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Advertisements & Notices

... ENTERTAINMENTS. VEW GAIETY THEATRE, WEST ,9 I~HARTLEPOOL. ' Proprietor . ?? , - JOnN BAs TST. TWO NIGTS ONLY, FRID&Y and SATURDIY, August 22nd and 23rd, Mr. A;fred Young's Holborn Theatre Company, oonsist- lug of a powerf cd ombination of Talent, specially or- ganised for the production of the Great London Suese, written bv Miss Florence Marryat and Sir Chas. Young, Bart., entitled Im I S S C ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ENT'qlTA'HUENTI. -ILEVELA > l-WL, AlTDDLESj GRAND R ; tCON T, Ionl TaIURRDAY, Januaury ~tli, 13; ?? t}:-1 * lt9.ESB;ItOUGH PHtIL- HARMO1NIC SO' jp ILY PILLLIBanti Ir. ED'WARD LLOYD. M.P N Full rorhetri , ':111 a~rilbtertto~ldottel lay Mr. FRASNZ GROENINGS.. ProegramnmOe te s Ietaov~n's GRANt) SYMP- ?? rd Seat' *B a~lcony 3.. Gd.; SeCond Seats, RseeBack Seats, 1 i'kts aid a'sRU at LMr. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RNTKF?1TAINMENTS- - - - - ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ OE - DLETON?;-)NE ROW GRAND gll ihe i'F *i D?.tTON SCHOOL CRICKET S3S10U2X;DRIRODWELL, .trE!i\~iitACvgLdSte~cretary. AND ATHLETIC 10ND GAJ-LAa UDO G s0oPTS in, tlo beautiful PARU at TUbEtE '0g'piyY0)O, AUGUST 11THb te ElANG of tho DcrliingtoD Temperance Sax-Horn (Mraitte9 ITTL BE 1FOLKS' GALA. Io FOL.Al OROIINl- SATURD&Y, Angust BOTI. IDS. FIIEWORKS, &o., &a ...

Advertisements & Notices

... O NAIONOTICES. ION ACT, 1870. g[,'dsT }:TIN I2L NoTicz A. COUNTY OF DURHAM. ol DISTRICT OF EAST AND 505 WEST NEWBIGGIN. AS the Education Department, of the Elementary Eduatieon tu P-OPr edthe b eturna in the said Aot c ?? tymo rde hob inquirY as they thinkc necef I is ceommodatlonl of theflisa ?? ~unedNow, tferefore, the Lords of idoi v.1180i t 0ounci d on liduoaton have decided, and il? t GrB ...


... Wood i, uesdft y 3ast an inquest was held by John Fulf a f q . at a house on/the Tilmire farm, near of /({ being sworn to decide as to the cause who EUz abeth Bradley, the wife of labourer, that farm - The deceased was a woman her V addicted to and at len ca nsed this *, abits of intemperance. The facts of y the called was he eYid ence. The first witness sin le woman, servant to Mr. Newton, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... S ,NTEITAINMENTS. - SNE - THE - SEA GRAND d tA ,,Als BAN,! CONTEST, CORNET SOLO ' . T IX IwN ATHLETIC SPORTS, MON. y( PAJIy 28ithI o, 1578 p t say that thce Entries for Oc Tbeo s oa utes 0 lrcs l ' following celebrated Bands, ox -Leede iledC e1 Tinttiwwait., 4th Durham Artillery, th T:'FetliW, 0' Whitwortb; while a :,ong the oo of tl e most rctownved cornet players ae ~ te ~~coda~F ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ;7ENTE RT S AlNENTS V OA ETY ATR, WEST j H ?? 05d onnouncing that e i .,.g with MADEMOISELLE F bobs' v Celebrated La COMEDYD bMA F WOit ek 8 Nights, Of this C ompany) Tm ?? ysO ~ond Ey and Tuesday, Augnat 2 Ith anJ p0rodl~, ?? 26 a. Biardin' s faose ComSedy bysbt G.r¢c M11aomecech, Esenith ath Hrgalf Lndo, FRIB Ba R neS i 2ycir ~O fromthe Vadeil Tete, ea arseeatComediette,F TofCO wiorth, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... : ! lAlNM~tSTS sT~lITA THEATRE,, W Ei Iao'ti£WPOIIARD STODDA$T, s MnFaPAlYiE! i 4xi;.ll'.Otic ofl M~rs. PI. tstaddani, onx E ?? w~2, 'b s re favourite ?? S of' R r3 ..r1 . . .Iera. SLODDAXY. 1 l2' ?? ,.lr.F A~E. aawad - HA1SA LbL, DARI4INGTON.- c e :oSo Firp Y GST drrn; Sberand do. iV Is154;trl anavan ?? 2Dr. J. Hegdoti's Musie Saloon,3 bi p'tbz~t'c ~LSO'5'U tthere 5no0wnedu Vocal Comed, ina, ...


... BEDALE. The Collection of the Income Tax. —On Tuesday last, assessors and collectors of income tax for the division of Hang East, was summoned to appear before the Rev. T. R. Ibbotson, and Christopher Clarke, Esq., commissioners of the income tax, to be fewom in collectors of the above tax. The surveyor of the district handed to each collector his duplicate, with a book of instructions and ...

Advertisements & Notices

... _ ETERTAINMENTS. ?? FOLKS GALA.1 f IT 11 SATURDAY, August E0m. pFTI`IIS FIREWOHE, &c., &o.Fs ?? D TEiIjPERANCE GALA at the E ?? 05OfINGLEBY ?? the I daT eperuetc Soci ty by Lady de Lisle H3dlesbrns9 WONDAy, Augnot 4th.] ,0dtlOdigY Trains from Saltbarmf, Reducar, Gailibmougig, Es~nh, rtoecktou. -ad other Stadlana. Soe B111e. EST HART;itFOOL THIRD I ...


... EARL GRALNVILLE AT BRADFORD. Bian,.rozm, TUESDAY. sex The new2; Liberal Club which has been recent ly c~ln erected in Bradford was Opened this afternoon by marl a grand luncheon, at which Earl Granville pre- shre Sided, supported ?? Forster, M.P., Sir Har- alth, conrt Tollastone, TkP., Mr Hutchinson, M.P., and way, the leading members of the Liberal party of the and towa anidneighbourhood. The ...

Advertisements & Notices

... ;IN MvrER I:N m- S._ --W GAIETYT THEATRE, ESTKC S ARLE O o to the Q i8 BTIS hat the hnonurtoanue foal enb bitbts Mf5genrer- ye If the 1tlarltepriols and FE ya.ft~ that be has tflld0 etaleo wt h oe lo-. iaVICE DRAMATIC AND BURLESQUE TjDder th ,El age an t Of Dr CAPT DierS, feoe their appearance at the 0jweteIb 1`1mhr ?? 14th, 1070, for Six aae5o X.ON DY !, bS~I42~L .. THE RIALS,. -lig, 'y . ...