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Police Intelligence

... 1police -qr# once. FORGER? iOM THE BANK OF. ENGLAND. Carpmeal, theipolicr arrive& at the Public-Office in.Bow-fireet, London, ori Saturday laft, from an excurfion in whic-he anied V Mr. Blifs, 'a gentlenian' belingirsg-'to the anka of -England>-. It- had -been Bifcovered that a B great numniberoff6r'ed Bank ?? Notes had been, circulated--near Leeds, and ?? larly at Otley, in Yorkihire, as well ...

Military Courts Martial

... w0-maitarp airtz partiat. I ,Yudge ?? Ofer, sif, OH.a o; 1799. I have had the honour to lay before the e Ring the proceedings of a General Gpurt_' r. Martial, held in the city of York on Monday el the' 23d day of laft& months and on- feveral fubfequent days) for the trial of John Worth- A, ington, Efq. Major of the Suffex Regiment of ?? Fencible Cavalrv, upon feveral articles of E charg6 ...


... LAWP INTJELL IGENCE. to y( COURT OF KING'S-BENCH, NOv. 30. gcne - plac l5OOPER 5J. SUTTON, POP AN ASSAULT, verp It was flated on the profecution, that Plaintiff conf vwho is an old pyeman, was, without provocatiorij foiu ftruck by Detendant, who cut his face, and knocked Erle, out one of his teeth. It was on the other hand at Ih flated, that whilft Defcndant flood with his wife at his door, ...


... COURTS MIRMI4. teat.. John Read, of the Wallace Rtgiinent Po of Fencibles, has been lately tried and, acquit.. ted by a Gencral Court Martial, held at Jerfey, Eu of fite charges, of abfence; drinking, whilft p upon duty, with an Officer' uner arrdt; conm tempt of difcipline and good order, -peaking difretpeafully of his fuperior OAicers; neg f cleing duty when Officer of the Main Guard. An( ...


... MURDER AND RQBBERY BATH;, Jan. 2.-On Monsay se'nnight 'William tE -Dench, a waggosierbelongingtoMr. Wilefhire,.of this W city, was fomnd dead about five o'clock in'the even-' .ig, a fhort way from the Rudltiw-rir, above Box-' a b bill, on the .Chippenhain road.' hIia 4adi,'i'medi- ti rh ately on receiving intelligence, took a Surgon .with tk h hii, and drove to the fpot, wliere they found the ...


... -- -- MiArivesta, ? . lis SATV~RDAYj-,JJ-AfARY 18. K ?? thi HANTS'EPI Si!rS- ONSf a? c th' :he LN '9 ?? E9ENT. - -, r ,ur Charles Shaw Lefevi;e; Erq. Chairman; Earl of ic Cs. Northefk; Earl of Banbury; Sir Wm. Heathcote nd Bart.-;' William' Chute,.:Lovelace .Big Withe* 1hi d- IWilliam Prowting, Chriftopher Hodges, Waiain , *ii Harris, William. -Nevilt, Thomas HallcerAv Ard tul -s Maidman, ...


... ?? , - . -CORTIP1 OJ7KINd's BENCH, In, THE KCING9 *Vtt; . The Defendant/ cinre up, according to the: Order of the Court, to receive Jutdgmeent in -an .infohation for a Libtl on Captain Smith, of the Navy, haijng fffired. h* j udgment to go by default-which Libel appeared in .the Tim~es. -- Several paragraphs in different Paperssbad pievioufly . appeared, purpor* -that a Captain in -the -Navy ...


... ' I;AW iNrELLIGENCCE. * KNO s,2E-NCH, FEBen^iRn zot}, xgot,' BefqrejLbrd4, enyon and a Special Jury. ,ST.UA lA'NG AN - H'E ESIS. . This was 'an'JnfNtration filled Ay-th'e'Attoroey- General iga1inff Jarries Thornporin for ilia-he beng a .perfbn jof'Io~ condition in life,' didfor he fake bf an infantV' of the age of fourteen ?? male oath, that 'thb rald 'Marl: With;r 'rc;and to obtiain the ...

Published: Tuesday 04 March 1800
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 621 | Page: Page 3 | Tags: Crime and Punishment 


... nGMCvtTVSAt atroi.T fok marc .. HOVVLVf-R unlavourabl- the feverity of the froft and t.t.iennr.s of lbe thaws in the bft mr ...


... E POLICE-OFF IL, BOW-8TEE | .LOVD ON. SWINDLING,i V, VERY curious examination took place n1 . A Saturday before Mr. Ford. Two young mnen who called thenifelves Thomas George Hawkins and Edward Underwood, were charged with robbing a Mrs.' M-r of a pair of gold ear-rings and various artitles of wearing apparel. Mrs. M-r repre- iented herfelf to be 3 perfon. who principally fubliflcd upon a ...

Published: Tuesday 11 March 1800
Newspaper: Hull Packet
County: Yorkshire, England
Type: Article | Words: 2061 | Page: Page 4 | Tags: Crime and Punishment 


... A S S[Z Es. At Wincheffer on Wednefiday laft, lames Edwards, twc apparently-an 'jdrot, left from the laft A~lzes, under the He verdAi& of a Jdry, Dumfb by ebe wjfitatiln of God, having Ma recovered''his'fpeccfi, was tried on two ihidieiments, and Ma fb(,nd gulilty of bufrglary in the premsiffes of Wmn. Webb, wi; and, William Bath of Hutfiey. At onl Adjourned Seffions for the Eaft Riding of ...


... NORTHAMPTON.-The aflizes ended 'on Wecdnelilay: An Trn'l'ur, fr picking thejsocieto~f Robert Ayrn, .f Brackcley, of fine guineas, *vas fentericed to be tranfpotted frfeven reare; two werci ordcred- ro be tranfported f'or yee ears; two were ordered 'to be imprifoned twelve' months, three were acquitted, and three were delivered by proclamatioin. l ?? bofenefs at N2VifPriejo, before Mr. Juftice ...