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... Doubtful, deaths, death-rate per cent., 100 0. cttestz*.—Smallpox has spread to such extent in Manchester that the authorities tear that the accommodation will soon iaaueqnate. There are now smallpox patients in Hospital. ...


... THE SMALLPOX EPIDEMIC. OUTBREAK Excitement has been caused in by the out reek smallpox. The patirnt the child parent* living Bruntcktle. and the the ciaease in Moriej traced to Batlev, whero some relatives of the child were suffering from the disease ...

Smallpon at ( ucihutoj.-Tlm etaff at the Smallpox Heepital wan to congratulate Uubhltm apaa the fact that than ..

... Smallpon at ( ucihutoj.-Tlm etaff at the Smallpox Heepital wan to congratulate Uubhltm apaa the fact that than bo patiaata andar their charge, when theea hope* war* to diaappoimtmeat th* occurrence caan ia differaat part* of th* tan. Wokihous*.—Laat eraaiag ...

WRIGHT’S smallpox'&c.' GOAL NURSERY ■•Thf trur antiseptic soap. FJI ! H«itish Medical Joc«kai.. £XI XI/ >,1,,,; ..

... WRIGHT’S smallpox'&c.' GOAL NURSERY ■•Thf trur antiseptic soap. FJI ! H«itish Medical Joc«kai.. £XI XI/ >,1,,,; «Becti»e in skin diseases. laiD^ap*. AS I?- Tab er■, . and Boies ofThreeTabiels, Is. Sold everywhere K'.-I OMMKNPFn MEDICAL SOAP. No. 11,104 ...

The Labour Union at Halifax have passed resolution that on the November next all Aldermau Halifax aboali be ..

... November next all Aldermau Halifax aboali be alec tad dirsct from the Council. Smallpox nv Leicester.—Some alarm was created in Leicsater oa Saturday the aanouneement that a case smallpox had beea discovered in the borough. man and his had been staying at local ...


... AND GENERAL ADVERTISER SMALL-POX HOSPITAL, MOUNTHOOLY. THE PUBLIC HEALTH COMMITTEE of the Town Council, as Local Authority, beg to intimate that, as for several days past there have been no Patients in the Hospital, and as Small-Pox in an Epidemic form has ...


... Liverpool, February 20. 1847. ADMITTED. I DISCHARGED. Fcvcrand smallpox 31 I Cured M-dical and surgical wards. 41 ' Relieved 13 ward. 4 Died 12 Lock wad9 RKMAINI.VO TH HOSPITALS. Fevcrand smallpox 1?. ! Medical and surgical wards Lying-inwards 13 Lock wards ...

Advertisements & Notices

... face in hot weather, and eradicates Freckles, Tan, Sunburn, S tings of Insects, &c.-Of Chemists SMALL-POX EPIDEMIC. -The Lancet states that last week small-pox caused 93 deaths in London, 4 in Liverpool, &c., and in the House of Commons a resolution has ...


... are irritated that there has been change of capital, the virtue the old sacrifices being gone. They have plagued city with smallpox. To appease them the astrologers declared it necessary to offer up 700 lives—men, women, boys, girls, pounhas, priests, and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... IMPORTATION OF SMALLPOX FROM SOUTBPORT INTO HASLINGDEN DISTRICT. SOUTHPORT AND SMALLPOX. TG THE EDITOR OF THE MfA£ICRB5TRR GUARDIIA-N. Sir,-An inspector of the Haslingden rural sanitary authority having reported four cases of smallpox at Heh.shore to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WHARTON WILL GIVE SOME ACCOUNT OF THE LORD'S L WORK AS ABOVE, AD WILL RECOUNT SOME OF THE AWFUL LYNCHINGS pFIIERE. 3632 r SMALLPOX IX NEwRY.-The official records . show that thirty-five patients are now in hospital, r many of whom are convalescent, and ...


... Remittent Fevers, Diphtheria, and Dysentery. At the beginning of the year there were few cases of Small-pox, most of which were sent to be treated in the Small-pox Hospital. The principal epidemics have been Hooping Cough and Influenza, which were specially ...