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Sussex, England

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Ci)e Cypress, p'tantiarlJ. lilt aft ot Hent anti County 9lPPertisrr

... tLLC.S. loth Itogt., and Deputy Lieutenant for the counties of Kent and Surrey. the 18th inst.. at Reading, at the house of Major Papillon. Caroline Elizabeth Papillon, of Sandgate, Kent, aged third daughter of the late Thomas Papilion, Esq., of Acriseplacc ...

4 Cfje Cypress, jmivoart), of jHail. ant? County Slipgrtiser-

... rhurncter —Apply, T. Williams, Post oflice, Buttfe. t VS PORTER or BOOTS, in school or hotel; age 22; four years’ good character from last place. Address, J. Tl HNF.R, New Hythe, Aylesfonl, Maidstone, f-st (COACHMAN ; understands hunters; ride and drive ; j pair ...

Efte gmsser (Erprtes, giurrtp ®HealD of Hent iHatl, ?3ants anu count? ammttßtr

... Lady Recommend a good COOK for small, quiet family ? kitchenmaid kept.—Address, Mrs. Gibbon, 34, Victoria-road, Old Charlton, Kent. tfs GOOD PLAIN COOK WANTED for Winchester College master’s house; age 30; abstainer; one who has been kitchenmaid preferred ...