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Yorkshire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... near LONDON. II IDREN who have been born Ileaf, or those U who have lost their Hearing g accident or idisrse, are taught to Speak and Read distinaly;. t Wuu'6te, and Understand accurately the Principles of Dlrqnage; they are also instraaled in Arithmetic ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -Oiginal Cormpositions ?? be: ?? 'on-the'occasion, three ?? Prose, one inAlcaics, and-the-other in English Verse. Atter the Speaking, a -seleal Colled-ion: of Extercises in English,: latin, Greek, and Hebrew, -done by the Students, will be pxoduced. Those ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Compositions will be delivered on the occasion, three in Latin Prose, one in Alcaics, and the other in English Verse. Af terthe Speaking, a selet Colledtion of Exercises in English, Latin, Greek, and Hebrew, done by the So'ednts, ?? be produced. TIhose Ladies ...

Advertisements & Notices

... the i, Nobility, Gentry, id' triraellers, resorting to this ie ppulous and'opulenfsea-p'ort.. t.. It is hardly niecessary to speak of the conveniences.. d 'and'ekganciesof tliM house; the interior- aDd appur-: . tenant accomnmoda6uns' of'which, for an inn ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 'the'.Nobility,, Gentry, and' Travellers, -resor~tin~geothis,popuj!ousand opulent sea-port. . 1 a 't tis ardly Decessary to speak of.tbe conveniences' 't andelegincies of the house, the intevior and appur- tenant. accommnodations of wl.dch, for, an Inn ...

Advertisements & Notices

... wrho can - 'I itimsu i~rcrn ?? tho evilsi which l snelkinte and I G-! -womb f1 futurity. Let tildi isiso tell us whyv they'-speak of +S loot deceptisln is Jo~anha. when the Conmenunieation here quo~ed, 'Mr. arns proniises. protecittot only to the just and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... (Oll'to en- TL aisle tisiei to jstdge of ille VIr'SITArION OR or 'rit Sitner orF Ta'r. Loan, thairth Cli' -isy feir hin Eislist speak., ?? Ilesivest, *and hosusir untu g~lisri itG(od, else his oers's aitisies known and gives Protof upois Prisel .Its Mae, 15112 ...

Advertisements & Notices

... beating of the heart, )OWit-0f spirits, and dreadful sick.head-ale, vvhich reduce1 her so mticlh, that she became unable to speak or wvalk for several veeks, aid wiuld frequently faint, and rimain in that qtate for a considerable time; tlgethtf with a svweirng ...

Advertisements & Notices

... heart, p -be lownessof. spirits,' and dfreadfulsick-head-achie,' hich at. reduced her so much, ithat slie became unable to speak Bi or walk for several weeks, and.'would frequently faint, Si r. and remaira -iii :tlat state. for' a '6wniderable, time; R ...

Advertisements & Notices

... cstcrry', atctds cmav other Nobs entr -n tot Gccti~c- ~ h ccc, , icr a~-isatict'l. ilc Years, C~,clzlivt: its Ct', acnd ya speak Ic ics'1ts it-i Praie. ?? Scc'd ~Wh'c6lci &t. Retail by, Mcr. Rvit-ei's Ap' c pisnotmat by ess.Dircy acd ~Suttonc, 'No. IC) ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Hle is 2 years of age, five teet five inches high, firesh complexion, light brown hair, grey eyes, a good-looking man,, and speaks shatp. tit Whoever will apprehend the shid TAmEs WiLsoN, and lodge hi nm in anv of his MAjesty's gaols, and give notuce to ...

Advertisements & Notices

... the. * Tiseie.-- Counstry cxptectesl it-and I truat it tsill not look. to this House in vain.' it V/sde Levrd l'rchlseter's Speaks. Il Illustrasted ssslhs Notes, Biographical, Gecographsical, 1 !r after~~cu Exp~lanatory. B3y WALTEtR GREY, Esq. T~ss Work ...