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»T»E YORKSHIRE EVENING POST. The attention of advertisers is specially directed to the LARGE CIRCULATION of ..

... POST, being, as is, THREE or FOUR TIMES THAT ANY OTHER EVENING PAPER the COUNTY. SCALE of CHARGES for PREPAID ADVERTISEMENTS UNDER THE FOLLOWING HEADINGS. WHEN NOT PREPAID THE ORDINARY RATES 4RE CHARGED. 1 day, 6d days, Is. days, 2s. Od 26 words 1 doy, 9d3 days, 2s. 0d6 days, 3s. 36 words day, Is days, 2s. 9d 6 days, 4s. 6 ...

Motor Car Upset by Cows

... What might have proved more serious accident occurred on Saturday evening on the York Road, near Shipton, two or three mil'' west of Market Weighton. A party, of Mr. Frank F. Lambert, director ...

FMiDAV, FEBRUARY 6. IWB •n,, R,r. John 0. fkeltott, Urteft carat* will thortij •oooMd uu Rn. “J” p3look, ..

... DinUo's Charch. I»n,lt»bly not for rararal je«« h«. farm kb-.n *o well in hnnd a corra.ponding th« year aa U th* cat* at protent in thia Jialriol. • •intomUlo Poxhouods will meet on J,v rootnioß. half paal ten o’clock, at c.?iul linJce and ' probably try in the Larpool and bV Rlgga it the Bpni'B Exhibition of i’Uturct at , .. yncj.ll.rj. L*«d». Mr. G. H. French ..o™,; oted a floe drawing, ...


... REFORM !—TAXATION AND THE HOUSE OF LORDS !! placard, bearing this somewhat attractive heading for the advanced Radical school, was circulated in the city on Thursday morning, announcing that in the evening of that day, Mr. John Smith, barrister-at-law, would deliver an' address upon these important questions at the Lecture Hall in Goodraingate. There was pretty numerous, but not a crowded ...


... RIDING QUARTER 8E3310N3. General Session* f«- |K« West Yorkshire were apeaed Bradford yestsrdeg H«wry Sap, M.P., the ilummbm erf the Riding. l*ewd«d. Amitgittk* \rant were Mem T. H. Tynan, Timothy Horafall, W. worth. J.«t (Vivm, Alfred Hma, L. W. HcadvMß, W. W. Wickham. 0. H. Dawson, ...

Notices of Births, Marriages, and Deaths are charged 2s. each, prepaid. They must be authenticated by the name ..

... of the sender. N.B.—Notices of Births, Marriages, or Deaths cannot under any circumstances accepted per TELEPHONE. Notices, 2s. Rd. each, and 2s. Gd. extra for all mutter to four lines beyond the plain BENTLEY.—October 20, 39, Sholebroke Place, Leeds, to Mr. and Mrs. Sydney Bentley, a son. c LlBBY.—October 20, at Aylesbury, Meltoo Road, West Brtdfford, NotUnebain, wife Sydney J. Libby, a son. ...

*** Notices of Births. Morriagts, a.nd Demiht «re ehorged 2s. id. each, prepaid. They must be authenticated by ..

... and address the sender. N.11.~ Notices of Births. Marriages, or Deaths cannot under any circumstances accepted per TELEPHONE. **/» Manor iam Notices, 2s. 6d. each, and 2s. 6d. extra for all matter up (o four lines beyond the piem ODDT.—October 28, at Button House, Bradford, Hr. and Mis. Thomas P. Oddy, daughter. SMlTH.—October 27. the wife Herbert A. Smith, of Alameda,” Brandon Grore, Leeds, ...


... Latest news.l affairs f > Tuesday.—A serious crisis exists in ' A Zola deputation, numbering nearly a 168 ftnd »llowers, now waiting a few Ration r an ience with the Governor. The ete *ayo' 8 » re rese the ex-King's party ; three / ,er chief rotherti ar present in person ;it also includes unn, who come to protest The de »y. tation without pass from the Resident, carp matterB m °re critical. ...


... Vk*Jtßi n«e City Coroner inquiry into tihe deuth Jack Craven Bird, aahroe-year-old chilu. who at Barnby-etreet, Wyka. Re whiht the child’* parent* «*r> W'ng a vi«t to relative, at Htorr Hill, tt« «>i!d was left alone in bed. Scream* «ere ■J**™. and the child »a« found with itr. flannelette tiainea had .t boa matche* in hand. A verdict Accidental death” wae returned. • «im*ed in the Ladie. —At ...

LIST OF VISITORS. TERRACE. Mr. >l»rlinL |1« i A' tonf Ho„ M Mrs I rn 22CavenA#hHou8e 8 Nason, Mrs Misses

... ork lirucc, Mr, Mrs «“ , ondoll .Austen, Mr, Mrs, nurse Sneers, Mr .IT Crews. A* Miss •; Sister Mary Ilorbury 11 Uadtield, Mra , Chester „ » Blenkin.Revrß.MrsA^ Mr JP 1-. Vialls. Mrs Misses London IS I'almcr, Mr, Mrs fam Surrey 1» Furloy, Mr W Mrs Bonnieinooth, Higgins, Mr C, Mrs, Dariiton, Mr T. Mrs A: Miss Ashtoniuidcr-liTne I’clers, Mr J, Mrs. nurse A 27 Towncnd. Rev Shepston Rectory. Ashby ...