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Yorkshire Gazette

ORIGINAL CORRESPONDENCE. THE MARKET WEIGHTON RINGERS. To the Editor of the Yorkshire Gazette. Sir,—A letter ..

... the 24th ult., signed by a Yorkshire Catholic nobleman, Lord Herries, and also one from a minister of the Es*ab lished Church, who signs himself Rector of the Deanery of Harthill, in both of which are used language of strong condemnation against the rector of Market Weighton, for refusing to allow the church bells to ring on the occasion of the marriage of Mr. W. Langdale, who himself ...

Juno L • FOR EGYPT. phi l professes to have information :l nll r the command Lieut.-General I 1

... under orders hold itself in lii t'i- j The cavalry for the ex* vr,v *'? , oll lv ti»ree regiments, viz., the Sth, The tir«t troops land iu Egypt , '7.. , from Malta, consisting of tho iho 7i-t LigM Infantry, , v.I tho It'Ut Bengal ho-ilier., T be' rei-la.'cd bv tlnd Battalion ! 'I WIA uUera. the With and the ird ' ,,j , 2nd Battalion tie t.-ftif l»>-ij w * '(Uhraltar. These troops will oi « ...

¦BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS. BIRTH'S. SUTTON —On the 7th inst., Moor Hill, Harewood, Leeds Lady Sutton, ..

... the 6th inst.. at Wensley Rectory, Yorkshire, the wife of Captain J. Edward Hunter. Royal Navy, a son. MARRIAGES. Blunt— Blyth.—On the 12th inst., at Holy Trinity Church, Scarborough, by the Rev. J. A. Faithfnll, M.A., Henry R. Blunt, M.A . CM., Dewsbury, to Annie, widow of tbe late R. R. Blyth, solicitor, York. No cards. Hoi.gate.—On the Bth inst., St. Oswald's Church, Fu'ford, the Ray. ...

BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS. BIRTHS. Courcy-Baldwtn.—On the 3rd the wife the Principal of the Diocesan ..

... the 30th nit., at Honse, Thirst, the wife of Reginald Hartley, of daughter. —On the Ist inst., at The Rectory, Cherry Barton, in this county, the wife of the Rev. Charles Melville a daughter. Whytehead. the 6th inst., at York, the wife of T. B- Wbytehead, of daughter. MARRIAGES. Barker —Drought.—On the 9th ult., at Binscarth, Manitoba, by the Rev. William Bos 9, Francis Fletcher, youngest son ...


... •Latest news. The Emperor left Plombieres on Tuesday morning, and went direct to the camp Chalons. Official intelligence reached here from Vera Cruz states that, on tbe 14th July, the French retook Urnpau. On the 23rd July, the chief of guerillas, Publita, was attacked by French cavalry, and killed, together with large number of his band. Arteaga has been routed. It is stated that the ...


... SUNDAY SCHOOLS. To the Editor of the Yorkshire Gazette. Sir, —A statistical report of the Educational Committee has just been published, which proves (I regret to say) the fact that all the religious denominations show greater activity and interest in Sunday schools than is evinced the members of the Established Church. You will be sorry to learn that this general statement is borne out by the ...


... LATEST NEWS. The Saxonia arrived at Southampton on Thursday, with dates from New York to Nov. 20. It is reported that the Alabama claims will have early consideration Congress. A resolution has been offered in the Senate declaring strict neutrality in the war pending between Great Britain and Abyssinia. A Fenian funeral procession took place in New York, on Thursday, in honour of the Fenians ...


... GUILDHALL, MONDAY, Jan. 23. Before the Lord Mayor and J. R. Mills, Esq. ed Garotte Robbery York. Three Privates in the 16th Lancers, named Henry Ahey, Wm. «, and Thomas Doyle, (the two former officers' n' were charged with robbing Henry Jones of . and two army medals, on the previous Friday even- Water Lane. Mr. G. H. Smith appeared for the P'isooer Brace. The prosecutor is gardener, and has w ...

BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS. BIRTHS. Athorne. —On the Bth mat.. Grove House, Chelmsford, the wife of the Rev. ..

... Atborne, of a son (Alwyn Spencer). Hebden—-On the inst., at Throxenby Hall, Scar- borough, Mrs. W. Hebdeo, of a son. Stobart.—On the inst., at Spejlow Hill, this eonnty, the wits of William Stobart, of a son. Woodhouse.—On the inst.. at Rosslyn Honse. New- land Park, Hnll, the wife of J. T. Woodhouse, solicitor, a daughter. MARRIAGES. Boddy—Flinton.—On the 9th inst.. at the parish chare*, ...


... LATEST NEWS. Blue Book was issued on Thursday morning, containing the text of the official despatches which have passed between the British Government and the Boers in respect the peace negotiations. As already announced a Commission to be appointed to consider the following points: Complete self-government under British suzerainty, with British Resident at Pretoria, and provision for ...

BIRTHS, MARRIAGES, AND DEATHS. MARRIAGES. Clarkson-Thompson.-Ou inst., the Centenary Chapel. Scarborough, Mr. ..

... Dc«iELD-J the 10th inst., at the Wesleyan Chapel, Gu.sborough, Thomas Duffield, engineer, Sunderland, to Hannah, second daughter of Thomas Jenkinson, of Guisborougb. Hodgson.—Watson.—On the 13th inst., at Centenary Chapel, York, William Hodgson, of this city, to Elizabeth Watson, Richmond, this county. Parker —Wilks. —At St. Mary's Church, Boston Spa, by the Rev. J. Dodd, William, third son of ...