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London Evening Standard


London, England

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London Evening Standard

I -^OTICE.-Th. C^GB £« AUVEBTIS^ i__*gs^|gS|g^-3^S« immt be duly authenticated By g-^ or cheques. Stamps fender ..

... returned. will not be received, and if oen* . ?? — ?? BARLOW -May .at The Park. Nottingham. Mrs. Archibald B-ER-M-yn, oat ?? Catford-hill, Kent, the wife of EKV ?? n'al her residence. 37. De Vere-mansion.. Kcn_-i-to Il ,l.o„don.tbewif l - of Alfred Bennett (of Sydney, New South Wale..), of a daughter. , ?? Hi. 33. Upper Mount-street, Dublin, the aifenf the Rev. Duncan J. ...

Published: Saturday 30 May 1885
Newspaper: London Evening Standard
County: London, England
Type: Advertisement | Words: 91405 | Page: Page 1, 4, 6, 7, 8 | Tags: Classifieds 

TO LAND-OWNERS, TRUSTEES OF ROADS, (key '.WANTED by a gentleman, who baa been all his life a practical farmer en

... an extended scale, a situation as land-steward, or to undertake the management of a large farm : or the advertiser would be happy to undertake the su- perintendence ot a turnpike road, for which, itis Presumed. hi>. experience has \c ell qualified liim. The most respectable references, and security to any amount, will bef Iven. Let- ters, post paid, add re. sed A. 8., Pcele's Cottee-house, ...

T Price Bd, or stamped for circulation, postfree, le. HE LONDON WEEKLY REVIEW, for .Saturday, October 27, ..

... wterary Souvenir.— Continuation of The Betrothed, by Man- ?? Forget me not.-Blue- stocking HalL— Repository M , Arts—Amuiet (second notice), &( . \-e. ORIGINAL AR- TICLES -Letters from the South of Italy. No. I.— l he Philo- *pt»yof Ores*.— Travels in the African Desert — New 1- rench Romance, by M. Aneelot.— Doings of the English Actors in J?*— Letter from Paris — Original Poetry, &c. &c. - ...

ULIES abuut tv FUltNkbM will linu. L.COOPER, uf Bedstead C.VBINKT WORK— Of the lii -t qualityand Material*.— ..

... i Foreign Clin Mill- r . an tl CHAIR. --Appropriate for Dmlllg, Drawing Rooms, Hed Rooms, See. CARPETS— Super Brussels Carpets, 4s. Cd. per yard (no infe- rior quality kept), Kidderminster and Venetian equally moderate. LOOKING-GLASSES— From the .mist magnificent to the smallest, for Chimneys, Piers, and Toilettes! on the larger sizes, the redaction yvill be found to amount from Bfty to ...

CONTRACT FOR THK REMOVAL OF LEAD ASHES. NAVY-OFFICE, idt'll June, 1828. THHE Principal Officers ond ..

... Navy do hereby give NOTICE, That on Thursday, the 3d of July next, ftt One o'Clock, they will be ?? to treat with such persons as may be Milling'to CON- TRACT for taking a\fay LEAD ASHES' from his Majesty's Dock Yard at Deptford. A Form of the Tender maybe seen at this Office, t-fo Ten- der Mill be received after One o'clock, oil the Day of Treaty, nor soy noticed, unless the Party or all ...


... Mn Uie from thence along the River Mcdwaj to lens u»tin le ''luitv of Kent Will, ut then- next Court, to be noiaen at ill ffl nn. . the ci yof Rochester, in the said county, on -. tiie Wth day of April next, at Twelve ocle.t-k at no«,mrec4ve TENDERS for lay.nif down in the sea wall into Cjiife'cSat the we.t end of Level a ?? j-,fe»t lonir evitha water way of IS inches a lametir, the ...

I^HE JUNIOR UNITED SERVICE „ CLUB harlng removed from the Lisl>on Hotel ?? nnuse iv (, ,v having DEMAND-! ■JpUnst

... ?? requested to send inthe Particulars to nic Secietary. ,rder of the Committee, Tiios. HATCH, Secretary. 1^ APO LEO NEM Y E REU R.— The French , Child, JOSEPHINE, aged Three Years, born with the ■nscriptjou •• Napoleon Bmpereur, distinctly visible in its JVM, is now Exhibiting at the ROYAL BAZAAR, Oxford- •\ti-eet, where the Rritish Diorama, with Four Views, by s.aii- eldand Roberts 1 and ...

ii il I * . i —~ . Norfolk mansion, and sporting. GOOD MANSION UOL'SK, KKADY t~ . ■'CttNISHF.O, with

... every .Winmoii .tion frlr a rf- d2?)eFa,uily. excellent Coach-houses mid Stables, tho i T r '»rdcli**. a Paddock of .-5 Acres of god Pasture, find thuiili '*'Kt of S^ortiii^ over 4.40 . Acres in a Ring fence -ha ■ ■he Mansion House (all belonging to the same owner), the i . d'uif 3fio Acres of Plantations, may be hired tiom t»ri, ,f September next, free of rates and taxes, for any '7? ...

IE Sum of SIX THOUSAND POUNDS ?? Is ready tubs ADVAKCED in portions of not less than JOOl., and for

... periods not exceeding Six Months, on Freeho'd 5 r Leasehold Property, Reversionary Life Interests, fee >'o Rent tr.i.ted with on any account. Statements of the Securities proposed must be given in writing, with respect- Jble reference to Mr. Rose, Air .■! ionccr. Church Court, Old -Jewry, and if approved, all appointment will be made. Itis Particularly rciucsted that lio application may take ...

X 0 TIIE KING'S MOST EXCELLENT _. M VJE-TY. 'he luimhle Petition of your Majesty's most dutiful and loyal subjects,

... the minister, churchwardens, free- holders, and inhabitants of the pai ish of Tissington . inthe count v of Derby : -Host respectfully show eth. . ' •» ?? y. u.r petitioners, devoted in loyalty and atta-hinent thi i . .estJ-'i person and family, and trn!\- sensible of iiipi . ''^inKseniovcd under your Majesty's uracious govern- hi. I •' ?? ' protection of their excellent constitution, ...

URE'S DICTIONARY OF CHEMISTRY, NEW EDITION. This.diiy is published, in 1 large vol. closely printed in douhle ..

... tJuineii, A DICTIONARY of CHEMISTRY, in ?? svhi.-h theprinciples are Investigated anew, and its appli- cation tn the Phenomena of Nature, to Medicine, Mineralogy, Agr. culture, and Manufactures, detailed. By ANDREW UKE, M.D. F.R.S. V* By expunging whatever is obsolete, and introduciiiK a copious account of every modern discovery, the author has rendered the present edition In a Ki'eat measure ...

NE THOUSAND FOUNDS UK WARD. S ROWLAND S.TEPH i V -aturday, the *7tti 18-38. j ffi i r 31. 1828

... — A t a i In the ! Rus- I V, and RIBU- Hp. r of DIRECTORS of the EL ,;1K to •lis utter the I expire on the loth . er any i , i thout • the ry. ' TO THE ( W ANTKI:> ' h ADUATE of the v T racy in the V. 7 Vr. J. M. - *~i; COMPANY.— I Mai; and Coruhill. man. ; . Es ...