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... Authority of the Great Seal, and intuiting the of the Commiffionets of Bankrupts in the Execution of a Warrant of Seizure iffued &gait& the Goods aud Effeds of one Mittins, a Bankrupt, We hear, that John Higgs, one of the 8 •Perfous concern'd in the Murder ...

• So e;es . 7 - S'effigingsl -- tVt!rieSet9s -- 15e585e58 , /tow to be Lett at Deale, TH E

... Hands to a Petition for a Reftraint from fending out their Pots. A noted Brewer is committed to Newgate for Felony on the Bankrupt in concealing his Meas. Hague, May, /. N. S. Lift Tuefday fen. night the Court of Juftice of Holland, at the Requeft of the ...


... Crowns for the !archaic of a Signiory or Lord- They fay the Arguments he made ufe of for his /hip in that Country, is become Bankrupt; Porpofe were, 6 That that Admiral was come which if true, 'tis likely that Signior will not • with open Force to negociate ...


... his LodOng in Broadfircet in this City, John Cudworth FA. He was 'Uncle to ----- , 6Mvihzm one of the Commifficners of the Bankrupts, to whom we hear he hath left 1 - n Efiate of cool, per Annum. Canterbury, September . • their 4 choice Mary refufed Etctr ...

the Loudon Gazette Dee. 3. Brufels, De>.2.Upen the Arrival of a Courier from Vi was toLcndon ,aDe- tachment or the

... and took away a great Yefterday Robert Steel of Holboum, Chap- Quantity of Plate, and left behind, through man, (who wis a Bankrupt in June: Hafte, a remarkable Sword and Piftol, by which lat) was to Neweate by a Warrant tis hoped they will be difcovered ...

* *# 0 . ,7 . * Spri

... risq4 tirsoon , canieftoBs. jlentns ktur.Diitich Men - of ? , War, one of them, in ; * nk . A4mir a 1 de Mr. Ellinvon, the Bankrupt is renic Groh, a 1 7 1,4 . ist her MiZen-rop-Maft- frontildie4taeper's linuk * a..PrerAi..Y.44 Head: Thereene frOin the Streights ...

From SATURDAY March I, to WEDNESDAY March 5, 1728-9. [Numb. i From a London Written Letter March 3. London, March

... Builder: and atter a Hearing of 7 Hours he was found guilty. On Saturday came on the Tryal of John Elfington on the againft Bankrupts, for concealing his Effeas, and after a Tryal of fevcn Hours was acquitted. There has been 15 Perfons conviaed of capital ...


... exceffive Qjiantity of that Liquor. On Monday lail, at the Seffions at the Old- Bailey, the Tryal of Mr- James Hslden (a Bankrupt) bOng put off till neat Sefficins, on a Motion made by the' Council for the Profecutors ; the Connell for the Defendant moved ...

. . . ed the Assizes

... John Essington, Esq; who at the last Sessions at the Old Bailey was tried for concealing some of his Ef- fects, he being a Bankrupt, but was honourably acquitted. Paris, April 13. Madame de Cunoy, besides the Legacies formerly mentioned, left one for saying ...


... 1/41Qti00 Vial- wade by the Council for the derry ard the Captain of the Pearl Man of War abproQpwtoro of James kloldnn, a Bankrupt, (who St. ariftopixess which they have rent Home, that: w a s indicted lalt Seffions tor concealing his is no Satisfaaion ...

_ Mit

... the t -Cams ebd in Here. newly arrived :torn Vienna to fee this Kingdom. fordthire, was cothmitted by JufticiPlumber to The Bankrupt expired laft Wednefday. the County Goal there, for couotcrfeiting the All confined Debtors are for the future to be current ...