, via Ufalk-rand malfter, and he being declared a bankrupt, is hereby required to furrender ...


... BANKRUPTS Philip Teare, of Salters'-hall court, London, mer. chant, lo appear April 29, M-y 3, _n_l 24, at Guildhall. — Affmncy, Mr. Uavenpoit, Lonu«r-. Thomas Allin. of Saiford, Lancaihiie, c.itor.-n.anu- laflurer. To appc.r Ap 1) xx. 24, a, d M..y 24 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... the faid Truflees ny b' applici to for paymcnt of tle debts. tdt/' ArlYi, traoo. 'HrE Citalm,{fcroer in a Cotmitnihlion of Bankrupt 1awardecd anld illted forth agaitlit EDWARDI) J' IlISON, late of Creeting St. Ma ry, in the cotmty otSuliblk, pa pet-maker ...