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... t THlE REVIEWS.. .The Co2iafnp~rarJ/ Revnew for: septembew. soraiely It Yesiches itsadorainaxzy standrerd, Out of the ten articles, t, four of them siro-on theological or religious topics, and f wose-mcnot ?? the publio has been somewhat surfeited of ...


... THE REVIEW& The Con tc-naorary Revew for July opens with a paper styled A Few Weeks upon the Continent by the Duke of Argyll, It appears that in February last, little dreaming of the-revolution which was about to carry him back to office, his grace ...


... THE REVIEWS. The beat articles In the wafnl ?? o flrospectie charetter. An able and interesting muompecylve ebsr t9 ad aindefatigsble laboure of aTi. Charles oeasoa VallBOS, M.P , in the eause of Free 1rAde Is UPe-ally worth the attention of the younger ...


... THE REVIEWS. LKL55 JtAJrV Jlrsse. T he Ninefeenthe Centsur for April ontains several interesting political eseaya. Mr. Burt, M.P., in a paper entitled IWorking Men and the Political Situation,, is especially worth attention, inasmuch as he possesses ...


... THE REVIEWS. - ?? SIL The Nlneftelth ?? Opens With the three paperi on the Irish crisis on which we have already commented In our leading oolumnils. r. Plimsoll follows ln a new cbaraoter, Offering various novel suggestiO3R for th0 pr, . vention of colliery ...


... THE REVIEWS. The Conte, apo;'aiy Revienv for October opens with the address on The Progress of Labour delivezed by Mr. Frederick Harrison at the recent Tradeg Union Congress. SIr. Richard Heat~h narrates The Rise and Fall of ,Amsterdam, but although ...


... THE REVIEWS, Tho Co-1if711POF61y Rclicie for the present month ?? with an able paper by Dr. Elam on The Gospel of f Evoluticli, in which the hypotheses of the advanced t evolutionists are shown to be not only ?? by scientific proof, but In flat con ...


... TIlE REVIEWS. The Nlineteenth Century for the present montb,whioh i; of more than average merit, opens with a poem by Mr. Mdatthew Arnold on the funeral of Dean Stanley in Westminster Abbey. In The Biologists on Vivi- section, Mr. R. H. Hutton undertakes ...


... arguments area found.satifactory. wil depend,. we. D Imagine, on the previous conviotion aiths reader. o. a a. G. Macaulay reviews the editions whlh havo lately * appeke In this country of the. highly ?? poemse of Wait Whitman, an American Who, bq te ...


... THE REVIEWS. A .LUIJ AN T VI' VV The Contemporary Review for February Contains several good papere on the topics of the day. Mr. Arnold, Jsl,,writing on The Prospeots of Reform, predicts that the Conservatives will consenst to the assimilation of the ...


... THE REVIEWS. - . . I The contnrosnary rlcsieo for June opens with two papers on Ireland, by Mr. G. B. Finlch and Mr. O'Neill Daunt, the former of whom advocates the concession of a large measure of House Rule, ?? the latter con- tends for the entire ...


... THE REVIEWS, Tht Confeteporavy BReisw for May opens with a vigorous article by Mr. E. A., Freeman, written on the banks of the Mississippi, yet overflowing with sympathy for the unhappy people in Eastern EBrope who lately rose against Austrian oppression ...