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Midlothian, Scotland

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Advertisements & Notices

... L UXURIATNT NWH.ISKERS or L IMOUSTACHES.-My formula forces them to grow heavily in six weeks upon the smoothest face, without injury to the skin, and a sure remedy for bald. DOsS. 13 ?? FOX, Mfacclestield. Fox's celebrated flair Wash Formula for removing scarf and curling the hair, seven stanips. MEDICAL ELECTRICITY WITHOUT SHOCK OR PAIN, SIOrPLIFIEU Fo E CONVENIENr SEL.F-AP'LICATION. MOST ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 1 'i I *f 2 ?? i ?? GREAT SHOW OF RN EWWING T D S of AT M'LAREN, SON, & CO.'S. ' ETery Department is saow fully sapplied teith New and Fashionable Goods, tthe Stock at present being the 777st complete of the Season. - NEW IMPROVED ATENT SELF-ADJUSTING A VENTILA!rING HATS- These HATS being made of the Best Materials, combining Brilliancy of Colour, Beauty of Shape, and Durability of Sabstance, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MEETINGS, AMUISEMENTS, &co. THURSDAY, September 24. Meeting of the North British Railway Company-12 neon. Queen's Theatre-7.30 Pal c yrince of Wvales' Operetta-House, Waterloo Place 8 P.M. FpRDAY, September 25. County of Edinburgh Registration Court - County Buildings-11 A.M. I THOMAS THORBURN, 31 QUEE-N's HAVEnSTOCK lELD, London, N.W., has informnation of special advantage to the persons ...

Advertisements & Notices

... to HOTEL.KEEPERS, TOURISTS, AND VISITORS.; TAMTEST('RNER. AUTHORISED CITY a UlDE. CT AddresS 158 ST. JAMES' SQUARE (Top Flat), or at the STANCE, WXAERLUo PLACE, CALTON HILL,:, ?? l I Tersfor par.y-5 Suilling, per Day.. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 0 fi- (TO)} STEAM; AND) LNDON. - I ~I( FROM f D The LONDON & EDINBURGH SHIPPING COM. PANY'S Fast and Commodious Steamships- 'MORNA, OSCAR, or OSSLAN From LEITH, EVERY WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY AFTERNooNc. (From Leith- OSCAR, SAT., To-day, 5th Sept., at 5 P. m.), AND From IRONGATE WHARF, LONDON, EVERY WEDNESDAY and SATURDAY, at 10 Mowing. FARES:- 20s Chief Cabin; Return Tickets (available ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - a4 AUTUMEN AND WINTERL FASHIONS. :: SILKCS, DRESSFS, MANTLES, AtND MILLINERV.- At C O W AN &, ST RA C'IA N SJbeg to intimnate the return of one of the Part- ner8 from L[ONDON and PANIs wibh a very Largie Choice of NEW G ODS, of whieh they most respectfully - solicit an inspection. RICH PLAIN AND FA~NCY SILK1S. 1U WALKING, DINoN lR, and MtARtRIAGE SILKRS. MOItE ANTIQUJES, YELVs TS, and havt ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MEEING, AUSEEE TS.IBL&O. PLS-T FvriDAY, Amuut 26 ehhibt!Wfl of eModer reaintings-Patop'ic Galleiies- JOH N KNLO x's C H URCH. 'isCK HURCH, which has. been Shut fbr the last Four hggecokm while being Cleaned and Painted, will le anOI a p aNED for Public Worphip vn SABBAtH eyIpos 2 '.inst.. 'The Services will he conrefaced by Ihbe Itev. TmIMASsS. ANrnet~sov, Crailing, Fia'Liioun. ~.'v .1 UoN jNI ...

Advertisements & Notices

... N 0 TI C ' Firm of IM.rPARKER &,C CW1'Od gszc*kiqls~ ~j ofth et Bees~ cise bsa o, 1 55 of ~hN1S &ck ' O B E D srhoro he cordialy.r6Comfldks Aaia *op who. , ,q.l-,. TODD are authborised to receive and discharge;, ' ,Xtwscs T DEBTSe A fth Firm ind Mr WI~sON >j~b5 pri~ toS>who hi Pbnoed n Co &re '@ WETr ADPIT inrl.~ pinbug, 15th Aug. 'I864. : OBT. WILSON.- DAVID MILIAN, Witnem:' 1 3:y.. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... RZEDUCTOX'IN Ti ' PERICE'] OF Tfre Su~scnnatss bas great pleasure -in~ drawing at-] 'tention to'a particularly'gbbdi ''-; -*1 ;TE3A;' at8s' 4dperlb.,' - :, beihg superior to arny that he 'hns soldant the price. £ , T qhe finest kinds of Tend maintain tbeir,.value, and those sold at 3s.8d, .4s,'and 4s'4ii are the same quality tl that have given so miuch satisfaction durirng tbe year. ' c ...

Advertisements & Notices

... -HOTELS, &c. * - XALL HIALL 0W 1AIR2' ' Mr Aliddlema _dekits lo iatiigne that, Special and most Extee A''ngements NOTrE. Y,are being wnadefor the Aceomesxdation of ' Strangers and oihsfiesidng the I Nll- 'B B0lduring AIt 11alloew lasr 7YeeL. TO STRANGERS VISITING EDINIBURGH. Parties visiting th's 4celebrated Dininy .Estna1ie- sneet will meet with civility and prompt attendasce. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... - DRESS, _- . .NEW CARPETS. . C -*i - f esss~eeea'their &hof vEIV CARPETS, sehicls they are Fesabled to ojser stlll, as sofa Ibe see Lss perusl e.ofthtseotong ist, uf fhe -same Loss, Prkes os fow U ii- ' BRUSSELS'-CABPETS, 3s 6d, 3s lid, 4E, to 49 6d per yard. TAPESTRY CARPETS, 2s lId, B 3d per yard. RIDDERMINSTER AND SCOTCH CARPETS, Yard-wide, all Wool, 2S; 2d 28 4d, 2s 6d, 29 lOd, as per ...

Advertisements & Notices

... GENERAL NOTICES. S E R MI 0N. N TEHE REV. H. D. NORTHROP, of NeivYorklt thas been induced to prolong his stay in Edin- bnrgh for another Week, and will conduct Religious Services in the following Place:- ' a BROUGHTON PLACE U.P. CHaRcH, Rev. Dr Thom- son's, THIS EVENING (TuHnsDAY). Tie Working Classes are specitally IriUd Worship to begin at S o'clock. Sun -TEIE LIQUOR TRAFFIC AND THE*. ...