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Advertisements & Notices

... addrcssed Governess, G. H.,TCitizen Office. - 1.ATANTED, in English Families, a COOK, HOUSE- WV MAID, PARLOUR MAID, GENERAL SERVANT, and a NURSE MAID. Apply aiiy morning before 12 to Mrs. Adams, Partick Hill, ' Partick.( ;W ANTED, a First-Rate STRAW ...

Advertisements & Notices

... a JIealtlty Yonug Woman as 3, WVET NURSE. a Apply by letter, addressed J. M. 2, Herald Office. a iXTANTEI), a COOK and PARLOUR MAID, by an VV Etglish Family, consisting of thtree persons, and whare ,e no other servatits nre kept. 'Ihley tust tlnoouglily ...

Advertisements & Notices

... R. H., Herald Office. T 0 D G I N G S.-WANTED, a PARLOUR and BED 1 ROOM, or PARLOUR with Concealed Bed. West; End preferred. Address D. G., Herald Office._- LODGINGS. TUANTED, by a Gentleman, a PARLOUR and BED Wv ROOM, in the vicinity of the Crescents ...

Advertisements & Notices

... indhepe,,ehale.-Atlpty after i, A. W. Aethur, eil Gre D. SITA.Nti', for miseegh robeod o1 London. nood Iouse WV aecel Parlour Maid; lVages Sii, passtoe paid.-Apply 81 Stanley Street. XRTANTED, lor London, Edinburrhf Glastow itotfciloy, W Vtirlieg, Srcvaets ...

Advertisements & Notices

... receive Offers up to FRalsAY, the F( 14th curt. Aberdeen, 1st November, 1879. BTr 1ajwr tla lo -lic- 0 UDGiNGS.-COwitorttate PAR-LOUR maid Si 3.J Two BH ODROOMS to be Let, together or separately. wi Apply at 1S BOS-ACCOoID STREWe Ct w fODGINGS.-One Sitting Room ...

Advertisements & Notices

... hilk a few days old, From the Country preferred. rA pply at 013 Argyll Strset, at 3 or? s7 rr. lT AN TED, 1 tllorecugil Parlour Maid, for r V London, I Taible Mold;, 3 litolon Rcrv Into, who, can r mnilk Cowvs. Cocks, Hzsstsemeide. and Cevlesl Servants ...

Advertisements & Notices

... between 15 and 17, Wanted for kitchen G ?? at the Colliss Institute. H OUSE saundry Maid Wanted; two years characterre- _ qaired.4 Montague Terrace, Kelvinside I..] OUSE Maid Wanted, hotel, north; milk if possible.- .klBenham, 9 Cambridge Street. HROUSEKEEPE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... and' Poultry. Highest references. Oc Alex. Mair, P.O., Culter Cullen, Aberdeen. - ro F i e 0ITUATIONS Wanted by Superior Parlour Maid, great W:7experience County Families equal to butler, carving, h cars of silver, &c.; also Clerk, i5 uinnths' experience ...

Advertisements & Notices

... and W Housemaid, one year and half in present situation.- Registry, 23 Marisehal Street. Tir 6;IUTIONS Wanted by Superior Parlour Maid, great Tii i cxpereo Cowilty Families, equal to butler, carvIng, ca~re of silver, &o.- al6o Clerk, 15 months' expedienos ...

Advertisements & Notices

... flisenr9aged; references.- Grierson, 6 Vindsor Street, City Ros. OTEIL Ritcheb Maid Ichuroeghty esrienced) seeks WlEngagement-Mrs Ritchie, 57 Hutehesno Street. TOUSE Parlour Maid, experienced. gond lookring,- Mackay, Highland legistre, 19 Park Road. TI 7SE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0NOK cod Hoeuse TabG-' V-aid Warta~d at' November' C5 11tha-Apply at onc, GO Aytaun, Ho-cl Pclleksb511rlds. -Jnruyio, p~arlour m.aid kepi.-416B. Ilerald Caorte. C00 and flouss Tabl Ma tid moassoonso. country', - 1th November, n Ma-B0,feedOfCe. 1 - 0.g' ...

Advertisements & Notices

... gord Plain. Tablemaid, thoroughly experienced; County Family. Useful Sewing Maid Kitchenmaids, House-Tablemaids, and Generals. For Family coming North-Cook. £24; Eouse Parlour. maid, £18, Housemaid, £1i; Scullerymaid, £12. WANTED FOBI HOTEL SERVICE. Kitchennaid ...