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East Midlands, England

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... THE POTATO BLIGHT. Within tbe last eight or ten days complaints have been pretty general that the potato disease is spreading very rapidly throughout the country. Up to that period the croops were in general looking well, with tbe exception of a few withered ...


... turnips, and not in a very advanced stage of growth. Potatoes, too, are rather late, and the is very bars. After leaving Frodingham there is a ] general improvement, especially in the potatoes and ' growing grass, bat the pasturage is about the ...


... tendency of the ex- changes having been checked, and the extremely favourable accounts of all the crops, except those of potatoes and beans, having tended to quiet the corn market. In the beginning of the week the reports from the chief wheat growing ...

Mr. Stanford, the Conservative candidate, has been returned for Reading, having polled more votes than those ..

... Prolific Potato. —Mr. Clear, gardener, Weedon, renting a garden near the barracks, some days back dug up a root which there were fifty-one potatoes, and several other roots having on each respectively 20, 30, and potatoes. Before setting the potatoes, the ...


... pounds ef beef. Let the wh le •toil two hours longer, and it will make an csceilent meal for fix perfons. ! ». POTATOES and CABBAGE. Potatoes boiled with one third part of white cab- J bage and onions, and maflned up with a little fat or { butter, pepper ...

The Navy Estimates.—A comparative abstract of tlic navy estimates for the years 1848-1849 and 1849- moved for ..

... growing corn for exporta- tion to this country. now learn from an Antwerp paper that several English speculators who purchase potatoes, fruits, roots, eggs, and other articles in the neighbourhood I.ouvain, Glabeeck, St. Trond, &c., have made propositions ...


... parts of England. This being the fcafon for taking up different root crops, we arc infotmed from feveral places that the potatoes are in general fmall, yielding badly, and frequently not good for the purpofe of eating ; cfpe- cially thofe that were planted ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Saddles, Bridles, &c., &c. ry, Second Day-The Hay. Straw, Winter Eating. Turnips 'ee and Potatoes, which must be consumed on the Farm, et with the exception of the Potatoes, which will be sold to Iee go off; the whole will be divided at the time of Sale into ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Cut away the diseased part of the potato and dry the good parts before a fire, and preserve them in bags, and hang them up in the room You live iii. but keep the crowns and the parts cut from Ise dliseased potatoes separate, and look theml over fre- ...


... le we_t_?r, .-ill i abroad. Peafe are a general good crop. The i early. houfed corn ot all kinds yields line j famples.— Potatoes do not yield lo well in any ! dil.ri_l as was expe__ed.— The turnip caunties ! complain univerfally of defeftive plants in ...


... Summer hill, Derby. Cl' The Day of Sale in next week's Mercury. { Freehold Land at-Winshill, Tithe free. A WHEAT, OATS, and POTATOES. ?? Tbree CLOSES of Valuable FREEHOLD LAND, Tithe free, situate at Winshill, in that part of the Parish of Burtor,-upon.Trent ...


... favour o'er our fields again, Afh-t, ye bono i;r*d fiiends of toil, to raife Tlie common theme of gratitude and praife. • The Potatoe— brought into this country by Sir Walter Raleigh ...