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Northern Star and Leeds General Advertiser



Yorkshire, England

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Northern Star and Leeds General Advertiser

Advertisements & Notices

... ' tE _14L0DDO5-'--A', T ?? Y ?? V EDWARD Rl ODE Si ESPETFUIannounces to;:the Inhabitants of LEEDS Tud *tB Vicinit thiat be hataken J~J8P E..FU . L . tie Premises 1ate y occupied by .IE'SSRS.'iSTEAD, & SI PS:O , 132, KIRxGA,TE, Which he intends to Open In a Fewx Days, with an :~iETJRENW STOCK:r fy youth, s1S~i', NAVIR, bi every Sre,4i QuiU* 'From the-Experie.ceE E heth atiin t4ie i alX i ] cb, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... . tEET, ablic to his d those who heard of his performing at .s in general; study the case isorders, viz., The Cancer, inches around its aution and vigour ming its sufferer, n untimely grave. lns cuted, although )sed merit. PILLS. ae infatuated youth vortex of forbi den ich the sufferer sedrce- dsfourtunes by any plan .ical treatment he may, 3 to these, in particular, ich they stand in so much ...

Advertisements & Notices

... idi fJ: THOMARSTANN;ET haying iompmeniced the XBusiness of.MAooiNE. MAXING in :the above Line, beg leave: to offei their Services to.the Public. Hayingdev.ted ?? tow the iTrade, tihey.'have not the slightest doubt of being: able? to DnuitcUre Maclhines of the* .tery. bes~t1 Kind 1ahd 'of the-hwst a.^orvea. Fri ijiloes. i, S~enitleiieni: ?? them ltSf, i : in THE ATIONAL' INCHOO, 0GRA ; j ...

Advertisements & Notices

... XOOlZDRCzAL. RooO~U Lms EDS. ?!IEAGREAT MAGICIAN 5'R0M TEIE EHANGE ROOMS, MANCHESTER. RJ R. T. H. ANDERSON, the GREAT MAnI- CIAN, desirous of grati.ying the Ladies and ?? of LEEDS and its Vicinity, has the Ionour of announcing that he will for a SHORT 'TIME ONLY, perform his wonderful Feats of IDexterity, and he hopes the unqualified approbation -which was bestowed on his exertions at ...

Advertisements & Notices

... V THE Public are most respectfully informed that the SURPRISE COACH still continues, and will continue in spite of all monopoly, to run as long us anry 'eouch on the Road, and at as Low Fares, from the TALBOT INN and No. 123, BRIGGATE, Two Doors above Kirkgate End, LEEDS, every Day, (Sundays exeeptedj at a Quarter before Twelve o'Clock. The above Coach will leave the BEE HIVE and WHIITE BEAR, ...

Advertisements & Notices

... COM~fl iDSGAL RCO~3,.1 ZL:E~zff. THE GREAT -MAGICIAN FROM TilE EXCHANGE ROOMS, MANCHESTER. M R. T. H. ANDERSON, the GREAT MA(cI- l ClAN, desirous of gratifying the Ladies and Gentlemen of LEEus and its Vicinity, oas the bonour of announcing that he will Ior a SH(OU T 'TIME ONLY, performn his wondeviul Feats of Dexterity, and he hopes the unqualified approbation which was bestowed on his ...

Advertisements & Notices

... WEHEREAS a Fiat in BANKRUPTCY is awarded and issued forth against ROBERT MOORE SNOWDEN, of Malton, in the County of York, Draper, Dealer and Chapman, and he being declared a Bankrupt is hereby required to sur- render himself to the Commissioners in the said Fiat, named, or the major part of them, on the 18th Day of January Instant, and 20th Day of February next, at the Robin Hood Inn, in the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... 7JHiERS a Fiat in BAlIUPTCY is _ awarded and issued Iorth aganist ROBERT 6OORE SNOWDEN, of Malton, in the County of York, Draper, Dealer and Chapman,,and le being declared a Bankrupt is hereby required to'bun- render himself to the Commissioners in the said Fiat, named, or the major part of thor, on the ?? Day of January Instant, and 20th Day of February next, at the Robin Hoed Inn, in the ...

Advertisements & Notices

... MORE NEWS TO THE ,PUBLIC. t5HE Oa~i'EsT ad P9 TEST COACH to '.Mainchekter isthbe SURPRISE qOACH, which 14eav.'tle White Swan Inn, top of Bnggate, and the&V neester Coach Office, \o: 123, Briggate, (Two D)sers above Kirkgate End,) and the Saddle Inn, Briggate, Leeds, every Day, (Sunday excepted) at a Qaarter before Twelve ?? ; through Eiuddersfield and Oldham, to Manchester, arriving in tine ...

Advertisements & Notices

... N OTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN, That the XT late lirim of R RYDER and DOBSON, of Castleford, in the Countv of York, 'Wine and Spirit Merclhants, is Dissolved, the said ROBERT RYDEIt having recently been Discharged from her Majesty's Prison, the ileet, under the Insolent Debtor's Act. All Persons who stand Indebted to the said late Firm are hereby cautioned against paying any Monies to the said ...

Advertisements & Notices

... B3OWNA-S' BAXIKRUPTCVr rh the BANKRUTTCY of WILlAM I BOWNASof Wortley, in the Parish 'of Leeds, ras the County 'df York, Cloth Mantifraetnrers. E5eeond Meeting for Proof of Debts, and for the 33an'kmtpt to pass 'his last Exanmination, at the court House in fleeds, on Friday thh Ninth Day ?? nox-1 at Eleven ?? in the After- mpon. Bv Order. CIIAS. NieAYLOR, Solicitors to the ''2HOS. F. FODEN. ...

Advertisements & Notices

... CAtPIT AL TWv ti JILL1ONS Si;Ltt\O. .Ta(d O!fiire, - 7, ?? ckawa StrvcY, (ltcgea'. mB HE 'WEST OF S('OTLAND F IR1. IN- i SJ'3U M'AE ?? t.1L AN~T ?? Jo ocsine, thll A :O ellus ' lii cii t 'ordl tn (CO!- tinued bl'i 1-Icsini'ss ofit th ' C ollpalily 01ow tissolved. T(e whniolr hnsurmiucs hzave been tranoiferrol to the IMIIFCTOTIlS John Cnillabell Colt;uliomii, Esq, MtT'. of-.iller- moo0t., ?? ...