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Yorkshire and the Humber, England


Yorkshire, England

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... ssession of the mecnorandtms made in tjourt bv thc Defendants' Counsel, and agreed to by the C(ounscil ?? the Plaintiff. It speaks for itself antrd reqoires no COltt ment. The following is a literal copy of it. *- Tliis Cause nmtlde a Rensalac on the a ...


... right, Mr. Burttin put down t his head to Mr. Canham and Mr. Bromke, (Sir George's Stewnards), who sat under him, as if to speak to them, he then said, he ?? sell the land free, and in consequence of that anseer svitness gave a higher price than his friesd ...


... 1,1C his the trutih. Mrli'. sitttlcht'ij ha.itg rein- inaietord her retl'rsi, his Lordship said ,* I wtill hear otso, blt speak the trstft. * P/roas Sir, said tite Prisoner, 11 I hare' e(tui aist, tied shih Sttekd 'sie ts gi to LC d s sand -rt /ter ...


... licer Iettne read, autd tlat itt the eatt-a of atte week.- anid wliltin six weeks from' din. prinlaoi- xh'ai eli nite 'zis Speaking, titree fuitirati Iwoueld go from lire ditar. Onie Of thin dcc~ii int vietiets we~ts lier lmstbttl, atisthar lice son, an ...

TUfeSDAY, MARCH li, lftl7. Printed and Publishel# by ROBERT PECKi at his. Opt'icßj. No. 36, HULL. The of the 38th

... citizens of the United States from selling vessels of war to the citizens or subjects of nny foreign Power, more properly speaking, for maiutaining the neutrality of tlie nation prohibiting the fitting out sale of armed vessels to cruise against friendly ...


... curry, 1 was known,- immediately after the fruststntion of tine petitioners' Jouarney -to London, osr snore Catmi- - iarhy speaking, thse ft&zsske Lf.rpediliomt Delegatee from distant (chiefly msanuificturing) towiss, siet- fre- eqtseotl) to discuss tite ...

COURT of KING's BENCH, April 28

... proved, then it -Xouldk be proper to strike out from the Bill sucl averments as were not duly supported by evidence. Properly speak- ing, all tihe overt acts must amount to what; in lasw was denominated levying war against the King. llf certain acts were ...


... loojecd ill: was dressed in-a sailor's jacket and trowoers, and wore a black hand- kerchief. He manifested great anxiety to speak to Watson, and on his approach tohin shook him heartily by the ?? Yeomen of the Guard sat by the side and behind the prisoners ...

Yorkshire Summer Ass

... tie taot;e of hier dross wiren Site gave the Cun. site it wws asked. httw the, knew Sykes's wtt.stcour. ivhtn site ao,tult Speak to titl otiter pttut of his dress she saitt it tit wasL the pokekt. anti she knew tule mutn. Vitn.-as Wtas so Vlslypess tedtstate ...

LONDON, FaiDAY, Actcsr 1

... at these Meetings, they did not come within any part of the law under, which they were tried. The French papers continue to speak favourably of the harvest, which every where promises be most abundant. In Italy the crops arc luxuriant in the extreme, and ...

Parkshire Summer Assizes

... to hare the £ ?0 For speaking thie truth anci nothinig but the trmtth, re- lieti the witness. His Lordship said lie ?? give ?? otC Oppotrlinity more to speal the trutit. Wit- nsc-s then sttid a person hadl offered him 10 to speak the truth, and titos ...


... has produced in C the the minds of those who wvere most in attenda nee upon r's thetm a want of cnciction, it' we may so speak, (if iths their guilt, which could .ot fill of renderhig their dutiy I of extremely painful. It is not necessary to enter a-ain ...