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Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette



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Bath Chronicle and Weekly Gazette

X3atfi, ipa:u 7

... Charity, via. James Caulet, Efq. Sir John Hartopp, Bart. Sir Ed- ward T r - er, Bart. Walter Long, Philip Stephens, and Samuel Cafe, El'qrs. Yefterday it was currently reported here, that $00 French were landed near Cardigan, in South- Wales , that they had ...

London, June 30,

... Lady Mary Brudencl Mon- tague, Daughter to the Earl of Cardigan. — \f York, aged 55, Sir H. Ibbetfbn, of Leeds, Bart. Bankuvfts. Archibald Murray, lat- of Plymouth in the County of Devon, Chapman — John Dickens, late of Weft-Smithfield, Lon don, Innbolder ...

Wednesday's and Thursday's Posts

... Soveriign in his own Apartment •and being called over Garter King of Arms, a Procelliou was made from thence the Great Council Chamber, in the following OrJer : Earl Bute. Earl Cardigan. Earl of Lire >!». Duke of Bedford. Duke Leeds. Kis Royal Prince William ...

Lonton, g

... at Newfound^ / landi the Sentence which' made them legal Pule* a t St. John's Island, heint deemed foflicient. An Eftimatc of the Value of foreign Teas, taken by hi* Majefty'* armed Cutter*,, from on bourd foreign and dom-ltic Smugglers on the Coaft of ...

Sunday and Monday's Posts

... praifed, as well as can be exited ; and the young Princefs is in perfeft health. Whitehall, Nov. The King has been to grant to John Young, Clerk, M. A. the Cc and dignity of a Prebendary of the cathedral fid of Chrift or the BleflelVjrgm Mary in Worcefter ...

LONDON, November it

... as can be ex- pected ; and the young Piinccfs is in pc.fea health. Whitehall, Nov. 11. The King has been deafad to grant to John Young. Clerk, M. A. the place and dignity of a Prebendary ot the cathedral church of Chrill or the Bleucd l Virgin Mary in ...

By the KIN G’s Letters Patent

... houfe in the Minories, John Seaton, Efq.—At Hampton, Thomas Law, Efq.—ln Gray’s Inn, Ho.born, Thomas Saville, Efq.—At Dublin, Major General Smyth, Colenel of the fixty-thud regiment foot. trnoi.i.*, Chthh-codt M;kn, At he? Itouff in John-Sti't-t, A //» MAKES ...

Friday and Saturday's Posts

... A new writ is iiTucd out for electing a member for the borough of Cardigan, in the room of the late Campbell, Eiq. A new writ is iiTued out for ele6ting member for county of Cardigan, in the room of Lord Vifcount Lilburne, teat is vacated on being appointed ...

LONDON, January 7

... Newgate when John Andrew Martin, for a burglary in the houfe of Mr. Knight, jeweller, in Noble-ftieet, and ftealing plate and jewels to the value of above 701. was ordered for execution, on Wednelclay next. William White, for horfe-ftealing; John Fennell, ...


... Newgate; when John Andrew Martin, fora burglary in the houfe of Mr. Knight, jeweller, in Noble-ftrcet, and Healing plate apd jewels to the value of above 701. was ordered for execution, on Wednefday next. William White, tor horfe-ftealing; John Fennell, Thomas ...

LONDON, January 12

... the Ambaffador of the Ottoman Porte at the Court of Berlin about fix years, our Politicians wonder at this Monarch's taking arms againft the Turks. Several young Noblemen, particularly Lord Spencer Hamilton, brother to the late Duke, and uncle to the prefent ...

THURSDAY, January ig, 1769

... the Ambaffador of the Ottoman Forte at the Court of Berlin about fix years, our Politicians wonder at this Monarch's taking arms againft the Turks. Several young Noblemen, particularly Lord Spencer Hamilton, brother to the late Duke, and uncle to the prefent ...