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Lancashire, England


Preston, Lancashire, England

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Advertisements & Notices

... Irrigating land in the most judicious lonanner, not less than one acre, a Salver Cup, value vaue. So 6 To the person Inventing ?? most useful Implement in *Heusbandry, a Silver Chap, value 31. 3w. Ta tile person draining tie greatest quoatity of Land in tilem ...

Advertisements & Notices

... TIMBER, marked IlL., now IT landing, ev Hillsboriough, (375) Captain Lamb, from Bay of Chaleur, viz',- 435 Logs YELLOW PINE, from 17 to 25 inches square. 30 Logs large sized BIRCH. Also, the CARGO marked 1.11., now landing, ex l Isabella, daptain ...

Advertisements & Notices

... , by devoting one-tenth of their pro- perty to the sustension of a Permanent church. In India many officers of the British army, among others Major Edwards, the hero of Moactan, are cordially supporting the missionary cause. The ,,ative congregations ...

Advertisements & Notices

... and Meadow Land. The proprietor purposes to lay under irrigation the greater portion of the Meadow Land in the ensuing season. 2nd., Singleton Town-end Farm, consisting of 200 Statute Acres of Arable, Pasture, and Meadow Laud. The Meadow Land has the benefit ...

Advertisements & Notices

... from a plot of land in Wheelton aforesaid, on the northerly side of the road leading from Chorley to Blackburn, and which said plot of land contains 4170 square yards, or thereabouts, numbered 59 on the plan, and upon which said plot of land, a spinning ...

Advertisements & Notices

... the LOT 4.-A CLOSe of LAND, called) Mitoor Field to tbe East, O 2 2G30 1 2 2s LOT of.-A Close of LAND, called Simwpson Mleadow ?? 1 14 1 1 3E LOT G.-A Close of LAND, called3 by th nameS Well Mfeadown,- 0 tosy ,0 LOT 7.-A Close of LAND, called) 4 031 Mfill ...

Advertisements & Notices

... until Rossal Land-mark bears S.E. ; here you are entering the deep water of Lune, where you will have 28 Fathoms at Low Water. If in dark hazy weather you should fall in with low Land bearing ?? &c., and not knowing whether it is itossall Land or Walney ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ?? .Iarme in the Dominion for ?? to Lo ix, Woo)Ds, ?? and Co., Land Agents, 288, Ragont. street, London. B UILIDING LAND ON SALE.-ON SALE, Several BLarge PLOTS of Excallent BUILDING LAND, in duildhall-street, freehold, in lots to suit purchasers. Also ...

Advertisements & Notices

... the Dominion for 8ale-Apply to l one, 0 | WO0D, GaRTH, and Co., Land Agentn, 288, leg ilt. P. *trent, r.ondoo. lILISING LAND (N SALE.-ON SALE, Several B Large PLOTS of Excellent BUILDING LAND, in Guildhall Rtreet, freehold, in lots to suit purchasers. rv ...

Advertisements & Notices

... Ireland, and Mediterranean Stations, SALE OF CONDEMNED ARMY AND MILITIA CLOTHING. rfHE Secretary of State for War will be pre. T pared to receive Tenders for the Purolnase of euch quantities of Condemned Army and Militia Clothini as may be for disposal doting ...

Advertisements & Notices

... maeadow end Pasture Land. Also SALLOtM HOUSE FAiiM, con- taining about t6 statute aores of goad meadow and pasture Land. ThIe above Fainuam are situate in Walton. le-Dale, and witbiu three miles of Preston. Poaseessiau aa to the land on the 2id of February ...

Advertisements & Notices

... and Arable LAND, toge- ther with a limited Right of Pasturage on Slean Fell, now in the possession of Mr. Anthony Nelson. e I N CLEYIELEY. HODGSON'S FARM, consisting of a Dwelling-House, convenient Outbuildings, and 101a. 3r. 36p. of LAND, in statute ...