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... Lieutenant of Ireland, favored oven a larglertumeausure of Home Rule than is proposed by Mr. GDADSTONE. There is little room to doubt that the late Tory Government would have initiated a Home Rule policy if they had secured a suf;i- cient majority at the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... and important question which id now being decided by the General Election is, whether or not HOME RULE shall be grahttd to IRELAND. My opinion isthat Honme Rule is but another name for Separation, and, therefore, I should opjpose io to the utmost of my ...

Advertisements & Notices

... y cam y maent mewn penbleth i wybod pahanu y gwnaethant. I Y mae rhai mewn penbileth pa un a fyddai Ymreolaeth i Gyaire (Home Rule for Wales) vn fuddiol ai pei(iio; eraill mewvn penbleth pa bryd y bydd Etholiad Cyffredinol. Ond panl ddenant i benderfyvnt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... cymeryd y cam y maent mewn penbleth i wybod paham y gwnaethant. Y mae rhai mewn penbleth pa un a fyddai Ymreolaeth i Gymrn (Home Rule for Wales) yn fuddiol ai peidio; eraill mewn penbleth pa bryd y bydd Etholiad Cyffredinol. Ond pan ddeuant i benderfvnn pa ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Lord Lieutenant of Ireland, favored even a larger measure of Home Rule than is proposed by Mr. GDADSTONE. There is little romto outthat the late Tory Government would have initiated a Home Rule policy if they had secured a suffi- rcient mority at the last ...

Advertisements & Notices

... interfere with thre attainment of his objects 1a witls regard toi Ireland. Wl ?? caes-e net by whom ass effective schemre of Home Rule uno be proposed ;pros-idieg It is subject to the supremacy Rla of Parileaisiat sor th eeunlty of the Empire, end freely PeO ...

Advertisements & Notices

... the Radical Party to the policy of Home Rule has made any legisation by them a matter of impossibility. It is only by tbe return of %e strong ?? mainrity at the forthcoming Eleotion that the agitation tor Home Rule. cnn be effectively terminated so aq ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Thebo Protestants obf Ireland know what Home Rule means, aid are determined to resist to the utmost every ?? to place their civil and religious liberties,' their property and their lives, at the mercy of a Hem: Rule Parliament in Dnblin. They will never ...

Advertisements & Notices

... thimee ese-Ud, to agan unfold to yu a he i-al Progui e, 'more' es ially ae ae Mw slei ny viowa have undergone-- er 'bange up Home Rule for id,:j. n- ious Equat'T in Wales, the need of id lare' IWeis Of contriol over tbe Liqti Ow Tiaifio to the pple; who euffer ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Kl, CALDIFF, ?? I 1ES-NA CUAMBEit.S. BUTE DUCES. PUJI.C41ASE ASIO ZALE OF ?? SHARES NrGUTIATE ?? 'd At a meeting of t1io Home Rule pa y. held on St Thurslay, a resolution was passed d(- lariDo' that, Le, as the GoverniniInt had t_;ken awav al pporturilt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Radical Party to the policy of Home Rule hase made any legislatiou by them a matter of imposeibility. It is only by the return of a strong Iluionist majority at the forthcoming Election that the agitation lor Home Rule can be effectively terminated eo ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Lieutenant of Ireland, favored even a larger measure of Home Rule than is proposed by Mr. GDADSTONE. There is little !I room to doubt that the late Tory Government would have initiated a Home Rule policy if they had secured a suffi- cicat majority at the ...