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'• I>c - , ADKASiUa* JAMMON, Mi»

... days. For freight or paffage apply to JOHN MON'roOMERY, Who for f»|e. faid veffei's conflfting 6f Oak, jde. Bireh and Beech Logs Latliwnod, Staves, Ac. A* A.'. One fnfnty. » ' For NEW YORK, The Ship HOPE, JOHN RUSSEL. Maffcv, Jus Rtn-lhcn too’tom, remarkable ...

.i For A NT lOU A, The Snow POLLY, Rurtlien. 300 torn.,-, an e«irc«}in| floe refTel, not JS&Sfim- 11 ninnilx.uld,

... af:W days. Fur freight or anply. to ..» - . JOHN MONTGOMERY, Who hat for fate, laid vedcl’s'eargn, confiding.of Ouk, Pinr, Uctch, l.og« sf«iyc»p Ac* Owe Profrrfif' '' For NEW YORK,' The Ship- H E, , JOHN RUSSEL. Mafier, Burthen zoo' tons, icmarkabte .fad ...


... SALE, Prime SALTED and DRY HIDES. DRY Sfaniim HIDES, SALTED HIDES, And Quantity NawtooNOtAMo SEAL SKINS. _ Apply to WUXIAM RUSSELL, Campbell-ftrect, Duke-ftrect. ON SALE. A Jew Mhdt. fine latsn GLUE, BLUE GALLS, Smoam* VaLONIA, Ambbicaw And PARIS WHITE ...

- * Tor SEW YORK, I IV' -tfc A J A#» Burthen tori, h»» got»d paircnger% F«

... failing fl*ip- For freight, Itc. apply Capt. Whitney on bowed, in the QueenV Dock, JOHN and ADAM LODGE. W doVro n, . . The weU-kiHrtrß fad failinf A men Shift PACKKT, John TrotT, Mailer, iturthcn per regifter >B7 toil*, mounts.x 6 gum, 6-poundtrs, with ...


... For freight, See. apple to the maftcr, board, in the Kir’- Rock, or. , , . • /Out Piaferty.; - JOHN and ADAM I.ODGE. Foe BOSTON, The New American Ship JOHN ADAMS, TALLMAM, MaOer. Rfgifttr burthen 368 tons, mounts 18 carriage guns, copper bolted and flieatbed ...

i up»n Nfcjaftua Pio*- k y\ flufti; l>f KcleHon, ft*^ y&nithdOTrn-tai*.n»r L.vcripool, t

... Tlic AID, John Arm.kck. Matter, For freight or pafTagc apply to tt. WOOPWARD, For HAMBURUH, 1 Neutral Ship Chahlott* Wiluilmima, v J.H.SCHULTZ,MaAcr, L. I, Broker, For DEMERARA, intended |o join firft Convoy froai Cork, , The ’IHETIS, John Lenox, Matter ...

, i -I*. For . • • Ship DIANA* FREDERICK BOI.TON, Mafter, taws ha* good *eco«»m

... is coppered, ana now on herfecow! ; Wag?. : For psniealara apply to for ALEXANDRIA, in VIRGINIA, The Amciitmi. Shin S S, • RUSSEL LEUTB, .Mailer, .- '• Burthen torn, has iccomtr.otlation . for paflengers, and is tng.igc darter fail the middle of February ...

SAI.F, rrimc OX HIDES, nolb*. t4olbs. each, COW HIDES, jolb's, to 11 ilbt. CAI.F SKIMS. OX and COWUORMS, aut Six

... Par ricotAß Madeira WINE, [ And IKON HOOPS, for Exportatiou. tin ?.laiiut.ict,irers Prices, -Credit*or Difcount*. ILI.IAM RUSSELL, CampMl-ftreet, Duke-ftreet. l-MMITTEE ROOM. BRUNS WICK-STREET. -'ltiijxr, of the Committee for conducting- the Liver; ■ RATION ...

. 1788. —Vol. XXXV.] from thi; ocnfrai. coach office. j\|.BOT INN, VV A l I Iw > KT, LIVERPOOL, the

... may flopped imme,|v for any part with little -txpence thereou, and well worth no- Vr 'he market. Apply to M-atli End of the JOHN OWERRYHOUSE, and Co. , ,i’ Dock. l.iverpo..l. Builders. 6 N SAI. K, About ;,o tons Riga FLAX, conlifting of la, and Lithuania ...


... Iving at flint, which may (hipped immc‘ anv p..rt with little cxpcuce thereon, and well worth nu- market Apply ; i, ot the JOHN DWF.RRYHOUSE, and Co. ,!■ l.ivtrpool. Ship Builders A I. E, Alniut tons Riga FLAX, confiding of ibciltnlianfen. and Lithuania ...

jjo. t79‘—Vol- XXXV.] \

... which may flopped tmmrulv mr any part with little tx|Kiicc thereon, and well worth uo” |'r tin Irith market. to End Of the JOHN DWERRYHOUSE, and Co. I'ci. k. I.iverjnHil. Ship liiiilder.% E, About .to t»m, Riga FLAX, cnilifling of I htileiili.nil'iii ...