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Dublin, Republic of Ireland


Dublin, Dublin, Republic of Ireland

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Advertisements & Notices

... dnrieiglftigne, and as lpr-ot ecti inagainst Damp, Fogs, c. They, are also very serviceable to pei-sons in the habit of public, speak. ing. In Boxes, at 2s. and 4s. 6d. each. IONCENTRATED ESSENCE OF JAMAICA GINGER. All the virtues of the root are strongly ...

Advertisements & Notices

... or Mr. Ellis,. 47, William-street. WANTS A S6iTUATION, A S Butler, Travelling Servant, orN'aleta, Native of Germr . whbo speaks and vwrites the German, English, Fr Italian, and Polish Languages, and can he *ell recom enbl-hb distinguished Families now ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Newspaper, as if' their eflicac es had been diminished or destroyed by being declared through that organ. which Kings are proud to speak by, atid when properly snd justly employea, must ever prodiuce the ?? important und substantial btessings to mankind I JOHN ...

Advertisements & Notices

... NewapsP5r as 4f their e1caciss had b nen diminished ,or destroyed byr being deulare4tmugh that'organ which Kings are prou'd to speak by, and wh;en properly and justly emsployeifl must ever produce the most iportant und substantial blessnjgs to mankindt. JOHN ...

Advertisements & Notices

... of this day's Collection, to-decide whether theycan or canoot obtain refuge there, end thus be saved from destruction, must speak feelingly to ever7 cbaritable and benevolent heurt. 1. ' He who caused a Sinner to be converted from the error of his way ...

Advertisements & Notices

... this day's Collection, to decide whether they cart or cannot obtant refuge there, arid thus he saved from destruction, must speak leeliiagly- to every charitable and benevolent heart. lie who caused a Sinner to be converted from the error of his wav, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... this day's Ctollectmnn, to decide whether they can or cannot obtain reiuge there, and thus be saved from destruction, snust speak feelingly to every cabritablesand benevolent heart. '1-i woo caused a Sinner to be converted from tie error o his cay, sholl ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Nevwspaper, as if their efficacies had been diminished ar destroyed by being declared through that organ which Kings tle proud to speak by, and when properly and justly employed, ever produce the most important und substantial blessings Nledica Innd ! JOHN JARDINE ...

Advertisements & Notices

... who have either neglected thd'dacqtuirezherst''of -Fielsch.or wbo, belig aebla to rend and trans - 14teit; feel a wvisth of speaking it fluentlyi, that two Classes solely for rdults, one bf ivsichiafor conver-aii'n,2and oral tr.Snt- ioal.are open three4say ...

Advertisements & Notices

... which bas been made by Ireland_ and whioh the irish'mesabertill betray their truat if they do not insist upon. l: dz not'non speak of policy, of especial grace, of that which, von grounds of decency and fair play itself, the millitry -to conide to ireland ...

Advertisements & Notices

... iamperatively called ?? ?lcedical Ity evidently tile result of close attention to, and a 'riI tctibe subject, Mr. Aberethiy speaks of it inr 1 18O E-Brtish Mafigaie, Jonno, 1830. mU,, 4 Nt 1CE T1'l CREDITORS. :t~t uterof ~iliw hiAchardsn,v; anz Inso7 di ...

Advertisements & Notices

... the Parisbioners so deep a prejudice. against the projected new Church iiilTownsend.atroet, that they are not inclined to speak- or.think of it, much less to contin- bate towards its completion. At least, such was the feeling manifested by almtust every ...